Table of Contents
- 1 9 Reasons To Counting You Blessings (Even When Life Is Not Perfect Right Now)
- 1.1 1-Always remember to be thankful for your life.
- 1.2 2-You should be thankful that you were born in a nation with a high standard of living. Count your blessings.
- 1.3 3-Simply take pleasure in the fact that you can go outside and enjoy the sunshine and clean air.
- 1.4 4-Make the most of each fresh day (and its attendant possibilities).
- 1.5 5-Take pride in the fact that you have the ability to make the world a better place.
- 1.6 6-Take pride in the hardships and challenges you’ve overcome in the past.
- 1.7 7-Acknowledge and be grateful for the good things that have occurred in your life, no matter how insignificant they may seem.
- 1.8 8-Find joy in the experiences you’ve had in the past.
- 1.9 9-Be thankful that you have a roof over your head and count your blessings.
9 Reasons To Counting You Blessings (Even When Life Is Not Perfect Right Now)
Even in the worst of times, there are reasons for positive things to look forward to in the future, despite the fact that it may be hard to see them right now. Despite the unfortunate things that have occurred in your life, there are still plenty of reasons to rejoice.
I hope that this post will serve as a reminder to you that there is always something to look forward to, regardless of how dismal things may appear to be right now. Even though this won’t make you instantly happy, it might make it easier for you to maintain a positive outlook even when times are challenging.
I recently conducted a survey to find out what our readers felt gave them the most reason to celebrate. In this article, I will talk about the top ten things that have made me happy in the most recent past.
Why it’s so important to look for reasons to have a smile on your face.
To start, I’d like to give you some background information about how important it is to be thankful.
To be happy, you have to make a conscious effort to look for and take part in good things. It’s about making the conscious decision to feel good about yourself in spite of the difficulties you’re facing.
Finding gratitude in the little things is one of the most straightforward ways to show your appreciation. This piece of advice might seem too simple and without much substance, but it is actually right. It encourages you to keep a positive attitude no matter what problems you are facing.
Numerous empirical studies have shed light on the ways in which cultivating an attitude of gratitude can contribute to an individual’s overall sense of fulfillment. We have written a whole article on the subject of gratitude and happiness, in which we explain why having a grateful attitude is associated with a 10% increase in happiness.
When you make the effort to find happiness, it will immediately increase by 10% for you.
One of the most well-known studies about gratitude was done by Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough. This research was carried out in 2003. A total of 192 individuals were divided into three groups and given different conditions before being surveyed.
They were provided with a 30-factor scale at the end of each day on which they were to rate how they felt on a scale ranging from 1 to 5. Based on the responses, an individual’s level of subjective happiness was calculated.
The participants in each of the 3 groups were also given a separate task, the nature of which was decided by chance. This task was not related to any of the other activities. One of the groups was given the following assignment in the hopes of getting them to see the positive side of the situation.
There are many things in our lives, big and small, that we should be thankful for. Consider the past week, and on the lines below, jot down up to five things that you are thankful you experienced or accomplished.
The other groups had to do things that had nothing to do with showing gratitude. People who were “forced” to have a thankful attitude ended up being happier with their lives and more optimistic about the future. Those who weren’t “forced” to be thankful had lower levels of both hope and satisfaction.
People who are asked to consider the many blessings they have in their lives report feeling approximately 10% more content than those who were not given this prompt.
And that’s not even everything! One group of participants in this study was given the task of writing an expression of gratitude, during which they were to “gratefully remember” a previous hope that had not been fulfilled.
When compared to participants in the control group, those who participated in the gratitude practice reported higher levels of happiness as well as greater optimism regarding the future.
This shows that having an attitude of gratitude has a positive effect on a person’s mood.
Here are 9 reasons to put a smile on your face.
Research backs up the idea that one of the easiest ways to develop an attitude of gratitude is to concentrate on the good things in one’s life.
Then, can you tell me exactly what these things are? We have gathered locally relevant, research-backed examples because we want to give you the best. I hope that despite how difficult things may appear to be right now, you are able to find some happiness in the here and now with the help of these ten reasons.
Even if only two or three of these apply to you, that should be more than enough to remind you to be grateful. Even if only two or three of these apply to you.
1-Always remember to be thankful for your life.
Always remember to be thankful for your life.
Everyone who reads this will be happy to hear the following information: You are, in fact, still counted among the living.
The struggles of life can make it difficult to be grateful for the gift of another day, but every new day presents the chance to make your life better.
The errors of the past cannot be undone, but you have complete control over what you do in the future.
Being alive means that you have the chance to make positive changes in your life. And despite the fact that everything else in your life may appear to be falling apart at this very moment, you still have that to be thankful for.
