“I rebuke the devil’s ploy to get her away from You, God. I rebuke depression, anxiety, and emotional turmoil and I replace it with Your comfort. Your love. Your presence. I rebuke the devil from gaining ground. I rebuke Pride from seeping in. ― Sunshine Rodgers

"Overcoming Adversity Through Faith: A Prayerful Journey to Resilience and Inner Strength"

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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“I rebuke the devil’s ploy to get her away from You, God.

I rebuke depression, anxiety, and emotional turmoil and I replace it with Your comfort.

Your love. Your presence. I rebuke the devil from gaining ground. I rebuke Pride from seeping in.”

― Sunshine Rodgers, After You


“I rebuke the devil’s ploy to get her away from You, God.” This line implies a belief in the existence of the devil as an entity or force that can work against God and cause people to turn away from Him.

The speaker is asking God to intervene and prevent this from happening.

“I rebuke depression, anxiety, and emotional turmoil and I replace it with Your comfort. Your love. Your presence.”

This section of the prayer reflec

ts the belief that God can provide comfort and emotional healing to those who are struggling with mental or emotional distress.

The speaker is asking God to replace negative emotions with positive ones associated with His presence and love.

“I rebuke the devil from gaining ground.” This line reinforces the belief in the devil as a force that can gain power or influence over people. The speaker is asking God to prevent this from happening.

“I rebuke Pride from seeping in.” Finally, this line suggests a belief in the sin of pride and the need to guard against it. The speaker is asking God to help them remain humble and avoid the temptation of pride.

Overall, the passage reflects a belief in God’s power to protect and comfort individuals in times of need, as well as a belief in the existence of spiritual forces that can work for or against people.

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More quote resources: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Main_Page

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