January 2024 Monthly Horoscope

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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It certainly feels like we’ve been given a reset button in January. This month will spark new motivation for a fresh start.

Push forward with as much practicality and kindness as you can muster, and utilize this month’s astrological weather to plan out a path to increased confidence and talents.

Then, using self-kindness as your guidance, pursue it with fresh zeal and purpose.


The following dates should be noted:

  • Mercury becomes direct at 22° Sagittarius on January 1.
  • Mars enters Capricorn on January 4th.
  • New Moon at 20° Capricorn on January 11
  • Mercury returns to Capricorn on January 13th.
  • The Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on January 20.
  • Venus enters Capricorn on January 23.
  • Full Moon at 5° Leo on January 25
  • Uranus stations straight at 19° Taurus on January 26.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

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It’s time to accept change and welcome 2024, a year filled with creative opportunities. This month teaches you how to accept your life’s reality, quit mourning unfulfilled ambitions, and embrace the present moment.

Mars, your ruling planet, is in goal-oriented Capricorn, bestowing upon you the gift of focus and resolve. You are a manifestation powerhouse because of your presence and desire!

Mercury enters direct motion on January 1, but lingers in its post-shadow phase until January 20. Most people will be content with a slow start to the year, but not you!

To avoid burnout, remember to pace yourself. Additionally, double-check all correspondence. Mercury is in fast-paced Sagittarius until January 13, so typos or careless mistakes are possible.

The new moon on January 11 raises the issue of purpose. Meditate to hear your inner voice urging you to new adventures. Respond to the call by summoning the guts to make a change.

Find allies and join helpful organizations. If you’re considering a career move, this lunar activation could help you get started.

On January 20, the sun will collide with Pluto in Aquarius in one of the year’s most significant transits.

Pluto’s entry into the sign of the visionary and rebel initiates a 20-year cycle that will assist you in understanding your place within greater social spheres.

Technology may play a larger role in communicating with others, allowing for the formation of new connections via social media.

Venus is in Sagittarius until January 23, symbolizing love as an adventure. Ride out the angst of a new romance.

Honest communication should be prioritized in all interactions; Sagittarius is a truth-seeking sign. Be confident that your conversation partners can handle the truth.

Taurus (20 April-20 May)

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Mercury, the messenger, will complete its retrograde journey on January 1.

For several weeks, you’ve been immersed in contemplation and personal growth. You enter January with a peaceful feeling of knowledge as Mercury continues to move forward.

It’s time to rethink your objectives and fine-tune your intents. Jupiter in your sign gives you faith and optimism, allowing you to perceive more possibilities than you previously did. What a way to kick off the new year!

On January 11, the Capricorn new moon inspires you to go on an adventure.

Early in the month, travel is a possibility. If leaving town isn’t an option, you might want to freshen up your routine. Explore new vistas to broaden your worldview.

This month necessitates careful financial planning.

On January 23, Venus will enter risk-averse Capricorn, prompting you to reconsider your purchasing habits.

Having said that, purchases made now, particularly in personal development or the home environment, might have long-term rewards.

Mid-month, your career takes a positive turn as the sun and Pluto align in Aquarius in one of the year’s most momentous transits.

As a propelling force, Pluto’s effect will be felt as it begins a new 20-year cycle. It invites you to accept a new power experience and introduces you to a flow of creative energy.

Others will notice your newfound authority; a promotion or public appearance may be on the horizon.

The Leo full moon on January 25 draws you into the snug comfort of your house, prompting you to consider how you may make your living place more of a sanctuary.

Bring the four elements into balance: earth, air, fire, and water. Restore inner calm by balancing your environment.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)


Fasten your seatbelts, because 2024 will take you on a thrilling ride. It all starts with this month’s flurry of activity. On January 20, Pluto enters Aquarius, beginning a new 20-year cycle.

From March to June of last year, the tiny planet briefly appeared in the revolutionary sign. Events in your life at the moment may have a cyclical effect.

This year, Pluto’s influence could deliver you mind-blowing realizations and breakthroughs that give you complete access to your power.

But first, you must learn some Zen lessons. This month, focus on chopping wood and carrying water.

Mercury goes direct on January 1 and moves slowly until January 20, easing you into the new year. Communication may be delayed, but everyone must acclimate to the year’s new energy.

Create a spiritual practice of patience. After Uranus stations straight on January 26, the pace quickens.

After the sun enters Aquarius on January 20, you may be inspired by the thoughts of others. The Leo full moon on January 25 awakens your inner storyteller and bestows you with the gift of gab.

