It’s Not Too Late To Begin Again And Redesign Your Life: 131 Tips And Tactics


by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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It’s Never Too Late To Begin Again And Redesign Your Life: 131 Tips And Tactics

“It is never too late. Even if you are going to die tomorrow, keep yourself straight and clear and be a happy human being today.” ~Lama Yeshe

Lama Yeshe’s wise advice is a powerful reminder that we always have the power to choose how we will live our lives, no matter how bad things get.

We can still make the most of the moment we are in and find happiness within ourselves, even if we are faced with challenging obstacles or have the impression that time is running out.


It is an expression of optimism and possibility to say that it is never too late. It suggests that there is always an opportunity for us to make positive changes in our lives as well as the lives of those who are close to us.

This is a reassuring thought, particularly for those who feel as though they have missed opportunities or made mistakes in the past.

The second part of the quote emphasizes the importance of living in the present and finding happiness in life’s simple pleasures.

It says, “Even if you’re going to die tomorrow, keep your head on straight and be a happy human being today.”

It serves as a reminder that our time on earth is limited, and that we should make the most of every day by remaining focused, being true to who we are, and finding joy wherever we can find it.

As a whole, this quote tells us to have a positive outlook on life, no matter what challenges we may face. We can live a life that is meaningful even when we are confronted with challenges, so long as we keep our attention on the here and now, continue to be honest with ourselves, and look for joy within ourselves.

And it’s absolutely true that none of us are at the same point in any one facet of life.

You might be a professional with a lot of experience, but in your personal life, you might be a complete amateur. It’s possible that you are an outstanding leader but a terrible parent.

It’s possible that you have a great ear for music but can’t put words together very well.

In light of this, whenever I hear somebody brag about how successful they have been in their career, the first thing that goes through my mind is,

“What other part of their lives had to suffer because of this?”

There is never a perfect moment to do anything.

Life is not a competition in which the winner and loser are predetermined.

You should act on something only when it strikes you as being the appropriate time to do so.

Relax and give yourself a break from being so hard on yourself. You’re doing fine. Take it easy and be grateful for the life you have.

On your journey to make positive changes in your life, we have compiled the following four pieces of advice to help you along the way.

You can choose to make positive changes in your life at any point, even if you believe that you are too old to make significant changes in your life. If you don’t, nothing will ever change.

1. Admit that there was a delay.

You could be asking yourself, “What?” at this point. On the other hand, this is the place to begin reassuring yourself that particular aspects of your life are developing in a suitable manner.

My breakthrough in my professional life didn’t come until I was in my late 20s, but even before that, I persisted because the delay helped me comprehend how desperately I desired it.

I didn’t get married until I was in my early 30s, and looking back, I’m glad I waited, because who knows what would have happened if I had gotten married under pressure?

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I’m glad I didn’t rush into it. You will always remember the sweat of starting your dream from scratch or waiting for a personal breakthrough, and as a result, you will never take it for granted when it finally does occur, which is why appreciating a delay can make you more appreciative of what you will receive in the future.

During the time that I was required to wait, I continued to train and educate myself, ensuring that I remained both motivated and productive. As a result, when it finally came to my turn, I was completely ready to give. Even though something is not happening right now, that does not mean that it will never take place.

2. Refrain from dwelling on your past mistakes.

Things in life do not always work out the way we expect them to. A few of us have found ourselves in professions that were not at all what we had planned.

The majority of us are working hard to achieve what we truly want out of life, but we often give up because of the challenges or roadblocks we must overcome. Please keep in mind that no circumstance is ever going to remain the same.

You might not be able to see it right now, but if you keep having faith in what you want and keep taking steps to get closer to it, you will eventually get it.

When it does happen, you will be thankful for the journey that you have taken leading up to it. Stop offering justifications for being where you are right now.

It’s possible that making excuses will save your pride, but they won’t help you achieve your goals. You must come to terms with your setbacks, learn from them, and then forge ahead on a different path.

I have also been unsuccessful in the past, in circumstances that could have resulted in me falling into depression; however, God has always reminded me of the strength he has bestowed upon me, which has enabled me to recover and continue making progress in life.

3. Surround yourself with people who will bring out the best in you.

In some parts of our lives, we need the help of certain people. If you want to make a change in your life, you shouldn’t let pride prevent you from getting the help you need to make that change happen.

If we choose to surround ourselves with the wrong kind of people, fully aware that these people will not bring anything constructive into our lives, this will only make it more difficult for us to serve a greater purpose.

