24 Life Hacks For Living a Happy And Extraordinary life

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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24 Life Hacks For Living a Happy And Extraordinary Life

Life! To each person, the concept of “living the good life” will have a unique meaning.

Still, most people in the modern world have at least a vague idea of what this idea means. In its most basic form, the good life is a series of small pleasures that get bigger and better over time.


To live a good life, you must be the type of person who looks forward to waking up each morning and taking on the challenges that the day may bring. It has nothing to do with things you can buy or feelings you can manufacture.

You live a good life if you do good deeds for other people, work hard to realize your own dreams, and think about the impact you want to have on the world when you pass on.

Who could forget the Entourage episode in which Kanye West debuted “The Good Life chorus ” on the private jet’s takeoff? He wasn’t referring so much to the characters’ financial gains as to their commemoration of their shared triumph and struggle.

All too often, people let themselves get caught up in the what-ifs and what-if-nots of their lives, both in the past and in the future.

To them, the passing of time is a series of meaningless events, and so it dulls their senses lives, both in the past and in the future. To them, the passing of time is a series of meaningless events, and so it dulls their senses. After all, time is the greatest resource we have for enjoying life to the fullest.

To anyone who cares to give it some thought, this world remains a miracle despite all our scientific knowledge. Quote by Thomas Carlyle: Listed below are a few easy techniques for enjoying life more fully. There are many challenges in life. The majority of our time is spent learning as we go.

We hurt the people we care about by making poor choices, trusting the wrong people, and acting in hurtful ways. It can cause mental havoc in our daily lives, but there are ways to recover quickly. We can’t give you a plan for your life, but we can give you some of the best advice we’ve found for staying healthy, happy, and stress-free. Using these guidelines, you can find contentment with your life while still pursuing your own interests and goals. Let’s try out these hints for a better life.

1. Establish Good Habits


Building positive routines is the key to reaching your goals. What you do defines you. Social media can be a great source of entertainment, but if you spend hours a day mindlessly scrolling through your feeds, you will lead a mindless life. You can get very far in your career if you prioritize it over everything else in your life. In most cases, you can expect to be well-liked by others if you put your family first. Finding meaning in life is more likely if you try to strike a balance between work and play. What you become is a product of your daily choices. Choose your routines wisely.

2. Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone

We never take the risks we need to get ahead in life because we are always on our phones. Of course, we all err occasionally. But have you ever tried to test the waters by going against conventional wisdom? The point of existence is to experience the world and the people in it. You won’t find the keys to your success and happiness tucked away in a blanket on your couch. You don’t have to launch a company, but you should make some sort of strategy for your future that brings you closer to the life you envision for yourself.

3. Pursue Your Passions

Doing what you’re passionate about is a great piece of advice. In every respect. Find thirty minutes to an hour every day to go for a walk if you enjoy doing so, and use that time to practice mindfulness. Do some painting in your spare time if that’s what you enjoy doing. You could make a living as a freelance writer for a website if you have a serious passion for writing. Perhaps you find joy in physical activity and decide to share that joy by teaching fitness classes on the side.

There is no such thing as too much happiness when you focus on doing the things you love, whether you’re doing them for money or for fun. Who, after all, would choose a career path guaranteed to make them miserable for the rest of their lives? Performing a task that you find detestable does not qualify you as a martyr. You can also go in a different direction.

4. Ignore Unpleasant Ideas


Putting up mental walls to stop yourself from thinking about bad things is a good way to make your life better. I get it; it’s easier to say than to actually do. In the beginning, you will have to tell your mind to stop thinking so much. But you can lessen your negative mental chatter. You must train your mind to think more positively. For every negative thought that enters your mind, you must immediately replace it with a constructive one. Don’t let your inner negative Nancy drag you down a rabbit hole from which there is no escape.

5. Make regular meditation a part of your routine.

Meditation is one of the best habits you can develop. Understanding your life better is one of the benefits of meditating. Your awareness is brought back to the here and now. You know how your thoughts constantly juggle between the present and the future? I see now why you’re always down and stressed. However, tranquility can be found in the here and now. One of the benefits is an increase in awareness of one’s surroundings and one’s own actions. By focusing on the here and now, you will find more happiness in life. Why? Simply put, you broke free of your mental prison.

6. Avoid holding grudges.

Becoming the best version of yourself is the focus of these life hacks. It’s easy to harbor resentment, and even easier to plot retaliation or destruction. Is that really helpful, though? What’s more, imagine if that happened to you every time you made a mistake or had a bad day. Your own good intentions are assumed, but the other people aren’t even considered. Don’t let yourself get trapped in unbreakable mental ruts. Spend some of your morning doing a loving-kindness meditation to help you let go of any resentment you may have and instead fill your heart with compassion.

7. Practice acts of kindness every day.

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Practicing daily acts of kindness is a great way to bring more joy into your life. It’s surprisingly simple and doesn’t necessitate much effort on your part. Be nice to people on social media by commenting on their posts. Send birthday greetings when you receive a reminder about a friend or acquaintance. The more kindness you show the world, the better off you’ll be in the long run. The more compassionate you are, the less pressure you’ll feel over time.

