“Levin knew his brother and the workings of his mind: he knew that his scepticism came not because life was easier for him without faith. His religious beliefs had been shaken step by step by the theories of modern science concerning the phenomena of the universe; and so Levin knew that this present return was not a valid, reasoned one but simply a temporary, interested return to faith in a desperate hope of recovery.” ― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Levin understands his brother's loss of faith in religion as a result of the theories of modern science, rather than an easier way of living without faith.

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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“Levin knew his brother and the workings of his mind: he knew that his scepticism came not because life was easier for him without faith. His religious beliefs had been shaken step by step by the theories of modern science concerning the phenomena of the universe; and so Levin knew that this present return was not a valid, reasoned one but simply a temporary, interested return to faith in a desperate hope of recovery.” ― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Explanation (Brother)

The passage / quote is a description of a character’s religious beliefs and the reasons for a temporary return to faith. Let’s break it down:

“Levin knew his brother and the workings of his mind: he knew that his skepticism came not because life was easier for him without faith.” This line suggests that the character in question was not simply rejecting religion because it made life easier or more convenient. Rather, there were deeper reasons for their skepticism.


“His religious beliefs had been shaken step by step by the theories of modern science concerning the phenomena of the universe.” This line implies that the character’s skepticism was rooted in a conflict between religion and science. As they learned more about the natural world through scientific inquiry, their faith in traditional religious beliefs was challenged.


“So, Levin knew that this present return was not a valid, reasoned one but simply a temporary, interested return to faith in a desperate hope of recovery.” This line suggests that the character’s return to faith was not based on a reasoned or well-thought-out decision, but rather a desperate attempt to find hope and recovery in a time of crisis.


Overall, the passage suggests that the character’s religious beliefs were shaken by scientific theories, but that they were now making a temporary return to faith in the hopes of finding comfort and healing. The passage also suggests that there may be a tension between science and religion in the character’s worldview.


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