Be brave enough to cut ties with people who bring you down, but hold tight to those who reflect the kind of person you want to become.

 Surround yourself with people who will bring out the best in you.

I used to have a large group of friends, but over the years, I’ve narrowed it down to a more select few people for whom I have a deeper appreciation.

Put yourself in the company of people who will help you rise to new heights. People who will encourage you, motivate you, and push you to be the best version of yourself that you can be

4. Start moving forward with your plans.

It is possible that at some point in your life you may have had the thought that you should have started making changes to your life earlier, such as in your twenties.

No matter how old you are, you are never too old to make any of the changes in your life that you have always wanted to make.

5. Stop holding a grudge

Poets and philosophers say that forgiving yourself is an act of God and a gift you give yourself. Medical professionals have said that it improves the way the immune system works and makes people feel less anxious and sad.

Oscar Wilde said: “Forgive your enemies. There is nothing else that agitates them more.” As a result, there is not a single disadvantage.

6. Make Amends

The incredible Justin Bieber wonders if it is too late to apologize at this point in time. No, Justin, that is not correct. Author Rachel Simmons, who is responsible for the book Odd Girl Out, is quoted as saying, “I am a firm believer in making amends for oneself and personal development.”

“Be clear on the primary reason you’re apologizing: are you doing it primarily to repair a damaged relationship, or do you feel a personal, moral obligation to own your mistake?”

“Get clear on the primary reason you’re apologizing.” Be ready for the possibility that you will not be forgiven for what you have done. In that case, you should apologize and forgive yourself anyway. (See #1.)

7. Improve Your Sleep

A word of caution: womp, womp. When we reach adulthood, it can be very difficult to change the patterns of sleep that we developed as children.

There is a correlation between advancing age and a decline in our ability to fall asleep and maintain sleep. To retrain yourself, however, you can try one of a number of easy techniques tonight, including the following:

1. Write down all of your concerns in a journal, moving them from your head onto the page.

2.Put the charging cable for your phone in a different room. Even the blue light that is emitted by a device while it is charging can be stimulating.

3.[Case in point]: Make sure the door is open, the temperature is at 67 degrees, and you’ve got an air-purifying plant inside.

4. Create a relaxing nighttime routine that is consistent and dependable (reading, meditating, and self-care galore).

5. Stick to a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day (less time spent sleeping in on the weekends means more time for reading and meditation).

6. If none of the other solutions work, try lying in bed wide awake and making a concerted effort not to fall asleep. The only thing more surprising than the concept itself is the effectiveness of what is known as paradoxical intention.

8. Take Lessons on a Musical Instrument

Chloe Flower and Cardi B may have ruled the Grammys stage, but her work with the neurology department at Massachusetts General Hospital to encourage people to play music for the rest of their lives is just as impressive.

According to what she has said, it is never too late for an adult to start learning an instrument for the first time or to resume previous musical training. It is actually beneficial to devote one hour per week. “Even if you’re not very good at it, playing games is good for your brain because they stimulate it, help you remember things better, and may even stave off dementia. Let’s repeat it together: Cows only eat grass…

9. Learn a Second or Third Language

Older students might have to put in more work to perfect their pronunciation, but they learn new words at a much faster rate than younger students. Even the ability to speak two languages can delay dementia by 4.5 years. Bellissima!

10.Delight in Being Alone

There are many activities, including reading, writing, exfoliating, taking a bubble bath, binge-watching television, maxing out, and unwinding, that are best done on one’s own. According to the findings of various studies, people who have never been married tend to live longer lives that are also happier, healthier, and more sexually satisfying. Being single, being an introvert, or spending time by oneself is no longer looked down upon; rather, it is celebrated. Even if we are in a committed relationship and eating sausage while showering as a way to avoid our children, we are still able to recognize the advantages of spending time alone.

11. Rekindle your passion for your spouse or partner.

This bit of wisdom comes from The Gottman Institute, a place that does research on marriage: “There is deep drama in the everyday happenings of love…

Love is cultivated amidst the monotony and routine of day-to-day life. It’s the seemingly meaningless little moments that end up being the most meaningful of all, whether it’s a hug for no reason, an empathetic ear about some work drama, or packing the children’s lunches without being asked…

It is highly unlikely that going to Tahiti for two weeks will improve your relationship more than pitching in around the house.

