4O Tips Making Every Day Stunning

Not always have I felt this way.

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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Being Stunning? To be honest, I do live a pretty enviable existence. I don’t intend to seem conceited, but I really couldn’t ask for a better life than the one I have right now.

Not always have I felt this way.

When I was younger, I never imagined that my life would be so lovely. I had a dreadful outlook on life, a soul-destroying work that I only somewhat, on the surface, enjoyed, and a passion for things that could never satisfy me. To get where I am now required a lot of hard work and effort.


Nowadays, I, like everyone else, am dealing with difficulties.

I am fully aware of my own shortcomings and the need to work on them (or major overhaul). Sadness, other people’s negativity, and a sense of hopelessness about the state of the world may easily overwhelm and depress me. Yet I prefer to think about funny things, joyous occasions, and profound aspects of life. Life, in general, is lovely.

I’m not referring to superficial beauty, however being surrounded by beauty might make you feel more at peace with yourself.

When I say “beauty,” I mean something more profound. Something that cannot be purchased in a regular store. One that demonstrates your interconnectedness with other human beings, inspires you, and makes you glad to be alive.

Several of you who are already flourishing must have your own secret recipe for success

Here are 40 suggestions for improving one’s existence in a stunning way

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1. Take a breath. Take a deep breath of the clean air outside. Take a break and enjoy the cherry blossoms, daisies, and flying birds. Take it easy and live in the now so you can appreciate the little things.

2. Jump. Leap onto a trampoline, a bed, or a stack of dirty laundry. Children find great entertainment in the activity of jumping. Do as you’re told.

3. Smile. If necessary, you can practice in front of a mirror. Test it out on at least two other people. Test the spreadability of the disease.

4. Rest. Try reclining for a change of pace. Then, close your eyes and wait for that sigh of relief.

to read

5. Read. Ideally, it would be something that would make you feel a variety of emotions, such as being surprised, excited, challenged, entertained, inspired, or encouraged. Read Facebook status updates instead if you’re not in the mood for any of that. If you need them, they’ll do.

6. Cook. Yourself, a friend, a spouse, a family, a class, etc. Try it. The effect will be to increase your appetite or eliminate whatever desire you had to overeat. Indeed, this is especially true when working in the kitchen with a five-year-old who likes to pick his nose and lick his fingers.

7. Walk. Spend some time strolling. This time spent alone will be refreshing. It’ll be more inspiring to do with a pal.

8. Work. Put in a lot of effort to succeed. While you’re at it, give it your all. Don’t bother it again after you’ve finished the job. Also, I suggest you go outside and have some fun.


9. Play. Rather than working, you should play. Not doing anything with your life means missing out on the full experience. Focus on the good times.

10. Choose joy. It’s a mix of mentality, feeling, and free will. You’ll get there faster and with less effort if you choose happiness.

11. Believe in yourself. It can change the world. It also performs admirably when presented with molehills.

12. Do something kind for yourself. Spend money on a whim. In that case, put it to good use. A lot.

13. Love. Love softly and deeply. Well, love.


14 – Be open and honest with yourself. Whether it’s on paper, over the phone, or in an electronic message. Communicate this to a concerned party. As often as you can, you should tell them.

15) Workout regularly. Do what you need to do to reach your objectives. Make some fresh plans and objectives. Stay the course. Also, make it practical.

16. Take a lot of photographs. Document your life with a camera. It’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words. The truth will reveal itself if you look closely enough.

17 – Go on an adventure. You should take that vacation or excursion. Take a trip to all the exotic locations you’ve always imagined.


18. Kiss frequently. Make sure to give kisses to your significant other, friends, family, and kids. When all else fails, kiss a stuffed animal. And on March 17, give an Irish person a kiss.

19. Do everything it takes to realize your biggest aspirations. Track them down with the tenacity of a hound after a fox. Stop them from escaping. Devote the rest of your life to obeying them. And savor the joy you’ll feel as you witness their realization.

20. Pray. Thankfully, God is attentive. A sound has reached his ears. I know. In a myriad of contexts, I have heard his Voice.

21. Do something that scares you. Engage in a venture that will test your limits. Something that challenges you while also helping you develop as a person. Make the most of this opening to facilitate the same for someone else.


22. Engage in conversation with a young person. Young people have knowledge that has been lost to the adult population. Kids have a way of bringing things back into perspective. When everything has been taken into account.