You could strike up valuable conversations with powerful people or meet interesting strangers. To enhance the Aquarius air-sign energy, write, study, learn, or teach.

With Saturn transiting Pisces this month, there are prospects for congratulatory remarks in the workplace. Prepare to take on new challenges and demonstrate your abilities.

Travel for work is feasible near the end of the month with the sun in Aquarius, especially on January 29 when Mars connects with the unexpected Uranus.

You’re going through an empathetic phase, and your perceptive abilities allow you to be sensitive to the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of others. This shift in consciousness makes your heart more open to receiving love.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

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Isn’t it strange that we can’t see or hear ourselves as others can? We can only see ourselves in a mirror or photograph, and our voices sound lower and deeper from within due to air and bone compression.

Perhaps our sense of ourselves is limited because we are socially programmed. There are aspects of ourselves that we can only discover via relationships. January invites you to connect, relate, and love.

You are not alone; you are programmed for love.

On January 11, the Capricorn new moon inspires you to love big. Bring to light any resentments that may be lurking beneath the surface of your relationship.

Then release them. If you’ve felt and composted rage and are still holding on, forgive. On January 23, Venus enters Capricorn, allowing you to experience intense empathy.

On January 28, Venus will dance with Jupiter, which could lead to new connections.

On January 20, the sun and Pluto conjoin in Aquarius, beginning a 20-year voyage through the revolutionary sign. This transit encourages you to take control of your finances and accumulate fortune.

We’re not simply talking about money here; wealth encompasses any combination of stability and abundance. The light of the sun brings taxes, inheritance, and asset accumulation to the forefront of your mind.

If you’ve been thinking about starting a new business or investing, the Leo full moon on January 25 will provide inspiration. Anything you start has a long life.

You feel a surge of creativity and self-expression at the end of the month. On January 28, Mars will cross the nodal axis, a destiny moment.

Are you willing to put down your guard and allow others to assist you? Love is like a river.

Leo (July 23 -August 22)

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January’s astrology suggests taking a great leap of faith that will impact your destiny. Activate your courage to pursue a dream or yell your aspirations from the highest peaks.

Mercury becomes direct in adventurous Sagittarius on January 1, and it advises, “Follow the beat of your heart as you’d dance to the sound of a drum.”

You’ll have to strike a balance between your creative impulses and the realities of life. The Capricorn new moon on January 11 prompts you to return to the office, school, or gym. It’s time to re-establish whatever habits you neglected during the hectic pace of last year. Mercury enters Capricorn on January 13 and functions as an efficiency expert, assisting you in cutting excesses.

On January 20, the sun and Pluto enter your opposite sign, Aquarius, ushering in a season of relationship metamorphosis. When it comes to chasing love, you have the gift of charisma and don’t need to work hard to draw attention. Relax and let love find you. In romantic relationships, you must work out disagreements while balancing your need for freedom with your dedication to your obligations. The Leo full moon on January 25th emphasizes this subject, and you may need some alone time to process the subtle, energetic alterations within. Under Pluto’s rays, every emotion becomes more intense—feel all of your anguish, love, and joy.

Uranus stations direct on January 26, indicating a favorable time for a career shift. Venus and Jupiter illuminate your reputation, putting you in the limelight for recognition. After January 27, when you’re more open about what makes your heart sing, fine-tune your 2024 intentions. Dream bigger than your comfort zone will allow, and don’t be afraid to declare your desires.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

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January encourages you to be creative. What underlying truth needs to be expressed? On January 11, the Capricorn new moon animates your passion, allowing you to perceive fresh ways to bring that truth to light.

This year offers you how to live in more wealth and beauty than you ever imagined imaginable by stirring your imagination.

Mars is a whirling dervish in Capricorn, showing you how to connect with the divine through movement. Its influence inspires dancing and other somatic practices as daily rituals.

Movement can also help you shake off stress or dread, which are not energies you want to bring into 2024.

Mercury enters direct motion on January 1, but remains in its post-shadow phase until January 20. Spend the first few days of the month organizing.

Mercury is in Sagittarius until January 13, and you have a bird’s-eye view of life. After January 13, your concentration narrows, particularly in terms of work. Finish activities on your to-do list to pave the way for future initiatives.

On January 20, the sun enters Aquarius and collides with Pluto. The minor planet begins a 20-year cycle in the sign of revolutionary ideas this month, and it reveals aspects of our civilization that must be modified.