8. Don’t Get Stuck in a Routine

It’s always a good feeling when you get some cash in your bank account. However, work is only a small part of your life. While the success of your business is obviously important, it may start to get in the way of other things that are important to you. The financial institution is not the source of your joy.

Wealth could secure your future, but maybe you want to invest in something more meaningful. Imagine yourself developing further. Expect to be surrounded by loving and supportive relatives. Imagine the peace that will come from a well-rounded existence. And make an effort to stay healthy as you get older.

9. Adopt a Minimalist Lifestyle

Nothing could be easier than these suggestions. Keeping your life to a minimum can prevent a lot of stress. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to have a modest dwelling and few possessions. There’s less clutter, which means less cleaning and less stress. Material possessions are meaningless. People tend to As a result, you may be relieved to have fewer possessions than you once did and less inclined to cling to useless relics from bygone eras. Having less stuff makes one feel lighter.

10. Engage Your Curiosity

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Inquiring, “What would it be like if…” leads to some of life’s most memorable experiences. I fancied myself a daredevil when I was in my twenties. I used to train kick box and ride my bike over logs. It forces you to push past comfort zones and engage in potentially harmful behavior. However, there are times when being curious isn’t about discovering something you like. What this is about is maturing into your full potential. To learn one’s true opinion of something, one must first experience it. That’s the kind of helpful advice you need to test out for yourself.

12. Spend Less

Some financial advice will help you out in life, but only up to a certain point. After all, food and shelter are two necessities that cannot be obtained without money. Yet it’s not a great experience to constantly worry about money. The state of your finances is crucial.

Do your best to put money aside for a “rainy day” instead of spending it on frivolous things. When money is tight, it can be helpful to have a part-time job while you work on building your business or finding a freelance gig. While this may temporarily prevent you from engaging in some of your favorite activities, it will ultimately help you get your finances in order so that you can pay your bills on time and put money away for a rainy day. Working multiple jobs for many years would be counterproductive. Money isn’t everything, but it does help. If you want to save money, you should also reduce the frequency with which you spend money.

12. Quit Trying to Impress Others

Never waste your time trying to impress others. We think of ourselves as the center of our own universe. If evolution is about surviving long enough to reproduce and accomplish one’s life’s goals, then it is up to each individual to believe in his or her own significance.

On the other hand, in the real world, everyone thinks they’re number one. Our evolutionary make-up necessitates this trait to ensure our species’ survival and further expansion. Never try to make someone see you as more significant than they are. Even if you put in a lot of effort, it won’t work. Think about how you can make yourself happier and less stressed out. Don’t waste your time trying to please other people; instead, focus on making your own dreams a reality. Maybe the life you imagine other people want you to lead.

13. Join a gym.

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As part of your regular routine, you could benefit from going to the gym. It’s doable to equip a home gym with everything a person would need to perform an entire workout. To build for future health is the only reason to exercise.

To prevent the natural attrition of muscle mass that comes with advancing age, a weightlifting regimen can be an excellent choice. Knowing how to defend yourself in potentially fatal situations will also help you feel more secure. Regular exercise is one of those practices that can improve your mood immediately and should be implemented immediately.

14. Do not judge yourself according to the standards of others.

One of the most important pieces of advice is to not judge yourself by the standards of others. It will bring you nothing but misery. Putting yourself in the company of others for the purpose of comparison is a losing game. Not all sides have better grass. The grass is not greener anywhere else, including under you.

There is enough vegetation in the world for everyone. All of us are on our own individual journeys because of the unique combination of experiences and abilities we’ve accumulated. Their choice is neither superior nor inferior to yours.

Just to be clear, it’s not the same. It is possible to spend a lifetime playing the “life is better than yours because I am so much better than you” game, only to discover that no one else is playing. What a pointless expenditure of precious brainpower. It’s important to savor the good times while they last. And reflect on the causes of the challenging times in order to learn from them.

15. Realize it’s Fine to Fail Sometimes

Simply proceed in the proper route. Learning from your mistakes is the key to finding fulfillment in life. There’s no need to wallow in self-pity or get sucked into a black hole of cynicism if you truly care about righting your wrongs. If you can, laugh off your mistakes, make amends with a friend you’ve wronged, start listening to the advice you’ve always disregarded, and push yourself to improve. You need not become a villain or an example.

Don’t let your mistakes of the past hold you back from a brighter future; instead, focus on improving your choices right now.

16. Stay out of Debt

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Most people believe that debt is an inevitable part of life because of how pervasive it is in so many societies. Although monetary difficulties can throw us off course, we should make every effort to keep from becoming indebted to others. One simple strategy is to refrain from making ostentatious purchases.