12. Develop more empathy and be more present in your role as a parent.

This game-changing advice from the “toddler whisperer” and director of The Center for Toddler Development at Barnard College, Tovah Klein, is applicable to children of all ages.


If you make a mistake as a parent that harms your relationship with your child (for example, by losing your temper, saying something you later come to regret, or yelling at your child), making amends is more important than the mistake itself.

Klein asserts, “It may sound strange, but the mishap is not the issue as long as there is a positive reconnection, a repair,” and he says this in the following way:

“At times like these, when their needs and ours are in conflict with one another, reconnecting with your child is absolutely necessary. Reuniting without pointing fingers at one another is an effective way to reassure people that you will always be there for them, even when bad things occur.”

13. Change Careers

Vera Wang, a former figure skater and magazine editor, made the decision to transition into the bridal design industry when she was 40 years old.

At this age, Joy Behar, who teaches English in high school, started performing stand-up comedy in front of audiences. Ava DuVernay’s previous occupation was that of a publicist.

Julia Child had never cooked a meal in her life before the age of 32; she says, “Before then, I just ate.” Are you looking for more suggestions? The following is a list of women who have gone on to have successful careers after having children.

14. Streamline Your Way Through Life

Did you know that only twenty percent of the clothing in our closets actually gets worn, and that women are more likely to suffer from compulsive buying disorder than men?

That participating in too many extracurricular activities can actually be detrimental to a child’s development and overall health is a myth?

And that the World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized burnout as a legitimate syndrome in 2019 as a result of work-related stress? Officially, JOMO has succeeded FOMO as the dominant emotion.

15. Think of the Positive More Often

Just two words: a grateful heart’s journal. Make a list of the things you have to be thankful for. And that’s it. Consider making use of a Panda Planner if you find that you require assistance in any way!

16. Alter the way you interact with alcoholic beverages, sweets, and caffeine.

In a blog post she wrote about (mostly) giving up alcohol, happiness expert Gretchen Rubin said, “It’s one of the most important secrets of adulthood: Just because something is fun for someone else doesn’t mean it’s fun for me—and vice versa.” Eliminating options to see what actually works can help guide your experimentation.

17. Make New Friends

Oh, my goodness, Bumble has a version specifically for friends called BFF! Jameela Jamil, a celebrity who serves as an ambassador, claims that nearly half of all Americans regularly experience feelings of exclusion.

Yikes. According to the findings of some studies, the ability to form and maintain friendships is analogous to a muscle in that it can both weaken and become stronger over time.

If you are more of a traditional friend-maker, a reader of Cup of Jo suggests the following justification for inviting a friend to join you for coffee:

“What could be more complimentary than having someone tell you they think you’re awesome and want to get together with you again? The opposite of coolness is the starting point for friendship: warmth.”

18. Move to a new city or town

Nowadays, at a rate that has never been seen before, people are moving to different cities. In addition, the likelihood that a millennial will move to a new county is two times higher than that of the typical American.

to ensure that you are not the only person engaging in this activity. On the other hand, you won’t be the oldest person there, either.

According to Joan Kagan, who works as a real estate sales manager, she has noticed an increase in the number of people over the age of 50 who have decided to move to New York. This information was provided to the New York Post.

19. Evangelize Your Personal Taste

Leopard print, wearing sneakers with a dress, or a neon green hair tie are not looks that you should be experimenting with someday. This is the day in question.

20. Eat More Plants

We are not implying that you are required to give the complete Beyoncé performance. However, making it a goal to incorporate one of the 15 vegetables on our list of the healthiest options into your next meal is a good place to begin.

21. Separate yourself from your mobile phone.

Kevin Roose wrote an article about his dependence on screens for the New York Times, and it made us feel like we were being seen when he said, “I found myself incapable of reading books, watching full-length films, or having lengthy conversations that were uninterrupted.”

He was the first to discover treatments such as a “digital sabbath,” in which you refrain from using your phone one day per week, and modified his lock screen to prompt him with three questions every time he accessed his phone:

“What for? “What are you doing?” and “Who are you with?” Why now? What else?” It would probably be beneficial for all of us to ask ourselves the same question.

22. Keep Your Distance from A Harmful Friend

Researchers have found that people have a tendency to keep friendships in which they have invested a significant amount of time, regardless of whether or not those friendships continue to benefit them. We often lament the brevity of our lives. As a result, if you observe the signs of a toxic relationship, it is likely time to sever the ties that bind you to that person.

