Everything “On a deeper level you are already complete. When you realize that, there is a joyous energy behind what you do.” ~Eckhart Tolle
Everything Is Okay With You?
Eckhart Tolle says that the most important step toward happiness is to see and accept one’s own inner completeness. A lot of people look for fulfillment and happiness in things like moving up in their careers, making new purchases, or cultivating close personal relationships.
Tolle, on the other hand, proposes that on a more fundamental level, we already possess everything that we require, and that the decision to be happy is one that must be made from within.
When we reach the point where we realize that we are complete on the inside, we no longer have a need to seek validation from other people.
When we stop trying to measure ourselves against the expectations of other people and when we stop trying to live up to other people’s standards, we can feel a sense of calm and contentment.
Knowing that we are complete on the inside can also infuse our actions with a sense of joy and enthusiasm, regardless of what we are doing.
We can look at life with an attitude of gratitude and abundance instead of trying to fill an empty space, and we can go after our dreams with energy and focus instead of trying to fill an empty space.
Simply put, this quote by Tolle alludes to the idea that we already have everything we need and that realizing this can make a big difference in our lives for the better. Tolle was a spiritual teacher and author.
The one and only reliable source of the completeness of spirit that every person looks for can be found within one’s own internal resources.
You will feel a profound sense of peace and fulfillment when you love and accept yourself exactly as you are, without any need to change or improve in any way. When you do this, there is no need to change or improve in any way.
Table of Contents
- 1 A person’s inner wholeness can be born in many different ways, including the following:
- 2 How I have come to know that both of these assertions are true:
- 2.1 You are taking part in life to the best of your ability and are always trying to improve your skills.
- 2.2 You, like everyone else, are going to make mistakes, but this will give you the opportunity to learn new skills as you go.
- 2.3 Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, book smart or street smart, creative or technical, you’re one of a kind. Nobody else in the world could possibly learn from anyone else as effectively as they could from you.
- 2.4 There is no one correct approach to life that one can take.
- 2.5 Regardless of whether your actions or ideas have an impact on millions or just one person, you will never become someone; you already are someone.
- 2.6 You do not deservingly deserve for anyone to cause you pain.
- 2.7 You are capable of feeling and responding to various emotions.
- 2.8 You still have a pulse at this very moment, and it is entirely up to you to decide what you will do with it.
- 2.9 You choose the alternative that you believe to be the best one that is currently available to you.
- 2.10 You are beautiful on the inside as well as the outside (everytime and in everything).
- 3 “There’s Nothing Wrong with You” by MARINA
A person’s inner wholeness can be born in many different ways, including the following:
- Acceptance of oneself is the first step toward cultivating a feeling of inner wholeness; therefore, making acceptance of oneself a habit is essential.
- Realizing and accepting one’s complete self, faults and all, is the first step toward achieving self-acceptance. There are a variety of techniques available for achieving this, such as mindfulness meditation, journaling, and psychotherapy.
- Paying attention to the things going on inside of you can help you become more self-aware. It can be used to help with both self-reflection and building a stronger sense of self-acceptance.
- Taking part in activities that are important to you personally can help you feel whole and balanced on the inside. One can be true to their values and follow their passions in many different ways, such as through hobbies, meaningful work, and volunteer work.
- It is important to make gratitude a consistent part of your life because it is a powerful practice that can contribute to the growth of a feeling of completeness on the inside. One of the ways that one can cultivate gratitude for one’s life and for the world is to focus on acknowledging one’s blessings rather than bemoaning one’s misfortunes.
- Being kind and patient with yourself is an important part of having compassion for yourself. This is especially important when things are hard. It is possible for it to play a role in the development of a person’s sense of value and love for themselves.
- Emotional resilience and mental health are closely linked, and a key part of both is the ability to deal well with difficult situations and strong emotions. This could mean doing things like going for a run, taking a few long, deep breaths, or talking to a trusted friend or therapist.
- People’s sense of belonging and sense of purpose can be improved by the quality of the relationships they have with people in their immediate surroundings. Reaching out to the people in your social circle or becoming involved in a community group are both great ways to start building relationships with other people.
- You should give yourself permission to be vulnerable, which means you should be honest and open with both yourself and other people. It is possible for a person’s sense of acceptance and belonging to grow, and as a consequence, they may find themselves involved in relationships that are more meaningful.
- The cultivation of a sense of spirituality, whether that be through the practice of an organized religion or one’s own personal set of beliefs, is one way for a person to feel more connected to something that is greater than themselves. It’s possible that this will give some people’s lives more depth and purpose, as well as direction.
- When a person makes it a habit to regularly engage in self-reflection—that is, when they think about and write down their feelings, thoughts, and experiences—they are able to learn more about themselves as well as their inner world. There is a chance that people will think more about themselves and accept their own qualities as a result.
