Overcome Your Resistance to Change in 15 Steps

“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.”

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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15 Ways To Overcome Your Resistance To Change

Introduction to Overcoming to Resistance

“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

This famous quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson tells us that many of the bad things in our lives, like depression, regret, and anxiety, are caused by the things we do.We make our own bad situations by putting roadblocks in our way and denying ourselves the chance to fully enjoy the happiness and satisfaction that life has to offer.

That is, we tend to focus on the negative aspects of our lives the majority of the time, which clouds the positive aspects that are also present. This could be due to limiting beliefs we have, fears we have, or self-doubt we have. We can overcome these shadows and live a more fulfilling life if we allow ourselves to bask in the light of positivity and get out of our own way when it comes to achieving our goals.

In general, this adage serves as a gentle reminder that each of us has the ability to determine our own level of happiness and that our frame of mind and perspective on life can have a significant impact on the things we encounter.

And it has been said that the only thing constant in life is change. People have a natural desire for their comfortable circumstances to remain the same; however, it is uncommon for them to be able to stop the flow of events that disrupt the status quo.

This is especially true in today’s business world, with its ever-changing landscape. Every day, new technologies and emerging trends present entirely new opportunities for success—or failure. To survive in this environment, you must learn to quickly adapt to and welcome change rather than resist it. Although the unknown possibilities that come with change can be frightening, learning how to survive in this environment is essential.

resistance to change

Always be honest with yourself.

Make sure you understand how your actions contribute to the reality you are still experiencing. “What limiting thought, belief, or pattern of behavior am I holding on to that is stopping me from getting what I want? “If you want something but can’t get it, you need to make a change. What story do I keep telling myself and others that validates the situation I’m in right now?

What part of the equation am I overlooking that is causing me to get the same results? Because the truth is that you are constantly meeting your own unspoken expectations. Understanding your “status quo” will give you the first piece of information about the location of your work.

Recognize and accept full responsibility for being the powerful creator that you are. And,

Avoid passing judgment on yourself.

What you seek is already within you, just as the potential of an oak tree lives within the acorn before it grows into a tree.

Nothing about this is a race to the finish line. Instead, use the resistance to point you in the direction of areas that need “clearing.” Make the most of this opportunity to become a more authentic version of yourself. Nothing exists outside of your awareness.

Everything you require will come to you along your own path, exactly when you are ready for it. Get yourself ready, and be receptive to incoming information.

Take action on the things you can control.

Let go of things over which you have no control. There are times when all that is required is that you become aware of your repetitive patterns. On the other hand, there are times when we need to take extra steps.

According to the teachings of “A Course in Miracles,” there are only two feelings: love and fear. If you find yourself resisting something, you should investigate the fear that is motivating it and figure out how to alleviate that fear.

Meditation is one technique that can be beneficial; other techniques include arming yourself with information, telling yourself a different story (i.e., stop scaring yourself), making phone calls, and acting.

Change your focus to something else.

When you consider what you want and why you want it so badly, resistance (beliefs, frustrations, thoughts, feelings, or unconscious beliefs) is usually present. When you consider what you want and why you want it so badly, resistance is usually present.

You put yourself in a much more relaxed and open state of allowing when you completely divert your attention away from yourself and think about something else that gives you pleasure. And the universe can bring it to you with as little effort on your part as possible.

This is why people who fall in love finally lose the weight they’ve been carrying or get the promotion they’ve been looking for. They are currently in a state of openness to receiving something.

Remember that things are delivered to us along our path, and most of the time, this happens fairly easily. On the other hand, we must make room for them and persuade ourselves that we are worthy of them. This is the type of work we do.

Look for stories that can help you change your perspective on certain issues.

And do so on a regular basis. Make them your new life mantra. If it can happen to them, it is possible that it can also happen to me. The mindset shifts from “that will never happen to me” to “if it can happen to them, it can happen to me.”

Ask the universe to show you proof that what you want is possible, and then pay attention to what it sends your way, whether it’s in the form of billboards, books given to you by others, an article you come across, or people you meet.

We frequently judge ourselves based on where others are in life, but we rarely consider who they were before they got there. There are numerous examples of people who rose from obscurity to affluence.

Joe Vitale used to live on the streets of New York City before becoming a multimillionaire. Eckhart Tolle, who famously jotted down his insights while sitting on a park bench, did the same thing. At one point in his life, Jack Canfield worked as an educator.

Find the story that has the most resonance with where you are right now, and let that be your new possibility. If it was possible for them to have it, it is possible for you to have it as well.