23. Go Blonde

Other options include “chocolate lilac,” “smoked marshmallow,” and “ash mauve.” You have access to the entirety of the spectrum.

24. Proceed with Your Education

The typical age of a graduate student in the United States is 33 years old, and approximately forty percent of female graduate students are over the age of 35. In brief: acquire it.

24. Get Your Finances in Order

According to financial therapist Dr. Brad Klontz, reading a book on personal finance should be the first step.

25. Establish a Regular Meditation Practice

A recent quote from author Elizabeth Gilbert states, “Thanks to meditation apps, after 20 or 30 years of trying, I finally have a meditation practice.” If there had been apps when I first started meditating, I would have been able to do it years earlier.

Put an end to destroying every plant you come in contact with.

And if you continue to be unsuccessful in keeping any of them alive, you should consider purchasing an amazing fake plant. No shame.

27. Like Yourself

This is a summary of aging, menopause, and losing the sense that you are still a sexual being in accordance with the standards of society provided by Gwyneth Paltrow.

” To your relief, something else that is happening at the same time is that you are starting to like yourself.

I think there comes a point in everyone’s life when their outer beauty starts to fade and their inner beauty starts to shine through more clearly. Hooray for those who blossomed later in life!

There is no one who can complete the task for you. You need to find a way to motivate yourself, and then you need to get started working toward achieving your goals.

Try not to obsess over the things that you are lacking right now. If you feel that you need to make a change in your line of work, it is not too late to start taking the necessary steps, even if it will require you to do some independent study to acquire the necessary skills.

Pick one behavior or some other aspect of your life that you wish to alter, and start doing it right away. Begin by taking baby steps and celebrating even the smallest of your victories until you begin to gain momentum.

Avoid putting off taking action in the hope that you will start doing so the following day or the day after that. The trip will now get under way.

Now, these are among the most significant life lessons I’ve picked up over the course of my years on Earth.


Because it is easier to understand, I decided to write everything down in a list. There are times when less is more. It will not be difficult for you to think about how to apply each lesson to your life.

1. I opted to write things down because lists are simpler and quicker to process. There are times when less is more. You won’t have any trouble thinking quickly about each lesson and putting it into practice in your life.

2. How you live your life is a reflection of how you live your time.

3. Finding your own personal ikigai (which literally translates to “reason for living”) can not only make you happier and more fulfilled, but it can also add years to your life.

4. Acknowledging and accepting who you truly are is the first step toward finding happiness.

5. Investing in yourself is by far the smartest choice you can make.

6. The stories that you tell yourself in order to form your sense of self-identity, to give your life meaning, to assist you in making sense of the world, and to direct your behavior

7. Don’t bother thinking about the reasons you question; just keep on questioning things.

8. Invest in your future by setting aside 10 percent of every dollar you earn.

9. If you don’t accept responsibility for your life, someone else will decide the course of your path.

10. Come up with your own personal idea of what success means to you.

11. Although you can’t control everything, you do have some say over how you react to it.

12. You are wasting your time and your imagination by worrying about things that you cannot control.

13. Educate yourself to recognize the extraordinary in the commonplace.

14. Having “meaning” in your life is very important. If you don’t have it, life is pretty much pointless.

15. Focus on making progress rather than achieving perfection.

16. Your aspirations, goals, or even ideas are meaningless unless they are put into action.

17. Constant worrying, thinking negatively, and always being ready for the worst can be bad for both your mental and physical health.

18. If you let a moment pass without doing something productive with it, you have, in a sense, wasted it.

19. Don’t give any thought to the reasons behind your questions; instead, just keep them coming.

20. You don’t base your decisions on evidence or facts. You test the limits of what is possible.

21. The most valuable asset you possess, other than money, is your time.

22. In order to experience joy, we do not necessarily require “major” life events. It’s amazing how quickly a few happy moments can add up to make you feel better overall.

23. Carry out your obligations. Don’t waste your time talking about the things you should be doing.

24. The human brain is the most malleable tool that exists; put it to use for you when things are going wrong. You have the ability to adjust and maintain your composure no matter what occurs.

25. Altering the course of the game sometimes requires you to make the actual adjustments.

26. Personal development starts at the edge of one’s comfort zone.

27. Don’t overthink things and fail to take action!

28. The first step toward achieving anything is making the decision to give it a shot.

29. In life, you have three options: you can give up, you can give in, or you can give it everything you’ve got.

30. Do not put your money into a career. Create your own life. Give your fantasies the respect they deserve.

31. Determine what it is that you want, or someone else will do it for you.

32. You are responsible for everything. There is no one coming to your rescue. You have the authority here. If you adopt this mentality, you will be able to change your life.