The general tendency is to outdo one’s peers and kin. To give off the impression that they have plenty of money, they will purchase larger homes, more vehicles, and other luxury items. However, putting on an air of affluence is not the same as actually having wealth. The lesson to be learned from this is to not put yourself in the position of having to take on additional debt just to maintain appearances.

17. Listen Carefully

Give the impression that you care about what other people have to say. Simply listening and showing interest in another person’s thoughts and feelings can help them blossom into their full potential.

You’d probably like it if others did the same for you. Others will listen to you more if you consistently put yourself in their shoes. Listening more than talking allows successful people to understand others’ needs and provide assistance in a manner that is most appreciated by them.

To communicate your thoughts to others, try writing them down. When you’re in company, focus on them instead of yourself. The majority of people have a hard time feeling like their voices are being heard.

18. Keep people’s names and birthdays in mind

Remembering people’s names and birthdays is an important skill. The sound of your name is the most beautiful sound in the world. To top it all off, it’s always nice when people remember your name and birthday.

Go out of your way to celebrate other people’s birthdays if you want to lead a happy life. Sending a quick message on their special day will make them feel more energized. If you wait even one day, the novelty will have worn off. Find out someone’s name and birthday the moment you meet them.

Mark it down on your phone as a reminder. Or, if necessary, repeat their name several times throughout your conversation with them.

19. Strive for Work-Life Harmony

Maintaining a good work-life balance is an important life hack. The vast majority do not. Work becomes more important than personal life for most people. They attribute it to their aspirational nature. All they care about is making it big. Or, even worse, they tell themselves a fib and say they enjoy their work when they really don’t.

On the other hand, they secretly despise their jobs. They’ve run away to avoid living. Friends who know the truth about them are the ones they are trying to avoid. They are trying to avoid their loving families.

They avoid the kinds of challenges that help you develop as a person. Nothing can be done to avoid working. However, you shouldn’t make work your sole focus in life.

20. Whenever possible, visit with close friends and family.

When someone we care about dies, we crumble to pieces. Our goal is to retrieve them. The pain of defeat overwhelms us. However, while we are all still physically present, we choose to ignore them or even fight with them. Getting into an argument with someone is a decision you make, not a necessary evil. Having a fight with everyone you have an argument with is unnecessary. Remember that your loved ones deserve your undivided attention and patience.

Choose kindness whenever possible. If you’re feeling frustrated with someone, you can try giving them the benefit of the doubt. One can make the decision to put love ahead of hate. Take full advantage of the time you have with your loved ones while you still can. Indulge in as much quality time as you can with them. Don’t forget to contact them frequently. It’s always possible that this is your last chance.

21. Be Thankful

You will face many challenges and difficulties in your lifetime. This is correct. There’s no denying it. However, you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of people who have extended a helping hand to you over the years. Educators have provided for your upbringing. There are people who have supported you throughout this journey. You have been blessed with advantages that others may have wished for but never received. Benefit from gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal. Concentrate on what you do have rather than what you don’t.

Appreciation for the present moment arises from an awareness of one’s possessions. So when you lose some of what you have now, at least you’ll know you treasured the people in your life while you had them.

22. Revitalize Your Inspiration

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Those who consistently achieve their goals are able to inspire themselves at any time. However, the methods they use to boost their own importance are not unique. They might make a schedule to simplify their workload, divide it up into more manageable chunks, seek out social support, play upbeat music, or watch motivational videos to boost their spirits.

If you take the time to celebrate your progress, you’ll find that inspiration comes to you more often. High-fiving yourself over these mini-victories will help you maintain your focus and momentum as you continue to move closer to your goal.

23. Travel Around the World

Traveling is a great way to learn about yourself and the world. No one says you have to have a million dollars to go see the world. It’s possible to have a fantastic vacation for under $500. You can take a road trip across the country and visit new cities and states, or you can fly across the world and learn about exotic cultures. The point of traveling is to meet new people and experience new cultures so that you can piece together as many viewpoints as possible to form a holistic understanding of the world and your place in it.

24. Do Things Your Own Way

The last piece of advice we have for you is to follow your own path through life. Believe us when we say that other people will gladly dictate your identity, behavior, and worldview if you give them the chance. Of course, not everyone is rooting for your success. On the other hand, nobody owes it to you to hope for the best. Every person has to find their own path through life. “Live in accordance with your nature,” the philosophers advise.

That’s code for doing what you were born to do with your life. The longer you live, the more you’ll discover about who you are. Carry yourself as the person you’ve always known you should. Fear should not cause you to take an unwise detour. Be you. To maintain equilibrium, the world requires genuine people like you.


Do you think that getting back on track is easier with these suggestions? Because you can never be sure of how much time you have left, life can feel very short. Enjoy every second of your time here. Enjoy some quiet time to reflect on how lucky you are to have had such an extraordinary adventure.

Share your feelings with those you care about. Prioritize the needs of others. Act in ways that are true to who you really are. Put down the work laptop and spend time with the “annoying” relative who just won’t shut up. It’s the little things like this that give life its meaning and value.

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