“Art, then, as has been said, is a state concerned with making, involving a true course of reasoning, and lack of art on the contrary is a state concerned with making, involving a false course of reasoning; both are concerned with the variable” ― Aristotle

The Nature of Art: Making, Reasoning, and the Variable.

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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Art, then, as has been said, is a state concerned with making, involving a true course of reasoning, and lack of art on the contrary is a state concerned with making, involving a false course of reasoning; both are concerned with the variable”

― Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics


This quote by Aristotle emphasizes the importance of reason and logic in the creation of art. He defines art as a state concerned with making, which involves a true course of reasoning. In other words, art is not merely about creating something aesthetically pleasing, but about using reason and logic to create a work that is both beautiful and meaningful.

Aristotle also acknowledges that there is a lack of art that involves a false course of reasoning. This means that there are works of art that are not based on a true course of reasoning and lack the quality of good art.

Overall, this quote suggests that art is not just a matter of personal taste or subjective expression, but involves a disciplined approach to creation that is grounded in reason and logic.

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