Disc Profiles: Everything About High Influence And Compliance

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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Compliance…Despite how seemingly conflicting they are, these two characteristics are really quite frequent in this type of profile.

Influence, on the one hand, is the component responsible for enthusiasm, pleasure, and extroverted haste. Compliance, on the other hand, is linked to exactness, specifics, and stringent adherence to standards.


The resolutions proposed for this seeming inconsistency are crucial to understanding this pattern of behavior.

These two components address their disparities in approach using an unconventional method. In most cases, the combined effects of two or more DISC elements at the high end will strengthen the overall behavioral style.

With the two competing approaches of Influence and Compliance, however, we observe that one (Influence) appears in informal, open, and positive contexts, while the other (Compliance) will come to the fore in more formal, structured contexts.

Understanding How to Get Along with Others

How someone with this personality type interacts with others is highly conditional on the specifics of each situation. This personality type can be quite assured and outgoing while in a social setting.

This assurance seems to vanish in a more formal professional setting or under stress, such as at a job interview, and the style conforms to its more Compliant side.

Sharing Abilities

The skills of both a pure High-I and a High-C are combined in this style, although as we’ve seen, not all of them will be present at once.

If a manager wants a specific kind of conduct from an employee, they should try to create an office setting that encourages that kind of behavior.

Keep in mind that the profile type will typically display a greater Influence factor than their Compliance factor (although, by definition, both must be somewhat high), indicating that they are more likely to exhibit self-assured, talkative conduct than they are to be reserved and cautious.



Personality is a complex and multifaceted aspect of an individual. It is made up of a variety of traits and characteristics that contribute to how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.

High influence and compliance is a personality type that is marked by a strong desire to be liked, approved of, and accepted by others. This type of individual tends to be outgoing, friendly, and likable.

They often have strong social skills and are skilled at building relationships and connecting with others.

Some strengths of personality for individuals with high influence and compliance include:

  • Excellent communication skills: These individuals tend to be skilled at expressing themselves and making their thoughts and feelings known to others. They may be able to effectively communicate their needs and wants, as well as listen to and understand the needs and wants of others.
  • Strong interpersonal skills: High influence and compliance individuals tend to be skilled at building relationships and connecting with others. They may be able to quickly establish rapport and form strong, positive bonds with others.
  • Good problem-solving skills: These individuals may be able to effectively identify and address problems in their personal and professional lives. They may be able to think creatively and come up with solutions that benefit all parties involved.
  • Strong influence: High influence and compliance individuals tend to be skilled at persuading and influencing others. They may be able to effectively advocate for their own ideas and goals, as well as those of others.
  • Adaptability: These individuals may be able to easily adapt to new situations and environments. They may be able to effectively navigate change and find ways to thrive in unfamiliar situations.
  • Positive attitude: High influence and compliance individuals tend to have a generally positive outlook on life. They may be able to find the silver lining in difficult situations and maintain a positive attitude even when faced with challenges.
  • Empathy: These individuals tend to have strong emotional intelligence and may be able to effectively understand and respond to the emotions of others. They may be able to show compassion and understanding towards others, and be able to effectively communicate and respond to the emotional needs of others.



It is vital to acknowledge any negative personality qualities we may have and work toward improving them. Personality features, both positive and negative, are a normal aspect of being human, and it is necessary to strive toward correcting any bad personality traits we may have.

Having said that, people who have a high level of influence and compliance may have some issues in specific areas due to their strong desire to avoid conflict and please others.

They may have difficulty being aggressive and establishing limits, and they may also find it difficult to articulate their own thoughts and requirements in romantic relationships as well as in the workplace.

It is essential for people who have this personality type to concentrate on striking a balance between their need to be liked and accepted and their need to be able to speak up for who they are and what they believe in.

Individuals that have a high level of influence and compliance are typically people who exude warmth, friendliness, and an openness to interaction.

They are generally able to speak clearly and successfully, as well as persuade others; in addition, they are adept at constructing and sustaining connections. They might be particularly effective in positions that demand teamwork, sales, or customer service.