23. Educate yourself each and every day. Introspectively ponder, “What did I take away from today?” Never accept ‘nothing’ as a satisfactory response. That’s ridiculous and you know it.

24. Get in touch with an old pal you’ve lost touch with. Send them a note, an email, or a message on Facebook. Explain how much you value their friendship and everything it has meant to you over the years.

25. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Avoid being ambiguous. , Uncertain. But maybe when you’re at a fancy dinner party with folks you don’t know. Hence, disregard my previous statements entirely.

26. Laugh. Often. Heartily. Loud. Enthusiastically. Exceptionally healthy for human consumption. Quick relief from tense muscles.

27. Be willing to forgive. Add another seven zeroes to make it seventy.

28. Take up a pastime. You’re going to want that money when you finally stop working. While you still have the financial means to do so, you might as well start experimenting with the pricier possibilities.

29. Forget about the past. Okay, so that was back then. So, here we are. Just take each day as it comes. And just trust that tomorrow will handle itself. Nevertheless, that’s a different discussion altogether.

30. Be proud of your flaws. You have flaws. Indeed, nobody else is, either. That’s not news to you. Also, they do. Let’s get down to business and make the most of our current situation. Unless you get Botox, you’re getting exactly what you see. So long (until tomorrow, when you wake up with a giant zit).


31. Cherish the small things in life. These can be the deciding factors in a situation. See the value in the small favor’s others perform for you. At times, they might completely alter the course of events. Those pivotal times when everything changes and new insights emerge.

32. Become a member of a club. An assembly, club, or seminar. Participate in a greater whole. In other words, not because you are being compensated for it. For no other reason than your own volition.

33. Compliment others around you. Don’t undervalue the individuals you have in your life. Share your awe with the people around you. Simply put, they are. Awesome.

34. Seek. Try to find something more meaningful than material goods to fill the hole. To gain heavenly rewards rather than material success. There is a finite lifespan for such materials. Finally, the search will resume. Do something useful using that empty space. When it comes down to Whom. See how your curiosity might take you to a more profound comprehension of your own satisfaction needs.

35. Celebrate birthdays annually with celebrations. Recognize the joy of living. Celebrating another year of life is in order. Well job, you finished the race! Here’s to the next year! That’s great, since you’re still around! Excellent news!

36. Meet new people and form new networks. While it’s true that nothing beats catching up with an old pal, you never know which new acquaintance could become that special someone in your life. Let’s have a chat!

37. Cherish as many moments of your life as you possibly can. Use every second of your day if you’re only given two. It’s the little things that mean the most. However uncommon they may be. Share your good fortune if you’re blessed with more than two loved ones. Your optimistic attitude on life could help others.

38. Treat your neighbor as you would like to be treated. Show compassion. Show some empathy. Caring. Kind. Merciful. The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated. No matter how often they fail to repay your kindness. But don’t be shocked if your life suddenly becomes a model for others to follow.

39. Fall in Love with Someone Larger. And love with all your heart, soul, and strength. With every fiber of your being and every ounce of your power. Nothing else compares to this. It’s the whole point of existence.

40. Play some music. With the aid of modern tools like Spotify, it’s simple to broaden one’s self musical horizons and experience new emotions. To begin, you can access our Spotify playlists directly from our Spotify page, which can be accessed from the main menu.

Reflection in the form of a list, specifically, a list of 40 suggestions for improving one’s quality of life. Considering the privilege of being healthy and living. Rejoicing in the blessing that is success as a mother, sister, aunt, or friend. A thought on the blessing that is good health. For one’s heart to be bursting with affection for others. That another person loves one. And to celebrate every May with the knowledge that you’ve been gifted another year of life. For the better part of 39 years at this point. It really is a good thing.

Our time together was like a blink of an eye. But nonetheless. The ability to be fully present and cognizant in every moment of life. Knowing how much we’ve been given. With a deep appreciation for all that we have received. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is so. It really is a difficult task. That should serve as a stark warning, too.

A beautiful existence is far bigger than 40 reasons. This is only the beginning with them. Yet, such is the nature of a gift. The pursuit of a never-ending tally of life’s numerous blessings. In order to enjoy a rich and satisfying existence. The next step is to figure out how to really appreciate the present. This present moment is a gift, as are the months and years that made up the past 39 and more.

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