33. If you don’t commit to anything, you’ll find that everything will compete for your attention.

34. Progress is the greatest source of inspiration.

35. Once you make the decision to initiate something, momentum will carry you.

36. In the end, the only things we look back on with regret are the opportunities we passed up.

37. Being weird is part of who we are and one of our best qualities; we are not perfect, and we do not strive to be.

38. Do everything you can to reach your full potential, because anything less is a waste of your time.

39. Perfection is wonderful, but you simply can’t afford it right now. None of us is able to

40. The more significant the reason behind something, the more significant its impact, and the more powerful its drive.

41. The challenge is not something that is preventing us from moving forward. It’s the path in and of itself.

42. It takes time for great work to mature, just like it takes time for a healthy investment portfolio to mature.

43. No matter what you decide to do, you should never deviate from the path of inquiry when looking for improved solutions to problems stemming from your own experiences.

44. There is not a single correct response. But there are most certainly more interesting questions. Try not to limit yourself to questions that can only serve to validate your existing assumptions.

45. You don’t have to conform in order to succeed. You are not obligated to behave in the same manner as everyone else.

46. The accumulation of knowledge is a lifelong process. Make the decision to enjoy life to the fullest and make it your goal to improve upon the person you were the day before.

47. The personal reality that you live in determines the goals that you can accomplish in the future. What you imagine becomes real, and what you think about becomes who you are.48. Confidence is the number one killer of dreams, even more so than talent. Discover how to cultivate a more positive view of yourself.

49. This moment is the entirety of your life. The entirety of life consists of the present moment. If you start loving your life right now, you’ll have an incredible life in the future.

50. You are the sole person responsible for your own success. You are the only person who can create the life you want for yourself.

51. Worry, regret, and suffering consume a significant portion of a person’s life. Concentrate on the things that are under your control.52. The present moment is your life. Your joy is right here and now. This is the time to be productive. Engage in more of the activities that bring out the best in you today.

53. Because the time you have is finite, you shouldn’t throw it away by living someone else’s dream. Pursue your true north.

54. If you look on the bright side of everything in life, you’ll find that your life is much simpler. Your mental health is on the line.

55. Stop judging yourself based on how other people are. Your life should be about proving things to yourself, not to other people.

56. Reading a book may alter the course of your life. You should never undervalue the important life lessons that you can pick up from the adventures of other people.

57. No one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. If you put on an act of confidence, you’ll find that you naturally exude more of it.

58. Being useful is the key to understanding the meaning of life. The meaning of life can be found in the contributions made. The only way to truly understand life is to live it.

59. Learn by doing it yourself. It’s the only way to speed up the process of acquiring new skills. It’s the best way to gather experiences that can help you become the person you want to be.

60. There is no such thing as a universal or unbreakable rule. Acquire the skill of creating your own ground rules in order to advance along your personal path.

61. The unpredictable nature of life It’s not in a straight line. There will be no success in carrying out the plans. It is best to be prepared for the unexpected so that it does not come as a surprise.

62. Be antifragile. If you are resilient, even when bad things happen to you, you figure out a way to get back up and keep going.

63. Admit that you are completely in charge of everything that happens in your life.This frame of mind can assist you in putting an end to making excuses.

64. Stop making an effort to satisfy everyone. You are going to wear yourself out very quickly if you try to please everyone and you wait for acceptance of what you do.

65. Make an investment in your own personal development. Changing your life requires you to make an investment in something that will make it better.

66. Make wise use of the time you have. You become what you put into your life, and life is an investment. Protect your time as if it were your life’s last priority.

67. You have control over a good deal of the life experiences that will bring you happiness. The more options available to you and the more control you have over them, the more likely it is that you will experience happiness.

68. If you want to feel less regret in the future, you should set aside a few minutes to reflect on how you want to spend your time before moving on to the next step.

69. Make memories. Avoid amassing a lot of possessions. Memories can endure for a whole lifetime.

70. One can choose their point of view. One can choose to tell a story. One can choose to be optimistic. You get to choose your attitude. Make judicious decisions.

71. Life gives us the privilege, the opportunity, and the responsibility to do more of what brings out the best in us and to provide value for the benefit of other people.