Individuals who have a high level of influence and compliance are likely to have a great desire for harmony in their love relationships.

As a result, they may put their romantic partner’s requirements and emotions ahead of their own. They may have difficulty articulating their own requirements and limits, but they are capable of developing healthy, mutually supportive relationships if they do so with a companion who is sensitive to their requirements and treats them with respect.

Work on assertiveness and boundary-setting, as well as the formation of the individual’s own personal values and views, may be part of the process of personal growth and expansion for those who have a high degree of influence and compliance.

Instead of putting all of their attention on the requirements of other people, it could be beneficial for them to learn how to recognize and express their own requirements and wants.

When it comes to forming relationships with other people, people who have a high level of influence and compliance have a tendency to get along well with others who are open and friendly, as well as those who respect their desire for harmony. It’s possible that they have a tough time maintaining connections with people who are too aggressive or combative.

When working with others who do not respect their boundaries or who do not recognize their contributions, people who have a high level of influence and compliance in their professional connections may find themselves in a position where they must overcome challenges.

They may also have difficulty succeeding in circumstances that are very competitive or treacherously ruthless. It is essential for them to choose a workplace that places a premium on working together with others and showing respect for those around them.



Personality is a complex and multifaceted concept, and it can be difficult to pinpoint specific strengths and flaws in an individual’s personality.

That being said, people with a high level of influence in their personality tend to be outgoing, confident, and assertive. These traits can be seen as strengths in many situations, as they can help someone to be persuasive and successful in achieving their goals.

On the other hand, people with a high level of influence may also struggle with being too aggressive or pushy, and may have difficulty taking other people’s perspectives into account.

They may also struggle with maintaining relationships and may be seen as selfish or self-centered.

In romantic relationships, people with a high level of influence may have a strong ability to attract and retain partners, but they may also struggle with communication and compromise.

It can be important for them to work on being more empathetic and considerate of their partner’s needs.

There may be areas for personal expansion for individuals with a high level of influence in their personality, such as learning to be more aware of other people’s feelings and working on communication and conflict resolution skills.

People with a high level of influence tend to bond well with those who are confident and assertive, as they often have similar personality traits.

However, they may struggle to connect with those who are more timid or hesitant, as they may find it difficult to relate to different communication styles.

Under stress, individuals with a high level of influence may be able to draw upon their confidence and assertiveness to find solutions and manage difficult situations.

However, they may also struggle with impulse control and may become more aggressive or reactive. It can be helpful for them to practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness to stay calm and focused.


Personality is a complex and nuanced aspect of human experience, and it is important to approach it with care and sensitivity. It is also important to recognize that individuals are unique and cannot be accurately or completely defined by any one personality trait or type.

That being said, individuals who are high in influence and compliance may have some strengths and challenges in various areas of their lives.

Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries may be an area for personal expansion for high influence and compliance individuals.

Learning to assert their own needs and preferences, and setting limits on what they are willing and able to do for others, can help them to avoid feelings of resentment and to live a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Developing decision-making skills and learning to trust their own judgment and instincts can also be an area for growth for these individuals.

Finally, finding ways to prioritize self-care and prioritize their own needs and well-being can be an important step in personal expansion for high influence and compliance individuals.

There are many different areas where people with high influence and compliance might consider expanding their personal growth and development. Some potential areas for personal expansion might include:

  • Leadership skills: People with high influence are often natural leaders, but there is always room for improvement and growth in this area. Consider taking on additional leadership roles within your organization, or seeking out leadership development opportunities to hone your skills and become a more effective leader.
  • Communication skills: As a high influence personality, you likely have strong communication skills already. However, there are always ways to improve in this area, such as by becoming more adept at active listening, learning to give and receive feedback effectively, and developing your public speaking skills.
  • Emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence is a critical component of effective leadership and interpersonal relationships. Consider expanding your understanding of emotions and how to manage them in yourself and others through courses, books, or therapy.
  • Conflict resolution: Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship, and being able to effectively navigate and resolve conflicts can be a key area for personal expansion. Consider learning more about conflict resolution techniques, such as negotiation and mediation, to improve your ability to handle conflicts in a healthy and productive way.

