There was a saying in our family that no one ever died; people just dried up, were hung on a hook, and conducted their affairs from there. ― Mildred Armstrong Kalish

"An Unconventional Perspective on Life and Death: Reflections from Mildred Armstrong Kalish"

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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There was a saying in our family that no one ever died; people just dried up, were hung on a hook, and conducted their affairs from there.― Mildred Armstrong Kalish, Little Heathens


Family…This quote from Mildred Armstrong Kalish’s book “Little Heathens” captures a unique perspective on death and the afterlife.

The saying in her family suggests that death is not an end, but rather a transformation into a different form of existence.

The image of being “hung on a hook” is particularly striking, as it implies a sense of suspended animation or a lack of movement.

However, even in this state, the deceased are said to continue conducting their affairs, suggesting that they remain an active presence in the lives of those they leave behind. This quote highlights the importance of family traditions and how they shape our understanding of life and death.

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