72. Although you have no say in how other people behave, you always have the ability to choose how you will react to the actions of others.

73. There is no one approach to saving money or investing that is superior to all others. There is no one correct approach to being productive or producing one’s best work.

74. Wise decisions and proactive actions are not always the result of rational thought; rather, these are relative qualities.There are many different paths that can lead to many different successful lives.

75. Before committing to any notion, point of view, or line of reasoning, ask yourself: Do I know this for sure, or have I simply settled into a comfortable spot?

76. Nobody gives a damn if you fail. The harshest critic you have is yourself. Quit obsessing over what other people think of you and act confidently as your true self.

77. If you don’t make a conscious decision about how you want to spend your life, other people will make that decision for you.

78. Every second that you spend wishing that you had someone else’s life or comparing your own life to the life of another person is a second that you waste living your own life.

79. Everything in life is just an experiment. Maintain an open mind regarding your experiences and the lessons you’ve learned, and always strive to measure up and improve your “nuggets.”

80. To get the most out of life, don’t dwell on what you can’t have or how much you’re giving up; rather, give your attention to how you can make better decisions and improve the results.

81. Realizing that you are solely responsible for everything in your life and that you are the one in charge is the key to unlocking the secret to finding momentum and purpose in all aspects of your life.

82. Whatever you fix your attention on will continue to expand. Practice caution as you use the time you spend thinking.

83. Get out into nature on a regular basis. Connect with nature in some way every day, no matter how big or small. Your mental well-being depends on it.

84. Mark it down on your calendar if it is something that is important to you. Mark it down on the calendar if it’s something you want to work toward accomplishing.

85. Make sure you have a good reason to get out of bed every morning. If you don’t put any effort into pursuing what you want, you shouldn’t expect anything to come your way.

Despite our best efforts, nothing works out the way we had planned. Life is very long. The truth is a chaotic mess. Maintain forward momentum in spite of the challenges.

87. Commit to learning for the rest of your life. Consider today a new opportunity to expand your knowledge. Continue to put your beliefs, perceptions, and worldviews under the microscope.

88. Trying to find happiness or satisfaction is a process that requires a deep understanding of who you are at your core.

89. Your life purpose is comprised of the primary motivating goals that you have for your life; these are the reasons (other than making money) that you get out of bed in the morning.

90. No one knows better than you how to manage the affairs of your life. Take charge of the situation and start moving in the direction of your hopes and ambitions. Your contentment is dependent on this.

91. The structure of your brain encourages you to prioritize activities that are simple and familiar. You should push yourself and get out of your comfort zone if you want to do better work.

92. You should never, ever undervalue the power of being the first person to truly believe in yourself. It is essential to your progress.

93. If you spend your life trying to please other people, you should not expect to accomplish anything worthwhile. You don’t need anyone else’s approval or permission to become the best version of yourself.

You don’t need to worry about that anymore. The motivation to act is both the effect and the cause of the action. Put an end to procrastinating and start making progress today.

95. You are the one who decides the course of your life. You will be responsible for writing your own narrative. You have the ability to decide how you would like everything to turn out. Make judicious decisions.

96. What constitutes a meaningful life is entirely up to the individual. Determine what it is that makes your life worth living, and then build it so that it revolves around that.

97. You can go further than you think you can if you push yourself. You have more strength, more resilience, and more inner wisdom than you give yourself credit for, but you do give yourself credit for some of these qualities.

98. Establishing good habits that will benefit you in the long run will pay off one hundred times over. You won’t have a single bad day when it comes to how you feel.

99. It’s the little things in life that count the most. Don’t let worrying about the big picture distract you from the simple pleasures that life has to offer.

100. Your life is the masterpiece that bears your signature. It is your responsibility to live in a way that is honest and true to who you are. Your goal in life should be to have the courage to express who you are, to make things that you love, and to love the things you make.

101. When the stakes are high, your mind tends to perform to its full potential. You will be rewarded if you give it a challenge.

102. The sum of the insignificant things matters much more than the significant things; therefore, you should treasure every moment of your life.

103. Living a life that is meaningful can be accomplished in a straightforward manner: simply work toward personal development while also focusing on being of service to others.

Everyone is still expanding their knowledge. There are no definitive solutions, absolute realities, or holy grails to be found. There are only lessons that can be taken away. It’s possible that what works for me won’t work for you.

You should never undervalue the power that resides deep within you.

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“I think there is a song out there to describe just about any situation.” ― Criss Jami, Killosophy


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