2-You should be thankful that you were born in a nation with a high standard of living. Count your blessings.
The United States makes up approximately sixty percent of our readership, with smaller percentages coming from the United Kingdom (15 percent), Canada (5 percent), and Australia (5 percent).
It is reasonable to assume, given that you are reading this, that you were born in a nation that has a higher standard of living than the average country in the world.
You will have access to perks that are not available to the general population as a result of this. For instance, you most likely have access to a high-quality education as well as the right to vote.
For instance, you most likely have access to a high-quality education as well as the right to vote. You are also free to express what’s on your mind without worrying about the government taking action against you as a result.
All of these things should be cause for celebration. This is especially true when you consider the number of people around the world who have been denied access to these opportunities solely because of their place of birth in a less developed country.
3-Simply take pleasure in the fact that you can go outside and enjoy the sunshine and clean air.
Simply take pleasure in the fact that you can go outside and enjoy the sunshine and clean air.
The ability to go for a walk is frequently disregarded as something unremarkable. Even if it’s pouring outside!
According to the findings of a number of studies, going for a walk is good for one’s mental health. Researchers in the UK and Australia conducted a review in 2018 and found that walking has a number of connections to factors that are good for one’s mental health.
- Walking, either alone or with a group, has been shown to help prevent depression in addition to being used to treat the same name disorder.
- Getting some fresh air and going for a walk is an excellent way to de-stress.
- Increasing one’s self-esteem can be accomplished by going for a walk;
- There is some promising preliminary research that points to walking as an effective intervention for relieving mental strain.
- Walking is one activity that has the potential to strengthen and improve one’s mental health.
- Walking is known to have beneficial effects on one’s mental health.
Simply getting outside and going for a walk can completely change how the rest of your day goes.
Get out of the house and go for a walk if you’re feeling down right now and just can’t seem to pull yourself together for some reason. Take cover from the rain under an umbrella, and give thanks for the privilege of being able to move around even when it’s pouring. Spend some time outside and allow your mind to wander while you’re there.
Recently, one of our readers shared their perspective with us as follows:
I can’t express how grateful I am that you gave me permission to spend some time in the sunshine and fresh air outside. When I need to relax and unwind, I always find that spending time in nature, whether it be watching the sunset, lazing on the beach, or hiking in the mountains (when I’m traveling), is the best way to do so.
It is refreshing to take a break from the hectic pace of everyday life in order to focus on appreciating the natural world that surrounds us.
4-Make the most of each fresh day (and its attendant possibilities).
You have a lot to be happy about right now because tomorrow is going to be a brand-new day, and that means you get the chance to start all over again.
You should be glad to know that the depressing state of mind you’ve been in today will almost certainly vanish by morning. I’m sorry to say this, but your suffering won’t go on forever. We are all susceptible to feelings of melancholy because we are imperfect beings.
Understand that you are not alone in having a bad day, and that is okay. How to respond appropriately when confronted with this circumstance:
- You shouldn’t allow something like that to bring you down.
- Try not to see it as a step backwards.
- Don’t throw in the towel; you’ll have another chance in the morning.
I would like to share with you a quote that has been an inspiration to me:
Having faith is necessary for the first step of any journey; you should take it. Take the first step, regardless of whether or not you can see the entire staircase (Martin Luther King Jr.)
It’s possible that you can’t see a better future for yourself, but even if that’s the case, you should still concentrate on getting through each day as best you can. As you make your way up the stairs, you are free to take your time. Consider today a successful endeavor even if you are only able to climb one flight of stairs.
5-Take pride in the fact that you have the ability to make the world a better place.
You don’t need to pursue your own happiness if you want to bring joy to other people. Because of the things that you do, the world might become a better place. It does not require much effort on your part to make another person happy. Hugging someone or making them laugh can go a long way toward improving their mood, and it takes very little effort to do either of those things.
This is another thing that has brought a lot of joy to one of our readers, and it is:
It is much too simple to focus only on the negative aspects of this insane world. When I see a stranger doing something kind for another person, it always brings home to me how much that act means to me.
Restoring a person’s faith in humanity in any way, whether it be by guiding a person who is blind across the street, helping an elderly person carry groceries, or even just holding the door open for someone else, restores my faith.
It is easy to become disheartened by the state of the world; however, remembering that there are still good people in it can help you keep a positive attitude by reminding you to keep an open mind and look for the good in others.
When I’m having a bad day, it helps to remind myself that I can make other people’s lives better by bringing happiness into their lives. Even if it’s something as simple as making an effort to be a good friend or lavishing compliments on another person.
6-Take pride in the hardships and challenges you’ve overcome in the past.