Overall, there are many areas where people with high influence and compliance can focus their personal expansion efforts. By continually working on these areas, you can become an even more effective and well-rounded leader and team member.



People with high influence and compliance are generally likable and have a natural ability to connect with others. They tend to be warm, friendly, and approachable, and often have a strong sense of empathy, making them good at understanding and relating to others.

These qualities can be particularly beneficial in building strong professional and personal relationships. However, people with high influence and compliance may also struggle to assert themselves or set boundaries in relationships, leading to difficulties in standing up for themselves or saying “no” when necessary.

It can be helpful for these individuals to work on developing their assertiveness skills and learning to communicate their needs and boundaries effectively.

People with high Influence and Compliance personalities tend to be outgoing, persuasive, and likable. They are often skilled at building relationships and can be very charming and engaging.

They may bond well with others who are also outgoing and sociable, and who enjoy engaging in activities that involve interacting with others. They may also bond well with those who are open to new experiences and are willing to try new things.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that every individual is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

It’s always a good idea to get to know someone on a deeper level and understand their values, interests, and needs in order to build a strong and meaningful connection.


People with high influence and compliance personality traits may experience obstacles in professional connections when they are working with individuals who are less cooperative or willing to compromise.

These individuals may struggle to effectively communicate and persuade their colleagues to see things from their perspective, as they often prioritize maintaining harmony and avoiding conflict.

They may also have difficulty standing their ground and advocating for their own needs and ideas, which can make it difficult for them to assert themselves in group settings.

In order to overcome these challenges, it may be helpful for individuals with high influence and compliance traits to work on developing their assertiveness and conflict resolution skills.

They can also seek out mentors or colleagues who can provide guidance and support in navigating difficult professional situations.

Additionally, it may be helpful for them to find ways to express their own needs and ideas more clearly and confidently, such as by setting clear boundaries or seeking out opportunities to present their ideas to others in a more formal setting.

People with a high Influence and Compliance personality type tend to be very likable and are skilled at building relationships. They are often able to form strong connections with their colleagues and superiors, and are able to effectively communicate their ideas and opinions in a way that is persuasive and engaging.

However, there are certain situations where these individuals may experience obstacles in professional connections.

One such situation is when they encounter someone who is unwilling to listen to their ideas or perspectives.

This can be frustrating for individuals with a high Influence and Compliance personality type, as they value open and honest communication and may feel that their input is being disregarded.

In order to overcome this obstacle, it may be helpful for these individuals to try to find a way to present their ideas in a more compelling or logical way, or to seek out a mediator who can help facilitate communication between the two parties.

Another obstacle that individuals with a high Influence and Compliance personality type may encounter is when they are working with someone who is resistant to change.

These individuals tend to be open to new ideas and are willing to adapt to new situations, but they may struggle when they are working with someone who is resistant to change.

In order to overcome this obstacle, it may be helpful for these individuals to try to understand the other person’s perspective and to find common ground, or to seek out a compromise that works for both parties.

Overall, individuals with a high Influence and Compliance personality type are skilled at building professional connections and are able to effectively communicate their ideas and opinions.

However, there may be certain situations where they may encounter obstacles, and it is important for them to be able to adapt and find ways to overcome these challenges in order to maintain strong and productive professional relationships.


Some potential drivers for motivation for individuals with a high Influence and Compliance personality type might include:

  • Leading or participating in team-building activities: These individuals thrive on social interaction and may be motivated by the opportunity to work with others to achieve a common goal.
  • Collaborating with others on a project: These individuals are often skilled at building relationships and may be motivated by the opportunity to work with others to achieve a shared objective.
  • Opportunities for personal growth and development: High Influence and Compliance individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to learn new skills and take on new challenges that allow them to grow and develop as professionals.
  • Making a positive impact on others: These individuals are often driven by a desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others, and may be motivated by the opportunity to contribute to the success of their team or organization.
  • Opportunities for creativity and innovation: High Influence and Compliance individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to come up with new ideas and approaches to problem-solving, and may be energized by the chance to be creative and innovative in their work.
  • Receiving recognition and appreciation: These individuals often place a high value on positive feedback and recognition from their colleagues and superiors, and may be motivated by the opportunity to receive praise for their contributions.
  • Being part of a positive and supportive work culture: High Influence and Compliance individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to work in an environment that is positive, supportive, and fosters collaboration and teamwork.
  • Opportunities for advancement and leadership: These individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to take on leadership roles and advance their careers within an organization.