Acquire an Attitude That Is More Open and Flexible (Rather than producing resistance)

My experience has taught me that accepting change rather than fighting it is the best way to deal with it. Even if we don’t want it, change is a constant in life, which can be frustrating because we don’t always get our way. Being open to and adaptable to change has enabled me to rewire my approach by embracing rather than resisting it. This has enabled me to achieve greater success. Finally, adapting to new circumstances can be advantageous. If you change your lenses, you will still be able to see it.

6. Recognize the Strength Within Your Obstacles

It’s natural for some people to resist change, which is perfectly fine. Some people are born with the ability to maintain stability, minimize risks, and protect what works, whereas others are born with the desire to drive change, experiment, and investigate their available options. If your fear of taking risks is causing you to resist change, you could start by assessing the risks, conducting research, or making plans. The next step is to seek help in effecting the change.

Ask yourself what you’re resisting if you want to know what it is.

Recognize that resistance is a natural response and make it clear that it is okay. The following step is to begin removing it by asking yourself, “What am I resisting?” It is critical to be specific and honest with yourself. We frequently divide the things we resist into two categories: those we can control and those we cannot. Try to let go of the things you can’t control and instead focus on the things you can, such as finding people who can help you and gradually adjusting to the change.

Recognize that your greatest fear is not change, but loss.

A situation-specific event, such as a new boss or losing a job, is an example of change. Resistance is the psychological process of recognizing what is ending, dealing with the uncertainty, and then accepting what is possible in the new beginning that happens during the transition. Resistance can be lessened by getting more support, figuring out what you want out of life, being more kind to yourself, and using your strengths.

15 Ways To Overcome Your Resistance To Change

Adopt a learning-centered mindset.

Everything can and will change. That is one of the few truths that we know for sure will always be the case. Fighting against change is fighting against reality. How can you make peace with this unavoidable reality rather than fighting to keep the status quo? A surfer who becomes tense while riding a wave is more likely to fall off the board. When a leader becomes tense, it is impossible for them to successfully adapt to change. Declare your goal. Maintain an eagerness and curiosity to learn at all times. 

Consider what you can learn right now in order to better adapt to new circumstances in the future.

It is pointless to try to fight change because it will happen whether we like it or not. We must approach our work with a willingness to change and an understanding that the jobs of the future are being created right now. As a result of change, we are able to innovate. Many of the jobs that are available today did not even exist in anyone’s mind a decade ago. Now is the time for us to soak up as much information as possible, to stay active in our field, and to embrace change when it comes. 

Consider the Beneficial Aspects of Change

Fear is the source of most people’s resistance, and change is the source of most people’s fear. For some, it could be a fear of the unknown or the fear of repeating a bad experience. We use resistance to protect ourselves, but it limits both us and the experiences we can have. Consider shifting your perspective to see change as something that allows you to pursue new and exciting opportunities, rather than something that brings with it a slew of new challenges and obstacles.

Consult an Advisor, Guide, or Coach.

It appears that no one enjoys transitions. We are creatures of habit, and as such, we avoid change and frequently fail to recognize its presence. A coach is someone who can provide you with an outside intervention to ensure accountability as well as the reality check you need to accept reality and adopt productive actions and behaviors. The only way to put a stop to change is to resist it by clinging to the past or denying its existence.

Make a decision to believe that change will benefit you.

All of our thoughts and choices, including our beliefs, are our responsibility. For example, if you believe that change is frightening, difficult, or difficult, it will be those things for you. Begin by making a conscious decision to believe that change will benefit you. You can believe that “change is simple,” “change is enjoyable,” or “change will bring me incredible opportunities.” Depending on the perspective you choose, you have the ability to easily rewire your internal system to accommodate change.

Accept the fact that you are resistant to change.

Humans have a natural tendency to resist new experiences and ideas. First things first, we have to acknowledge and respect that reality. This will help us be more open to working on our thoughts and beliefs about change, which will be beneficial to us. Changing these limiting beliefs is necessary in order for us to rewire ourselves and stop responding to change with resistance. Your feelings can lead you to the thoughts you’re having, which you can then use to overcome the resistance you’re experiencing. 

Consider what you would do if you wanted to change your job.

When I find myself in one of these situations, the first thing I do is identify the source of my resistance, and then I set a goal for myself to figure out what I would do differently if I wanted this change to be successful. The most difficult aspect for me is usually recognizing and labeling my resistance. It’s much easier for me to shift my perspective and figure out what I can do to make it work in my favor once I’ve given it a name.


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