Take pride in the hardships and challenges you’ve overcome in the past.
It’s possible that the idea that triumphing over adversity in the past can lead to happiness will come as a surprise to you. When things don’t go as planned, it takes courage and determination to pick yourself up and try again.
How exactly does this contribute to your level of happiness in the long run? You will come out on the other side of future difficulties better prepared than people who have never had to deal with any kind of adversity in their lives.
However, that is not the end of the story. In 2010, researchers investigated how having a resilient mindset affected the overall success and mental health of a group of athletes.
According to research that was published in 2011, higher levels of resilience have been linked to greater levels of life satisfaction as well as lower levels of depression.
One of our readers shared her insights on thriving in the face of adversity.
“I am grateful for the obstacles that I have been forced to surmount. They are a source of good fortune in my life. My life has not been one of ease and comfort, but one of struggle and hardship, and these experiences have made me more valuable, wise, and compassionate. My life has not been one of ease and comfort.”
“Because of them, I’ve experienced growth on both an emotional and a spiritual level. My development as a person and an individual will be directly proportional to the difficulty of the test. That is one of the reasons why I appreciate it.”
Another one of our readers took the time to contact us and say:
“In spite of the fact that it may not make sense at first glance, I am grateful for the aspects of my life that are less than ideal.” They taught me more than any other group I’ve been a part of.
One of the many things they imparted upon me was the importance of savoring every moment of one’s life. After having some bad experiences with it, I now have a much better understanding of what it can do.”As a result of the pandemic, I am confined to my neighborhood, and as a result, I have had more time to become acquainted with its parks.”
7-Acknowledge and be grateful for the good things that have occurred in your life, no matter how insignificant they may seem.
Even though you might not feel like celebrating right now, you should make an effort to.
The difference between an optimist and a pessimist is that an optimist looks for positives and possible solutions in every problem. Optimists tend to focus on the negative (Winston Churchill).
The benefits of gratitude can be reaped even without a particularly compelling justification. Alternately, you could focus your attention on a less significant point if that is what you would prefer. Take, for example:
Get a kick out of the amazing feeling you get when you put on a brand-new pair of socks. You were about to go, but the light turned green just as you were about to, so take this opportunity to savor the moment.
Relax and enjoy the soothing warmth of some freshly prepared hot tea or coffee. Alternately, you could follow the advice of one of our readers and watch an episode of your favorite show that is streaming on Netflix. There, you are certain to find some content that will cheer you up:
I have a lot of respect for everyone who worked on The Crown, from the actors and actresses to the people who designed the sets and costumes. I’m so excited that I’ll soon be able to relax on the couch with a warm blanket and enjoy my free time by watching episodes of this amazing show that combines educational content, historical context, and interesting topics.
Concentrating on the positive aspects of your life can help you take your mind off the troubling circumstances that are keeping you up at night. Even though at first glance this may seem like a bunch of nonsense, scientific research has shown that it is actually useful.
Example: if you keep a positive outlook on life, it will be easier for you to come up with original solutions to challenging problems.
8-Find joy in the experiences you’ve had in the past.
Find joy in the experiences you’ve had in the past.
This is an aspect of my life for which I feel a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation.
In the course of my life, I’ve accumulated a lot of wonderful experiences, and I keep track of them in a memory journal that I keep. When I’m feeling down, I like to read through my old memories and remind myself that there are many wonderful things in my life for which I should feel grateful.
Reflecting on happy moments from the past is, in my opinion, one of the most effective ways to maintain a constructive frame of mind. When I think back to a time when I laughed so hard at something ridiculous, I can’t help but break out in a grin.
My intention is to carry out this practice on a regular basis, whenever I have the opportunity to pause what I’m doing and think about my life.
9-Be thankful that you have a roof over your head and count your blessings.
A recent comment from one of our readers has given us something to be happy about.
Knowing that I have a roof over my head and a sense of security in my own home, while there are many people in the world who do not have either of those things, brings a smile to my face.
My ability to reframe my thoughts has helped me overcome a lot of negative feelings. I am also very appreciative that there is a never-ending supply of Italian cheese. Why? Because there is no requirement that every manifestation of gratitude be so solemn.
This is one of the most fundamental reasons to put a smile on your face. The immediate sense of security and comfort that comes from having a roof over your head is something that millions of people around the world can only dream of having.
Even if it doesn’t make you the happiest person in the world right away, it’s important to keep in mind that things could always be much, much worse than they are right now.
So let me hear more about you, Give us some more ideas on the topic 😊
Read more:
The Ultimate Depression Article (Part 1)
The Ultimate Depression Article (Part 2)