You’ll be drawn to well-being and may feel driven to enroll in a health-recovery program. The sun reveals which daily routines will most effectively restore life and power.

On January 25, the Leo full moon, love your body by attending to its needs (even if they are uncomfortable).

Relationships in your personal life are based on devotion, due to Saturn in Pisces. This month, superficial meetings may tire you; you want to dig deep. Relationships might suffer as a result of unrealistic expectations. Let them go and see what happens.

Libra (September 23-October 22)


The transiting South Node sweeps across your sign like a flashlight, revealing your psyche’s dark places and helping you to view the less appealing features of your sign.

You will no longer be easily swayed by hesitation. You will not tolerate lowering your brightness to make others feel more at ease.

The Aries North Node encourages you to take a position, live your truth, and bring about change!

The Capricorn new moon on January 11th may cause agitation. This month brings significant energy shifts, and the new moon prepares you to embrace your holy invitation.

As a result of the excitement, your heart may beat quicker. Especially between January 8 and 10, your thoughts may wander and become sidetracked. Maintain an organized list of goals for future reference in case you require more context.

Mars in Capricorn represents outward manifestations of frustration or fury. Stay healthy by discovering strategies to relieve stress.

Venus is in Sagittarius until January 23, brightening the tone in your romantic relationships. You can get a bird’s-eye view of your relationships to see how you can improve them.

Others may refer to you as a social butterfly, yet your charm is not thoughtless. Commit to building the ties within your inner group.

On January 20, the sun and Pluto will align in Aquarius, and you’ll likely find superficiality boring. You should use your right to decline plans that divert your attention away from your main goals. This month, your keyword is concentration.

Pluto’s transit through Aquarius lasts 20 years. We had a sneak peek last spring, from March to June. It’s a fertile and creative moment for you.

Pluto demonstrates the strength of your voice, story, and artwork. It also invites you to play! Do you enjoy what you do for a living? If not, do everything you can to make it more enjoyable.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

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You discovered what is most important last year. You relied on family, friends, and spiritual advisors to help you navigate the stormy waves of your life.

Difficult circumstances frequently force us to address our anxieties, and when we do, we realize they are illusions. The Capricorn new moon on January 11 permits you to write or speak your narrative to explain everything you’ve learned.

Your intuitive Scorpio inner wisdom can assist you in navigating life’s obstacles, but you must trust yourself. On January 13, sharpen your senses and learn to comprehend in new ways. You may begin to hear what isn’t being stated as plainly as what is.

Mercury, the messenger, enters the grounded sign of Capricorn on January 13, indicating an intellectual breakthrough. You might be able to become your own oracle.

This is an excellent month to enroll in a workshop. Mars is in Capricorn for the entire month, encouraging you to broaden your creativity and sharpen your mental abilities.

Consider researching the subconscious mind’s ability to impact your prosperity, health, and love.

Mercury is in Sagittarius until January 13th, so finances are in flux. Celebrate your accomplishments to put an end to economic insecurity.

As Vesta transits Gemini, the realm of real estate investment may open up to you. When seeking guidance or direction, exercise caution.

You may have a tendency to perceive your finances through rose-colored glasses.

On January 20, the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius, the revolutionary sign. You’ll notice a theme of liberation in your home, family dynamics, and living environment.

Taking a vacation from a loved one can sometimes leave a lingering fog of grief in the air, while other times it might feel like a sigh of relief. What matters most is that you stay loyal to yourself.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

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Welcome to the manifestation year! Jupiter in Taurus advises declaring your intentions with heart.

Then, allow your imagination to go wild as you examine alternatives you never considered before. All decisions should be soulful and spirit-led. You may produce powerfully where you focus your attention.

So be aware of your thoughts and self-talk.

The Capricorn new moon on January 11 brings money into focus.

Mars is in Capricorn for the entire month, driving you to accumulate wealth in whatever currency you like. Money isn’t the only thing that makes us feel wealthy.

Your financial outcomes are directly related to your attitudes. If you catch yourself complaining, break the cycle by presenting your problems in a new perspective.

On January 13, Mercury enters Capricorn, assisting you with budgeting and financial organization.

Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20 for one of the year’s most significant transits. It will be in the revolutionary sign for the next 20 years, implying that you will have a more forceful manner with words.

What do you need to say? You might be inspired to write, speak, or communicate in some way. On January 20, the sun will collide with Pluto, emphasizing those themes.

Get to know your neighbors and immerse yourself in your local community to make the most of this time. Learn to think globally while acting locally.

