“A great tree develops over time and can tell stories not only those of happiness, but also those that contain pain from what it has seen over the years, and as a result is the wise ancient tree that it is today. As the seasons change, the tree naturally goes through changes as well: where the leaves turn yellow and orange in the fall, falling by the Winter, returning in the Spring, and with full set of new leafs by the Summer. Love is no different in that there will be times when we are fully naked in the Winter, and left to wonder about Spring when it seemed so easy to love, yet the wise tree knows that no winter will last forever no matter how cold it may be.” ― Forrest Curran

Lessons from Nature: Reflections on Love, Change, and the Wisdom of Trees.

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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“A great tree develops over time and can tell stories not only those of happiness, but also those that contain pain from what it has seen over the years, and as a result is the wise ancient tree that it is today. As the seasons change, the tree naturally goes through changes as well: where the leaves turn yellow and orange in the fall, falling by the Winter, returning in the Spring, and with full set of new leafs by the Summer. Love is no different in that there will be times when we are fully naked in the Winter, and left to wonder about Spring when it seemed so easy to love, yet the wise tree knows that no winter will last forever no matter how cold it may be.” ― Forrest Curran, Purple Buddha Project: Purple Book of Self-Love


This quote beautifully captures the idea that like a tree, our lives and relationships go through seasons of change. It reminds us that even in the difficult and cold seasons of life, we can take comfort in knowing that they will eventually pass and give way to new growth and beauty. Additionally, the comparison to a wise ancient tree serves as a powerful metaphor for the importance of embracing the lessons and experiences we gain throughout our lives, even the painful ones, as they shape us into the person we are today.

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