Finding and developing one’s own sense of inner wholeness is a journey that is different for each person. Accepting yourself, knowing yourself, and doing things that fit with your values and interests are all important parts of living a happy life. Happiness is the result of this trifecta. These approaches can help one cultivate a greater sense of completeness, contentment, and joy in their life.
In addition, you should believe me when I say that there is nothing even remotely wrong with me.
In a similar vein, no matter who you are or where you come from, there is nothing wrong with you.
How I have come to know that both of these assertions are true:
You are making the most of what you have and always trying to get better.
You are taking part in life to the best of your ability and are always trying to improve your skills.
You are making the most of what you have and always trying to get better. There is no point in beating yourself up over the fact that you can’t do better than someone else if you can’t do better than they can.
You, like everyone else, are going to make mistakes, but this will give you the opportunity to learn new skills as you go.
It seems like you’re behaving in an appropriate manner.
Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, book smart or street smart, creative or technical, you’re one of a kind. Nobody else in the world could possibly learn from anyone else as effectively as they could from you.
The one and only possibility of communicating information that only you have access to.
There is no one correct approach to life that one can take.
Doing things that bring you joy without bringing misery to other people is the key to living a beautiful life.
Regardless of whether your actions or ideas have an impact on millions or just one person, you will never become someone; you already are someone.
You have a significant impact, regardless of whether or not you are aware of it.
You do not deservingly deserve for anyone to cause you pain.
It is never completed. The conversation has come to an end.
You are capable of feeling and responding to various emotions.
Simply put, that is how we as humans behave. If you think that you could benefit from practicing to refine your responses, the good news is that you are not alone in thinking that way.
You still have a pulse at this very moment, and it is entirely up to you to decide what you will do with it.
It is not possible to give a response that is correct or incorrect. (Except in the case where your end goal is to mutilate a puppy or something else equally sick.)
You choose the alternative that you believe to be the best one that is currently available to you.
As you learn more, get more experience, and grow up, you’ll find that you come to different conclusions about some things.
You are beautiful on the inside as well as the outside (everytime and in everything).
When I find that I am being overly critical of myself, I will read this, and it will help me feel better. I really hope that whenever you try to come up with an excuse to not enjoy the present moment, this helps you feel better.
I can’t help but bring up this one song by Marina that comes to mind. I would appreciate it if you could read the lyrics that are provided below and then respond to this discussion thread with your thoughts.
“There’s Nothing Wrong with You” by MARINA
Paranoid, insecure
Not sure what you’re meant to be
Isolated, on your own
Running low on self-esteem
Feeling like you don’t relate
But you pretend to be okay
You just scroll the pain away
You’ve been living in your mind
Like a movie on rewind
Something’s playing out of time
We can’t live in black and white (we can’t live in black and white)
There’s nothing wrong with you
I know what you’re going through
That’s how I used to be, so trust me
There’s nothing wrong with you
Can’t believe it but it’s true
That’s how I used to be
‘Till I realised
There’s nothing wrong with me
There’s nothing wrong with you (there’s nothing wrong with you)
There’s nothing wrong with me
There’s nothing wrong with you (there’s nothing wrong with you)
Followers, show your wealth
A better version of yourself
Photograph on a screen
But they don’t see behind the scenes
Tears run down your face
But you pretend to be okay
You just scroll the pain away
You’ve been living in your mind
Like a movie on rewind
Something’s playing out of time
I can see you’re paralyzed (I can see you’re paralyzed)
There’s nothing wrong with you
I know what you’re going through
That’s how I used to be, so trust me
There’s nothing wrong with you
Can’t believe it but it’s true
That’s how I used to be
‘Till I realized
There’s nothing wrong with me
There’s nothing wrong with you (there’s nothing wrong with you)
There’s nothing wrong with me
There’s nothing wrong with you (there’s nothing wrong with you)
All of the fears
All of the lies
All of the filters
All of the likes (likes)
Don’t need to change
Don’t need to try
You are who you are
You’re doing just fine (fine)
There’s nothing wrong with you
I know what you’re going through
That’s how I used to be, so trust me
There’s nothing wrong with you
Can’t believe it but it’s true
That’s how I used to be
‘Till I realized
There’s nothing wrong with me
There’s nothing wrong with you (there’s nothing wrong with you)
There’s nothing wrong with me
There’s nothing wrong with you (there’s nothing wrong with you)
There’s nothing wrong with you
I know what you’re going through (there’s nothing wrong with you)
That’s how I used to be, so trust me
There’s nothing wrong with you
I know what you’re going through (there’s nothing wrong with you)
That’s how I used to be, so trust me
There’s nothing wrong with you
I know what you’re going through (there’s nothing wrong with you)
That’s how I used to be, so trust me.
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