Venus will be in your sign until January 23 and will shine like a spotlight to show off your magnificence. Its power attracts you; imagine what you may attract into your life!

The Leo full moon on January 25th helps to solidify the intentions you’re attracting. What an auspicious time for love! Follow your heart’s desires and you will be led to extraordinary encounters.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

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On January 23, Venus enters your sign, shedding her light on all your connections. Be honest to thyself could be your mantra. Venus is the planet of genuine connections and true love. What does this imply?

Some experts believe that in ancient times, men would place a newborn on their knees to assert paternity. Genuine has etymological roots in that tradition.

The term authentic implies natural and true. This month, may all of your talks, creations, and expressions be such.

The Capricorn new moon on January 11 highlights your sign, signaling a critical time for transformation. This lunation encourages you to consider how you might share your gifts with the rest of the planet.

Have you ever let others take the spotlight while you worked backstage? It’s finally your turn to shine! Since 2008, Pluto has been in your sign, causing cathartic meetings and breakthroughs

. On January 20, it enters Aquarius, prompting you to become more interested in your surroundings. You’re making an impression, and people will notice.

This month, Mars transits your sign, prompting you to prioritize your health and well-being. Its power warms your blood on cold winter evenings (if you reside in the Northern Hemisphere), inspiring you to care for yourself.

Consider joining a gym or becoming involved in a sport. Consider accepting an invitation to a ski trip!

On January 20, the sun enters Aquarius, signaling a time to be more frugal with your money. Your financial selections are significant since the sun will collide with Pluto on that day.

Pluto’s influence encourages you to make financial decisions that are consistent with your principles. It desires that you invest your time, energy, and resources wisely. You don’t want to start 2024 feeling exhausted.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

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On January 20, the sun enters your sign, ushering in an Aquarius season unlike any other. That day, Pluto, the planetary ninja, enters your sign and begins a new 20-year cycle.

When the two collide, it will serve as a wake-up call. It’s a watershed moment that could alter your life forever. How will you use your free time?

Act and communicate with honesty. Make daring decisions that push you outside your comfort zone.

As Mercury stations direct on January 1, you begin the new year slowly. Assess your living space during the first two weeks. Is it necessary to wrap things up and give them away? Make room for the new beginnings of the year.

A move is likely, as is change on that level. Consider your alternatives during the Leo full moon on January 25, a lunation that urges you to investigate themes of independence and collaboration.

This past year, relationship issues have surfaced for you, and it’s time to take action.

The Capricorn new moon on January 11 helps to magnify your intentions. To tune in to your heart’s desires, engage in your preferred spiritual activity.

Your empathetic sensibilities are strong at the start of the month, but you must avoid gathering others’ unprocessed feelings by being so full of your light—your power—that there is no room in your energy field for distractions.

It is a sacred and extremely creative moment. Uranus enters direct motion on January 26. A surge of electricity may pass through you and attract you to your muse.

Make use of the quantum field. Your mind, hungry for mental activity, may take you to classes, workshops, or library visits.

Pisces (19 February-20 March)

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The transits of January help you stay anchored in the midst of shifting currents. The world is changing quickly, and you’re one of the few people who can guide others through it.

Saturn in your sign inquires about your commitments, especially on January 20, when Pluto enters Aquarius, beginning a 20-year cycle.

Transits of the outer planets are significant for cultural transformations and occurrences that shape entire generations. They represent a watershed moment in our consciousness.

You’re tuned in to the new frequencies since you’ve probably been feeling the building for a while. Professionally, this move could indicate a call to leadership.

Consider speaking, teaching, or running for office as Mercury enters Capricorn on January 13. If you feel both fear and exhilaration, you’re on the right course.

The Capricorn new moon on January 11 enhances your social life, making it an excellent time to make new acquaintances. You never know when one of those friendships will blossom into a sexual connection.

On January 23, Venus enters Capricorn; focus on the areas of your social life that make you grateful. Rally your supporters and celebrate your accomplishments.

If you’re dealing with difficult connections with friends or a societal upheaval, new insights will emerge after January 19.

This month, pay attention to your body, especially on January 25, when the Leo full moon might assist you make decisions about your healthcare needs.

Make a commitment to a regular practice, such as meditation or yoga. Time spent in nature may be both spiritually and physically nourishing.

When making wellness resolutions for the new year, consider your entire self. Make them into routines that you may incorporate into your daily life.

With all of the potential changes indicated by the month’s transits, staying grounded is critical. Live in the present moment while imagining your future.


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