Overall, it is important for individuals with a high Influence and Compliance personality type to feel that their contributions are valued and that they have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in their work.


People with a high level of influence and compliance may experience exhaustion at the office when they are not able to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

This can be caused by taking on too many responsibilities outside of work, such as caring for family members or participating in multiple extracurricular activities. It can also be caused by not setting clear boundaries and allowing work to encroach on personal time.

Other potential causes of exhaustion for individuals with high influence and compliance include:

  • Poor time management skills, leading to a feeling of constantly being behind or overwhelmed
  • A lack of support or resources from colleagues or management
  • A high-stress work environment or toxic culture
  • A lack of job satisfaction or meaning in the work being done
  • A lack of opportunities for growth or advancement
  • A lack of recognition or appreciation for their contributions

To prevent exhaustion, individuals with high influence and compliance may need to prioritize self-care and prioritize their time more effectively.

This may involve setting boundaries, delegating tasks, and communicating their needs to their colleagues and management.

It may also involve finding ways to find meaning and fulfillment in their work, such as by taking on more challenging projects or seeking out opportunities for personal and professional growth.


High Influence and Compliance individuals are likely to excel in job roles that require strong communication skills, interpersonal abilities, and the ability to persuade and influence others.

They are naturally outgoing and confident, which makes them well-suited for roles in sales, marketing, and public relations. They are also likely to be effective leaders and team players, as they are able to motivate and inspire others to work towards a common goal.

Some specific job roles that may be particularly well-suited for individuals with high Influence and Compliance include:

  • Sales representative: These individuals are responsible for promoting and selling products or services to potential customers. They must be able to effectively communicate the benefits of a product and persuade potential customers to make a purchase.
  • Marketing specialist: Marketing specialists work to develop and implement marketing campaigns for a company’s products or services. They must be able to identify target markets, create promotional materials, and measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts.
  • Public relations specialist: Public relations specialists are responsible for managing a company’s reputation and relationships with the media and the public. They must be able to effectively communicate with various stakeholders and handle any negative publicity that may arise.
  • Team leader: Team leaders are responsible for overseeing a team of employees and ensuring that they are working effectively towards a common goal. They must be able to communicate clearly, delegate tasks, and motivate their team members.
  • Customer service representative: Customer service representatives are responsible for assisting customers with any inquiries or issues they may have with a product or service. They must be able to effectively communicate with customers and resolve any issues in a timely and professional manner.
  • Event planner: Event planners are responsible for organizing and coordinating events, such as conferences, weddings, and parties. They must be able to effectively communicate with clients, vendors, and other stakeholders to ensure that events run smoothly.


High Influence and Compliance individuals are known for their ability to persuade and charm others, as well as their desire to maintain harmony and avoid conflict.

While these strengths can be beneficial in many professional and personal situations, they may also present some challenges when it comes to managing stress.

One issue that High Influence and Compliance individuals may experience under stress is difficulty setting boundaries. Because they value maintaining positive relationships and avoiding conflict, they may struggle to assert themselves and say no to unreasonable requests or demands.

This can lead to overextending themselves and taking on more tasks than they can handle, which can increase their stress levels even further.

Another challenge that High Influence and Compliance individuals may face under stress is a tendency to rely on others for support and decision-making.

While seeking guidance from others can be beneficial, it can also lead to a lack of autonomy and self-sufficiency, which can be draining in the long run.

Additionally, High Influence and Compliance individuals may struggle with expressing their own needs and emotions when under stress.

