What is it about love that makes us forget everything, and accept every flaw of our beloved?”― ND Seno

"The Mystical Power of Love: Embracing Imperfection and Finding Acceptance"

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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What is it about love that makes us forget everything


“What is it about love that makes us forget everything, and accept every flaw of our beloved?”― ND Seno, Pins & Needles:


Love is a complex emotion that can affect our brain and behavior in various ways. When we fall in love, our brains release a flood of neurochemicals, such as dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin, which can create feelings of pleasure, attachment, and bonding. These neurochemicals can also impair our judgment, making us more accepting of our partner’s flaws and shortcomings.

Furthermore, our attachment style can also influence how we perceive and respond to our partner’s flaws. People with secure attachment tend to have more positive views of their partner and are more accepting of their imperfections, while people with anxious or avoidant attachment may be more critical or defensive.

Overall, love can make us more forgiving and accepting of our partner’s flaws, but it’s also important to maintain healthy boundaries and communication to ensure a fulfilling and respectful relationship.

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