Because they prioritize others’ feelings and maintaining harmony, they may suppress their own emotions and needs, leading to pent-up frustration and resentment.

To better manage stress, it can be helpful for High Influence and Compliance individuals to work on setting healthy boundaries, developing their own decision-making skills, and finding healthy ways to express their emotions.

Some additional issues that may arise for High Influence and Compliance individuals under stress include:

  • Difficulty saying no to unreasonable requests
  • Dependence on others for support and decision-making
  • Suppressing emotions and needs to maintain harmony
  • Difficulty managing multiple tasks and responsibilities
  • Struggling with assertiveness
  • Difficulty adapting to change or unexpected challenges


This person’s motivations are more complex than most, because of the opposing natures of their two main factors.

Their high Influence score means that they are interested in the attention and approval of others, but because they also have high Compliance, this element is less likely to be demonstrated overtly, and will instead be more subtle and discreet.

Compliance is the factor of certainty and sureness, and this type of person will look for a clear idea of their position and the expectations of those around them.

Again, however, the complex interplay of factors in this style will affect the way that they express this need, and they are far less likely than a pure High-C to ask for explicit instructions directly.

High Influence and Compliance individuals are known for their ability to charm and persuade others, and for their adaptability and willingness to compromise.

These traits can be strengths in many professional settings, as they allow these individuals to excel at communication, collaboration, and problem-solving. However, they may also experience some difficulties in their professional connections.

One potential obstacle is a tendency to prioritize maintaining harmony over expressing their own opinions or advocating for their own needs.

This can lead to a lack of assertiveness and difficulty setting boundaries, which can negatively impact their career advancement and personal satisfaction.

It’s important for individuals with a high level of Influence and Compliance to work on developing their assertiveness skills and learning to balance the need for harmony with the need to speak up for themselves.

Another potential challenge for these individuals is a tendency to become overwhelmed by the demands of others.

They may struggle to say no to unreasonable requests or to delegate tasks to others, which can lead to feelings of exhaustion and burnout.

It’s important for them to learn how to set healthy boundaries and prioritize their own well-being in order to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Despite these challenges, High Influence and Compliance individuals can excel in a variety of job roles.

Their communication skills and adaptability make them well-suited for customer service, sales, and marketing roles, where they can use their charisma and persuasion to build relationships with clients and close deals.

They may also thrive in roles that involve teamwork and collaboration, such as project management or HR.

When it comes to motivation, these individuals are often driven by the opportunity to build and maintain relationships, as well as the chance to be of service to others.

They may also be motivated by a desire for approval and recognition from their peers and superiors. In order to stay motivated at work, they may benefit from having a supportive team or manager who recognizes their contributions and values their input.

Overall, High Influence and Compliance individuals have many strengths that can help them succeed in their professional lives, but it’s important for them to work on developing their assertiveness and setting healthy boundaries in order to avoid burnout and maintain their well-being.

With the right support and self-awareness, they can thrive in a variety of job roles and find lasting success and fulfillment in their careers.

Additional issues to consider:

  • Struggling to make decisions: High Influence and Compliance individuals may have a hard time making decisions on their own, as they often prioritize maintaining harmony and seeking the approval of others.

This can lead to difficulty making decisions in a timely manner, or to indecisiveness when faced with a choice.

  • Difficulty handling conflict: These individuals may avoid conflict at all costs, which can make it difficult for them to effectively address and resolve conflicts that arise in their professional or personal lives. It’s important for them to work on their conflict resolution skills and learn how to address conflicts in a healthy and productive way.
  • Difficulty with change: These individuals may struggle with adapting to change, as they often value consistency and routine. They may need support and guidance when transitioning to a new role or adapting to new circumstances at work.
  • Insecurity: High Influence and Compliance individuals may struggle with feelings of insecurity and a need for validation from others. It’s important for them to work on building their self-confidence and finding ways to validate themselves internally.
  • Dependence on others: These individuals may rely heavily on the support and approval of others, which can make them vulnerable to manipulation or exploitation. It’s important for them to learn how


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