Disc Profiles: Everything About High Influence (40+ Sequences)

The most important aspect of communication is influence

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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The most important aspect of communication is influence

A profile such as the one on the left, which demonstrates high Influence but lacks any other elements that could function as a counterbalance, is extremely closely related with those styles that are able to interact readily and effectively with others.

The most important aspect of communication is influence

It is for this reason that profiles of this kind are frequently referred to as “Communicator” profiles – they depict persons who are self-assured, outgoing, and gregarious, and who place a high emphasis on making positive connections with other people.

Relationships with Other People

Relationship building is one of the most important skills for a High-I, or highly influential, individual. They have a welcoming attitude toward other people and are self-assured in their own social abilities, which enables them to engage favorably in virtually any circumstance.

People who are around them frequently find them fascinating because to the strong and obvious confidence they exude, as well as their genuine interest in the thoughts and, more importantly, the feelings of others.

General skill sets

Given the information presented above, it should not come as a surprise that the most distinctive qualities of a High-I lie in the domain of communication.

They are excellent communicators, not only possessing the aggressiveness necessary to drive home a point of view, but also the perceptive characteristics necessary to grasp the perspectives of others and adjust to meet the demands of changing circumstances.


Some Strengths That High-Influencers Can Have

Individuals who score high in influence on the DISC assessment tend to be outgoing, sociable, and persuasive. They may also be seen as friendly and likable, and they often have a natural ability to connect with others.

Some strengths that individuals with high influence may possess include:

  • Outgoing and sociable: High influence individuals tend to be outgoing and enjoy being around others. They are often comfortable in social situations and may have a large network of friends and connections.
  • Persuasive: These individuals are often skilled at persuading and influencing others, and they may be able to effectively advocate for their own ideas and desires.
  • Confident: High influence individuals tend to be confident in themselves and their abilities, which can be a positive trait in both personal and professional situations.
  • Adaptable: These individuals are often able to adapt easily to new situations and environments, and they may be able to quickly establish rapport with new people.
  • Empathetic: High influence individuals tend to be empathetic and able to understand and connect with the feelings and perspectives of others.
  • Good listeners: These individuals may be skilled at active listening and may be able to effectively communicate and build strong relationships with others.

Despite the fact that these are strengths, it is essential to keep in mind that every person is unique and that people who have a high deal of influence may also struggle with some issues or require improvement in specific areas.

For instance, in their efforts to influence others, they could find it helpful to keep in mind that they should not be overly insistent or authoritative.

In addition, it is essential to acknowledge that while everyone possesses some strengths, it is equally essential to place an emphasis on one’s own personal growth and development.

While individuals who score high in influence on the DISC assessment may have many strengths, it’s also important to be aware of potential areas for improvement or areas where they may struggle.

Disc: High Influence
Disc: High Influence


Some potential flaws or challenges that individual with high influence may face include:

  • Difficulty with follow-through: High influence individuals may struggle with follow-through on tasks or projects, as they may be more focused on socializing and connecting with others.
  • Lack of discipline: These individuals may struggle with discipline and may have difficulty sticking to a schedule or routine.
  • Difficulty with confrontation: High influence individuals may have a harder time with confrontation or dealing with difficult or unpleasant situations.
  • Struggles with conflict resolution: These individuals may struggle with effectively resolving conflicts and may have a harder time finding compromise or common ground.
  • Difficulty with long-term planning: High influence individuals may have a harder time with long-term planning and may be more focused on short-term goals or tasks.

It is essential to keep in mind that these are merely prospective obstacles and that every single person is one of a kind. It is essential to keep in mind that even while everyone has aspects of their performance that might be improved, it is equally essential to acknowledge and celebrate one’s strengths and triumphs.


“No Heart Can Be Obtained By Force.”


In romantic relationships, individuals who score high in influence on the DISC assessment may have both strengths and challenges. Some potential difficulties that they may face include:

  • Struggles with commitment: High influence individuals may have a harder time with commitment and may be more focused on maintaining their social connections and independence.
  • Challenges with communication: These individuals may struggle with effective communication, as they may be more focused on maintaining a positive social image and may have difficulty expressing their true feelings or needs.
  • Difficulty with follow-through: High influence individuals may struggle with follow-through on tasks or responsibilities in a relationship, as they may be more focused on socializing and connecting with others.
  • Struggles with conflict resolution: These individuals may have a harder time effectively resolving conflicts and may have a harder time finding compromise or common ground.
  • On the other hand, high influence individuals may also bring many strengths to a romantic relationship. Some potential strengths include:
  • Outgoing and sociable: These individuals tend to be outgoing and enjoy being around others, which can be a positive trait in a relationship.
  • Good listeners: High influence individuals may be skilled at active listening and may be able to effectively communicate and build strong relationships with their partner.
  • Empathetic: These individuals tend to be empathetic and able to understand and connect with the feelings and perspectives of their partner.
  • Adaptable: High influence individuals are often able to adapt easily to new situations and environments, which can be helpful in navigating the challenges that can arise


Individuals who score high in influence on the DISC assessment may have some areas for personal expansion or growth. Some potential areas for development include:

  • Time management: High influence individuals may benefit from working on their time management skills, as they may struggle with discipline and may have difficulty sticking to a schedule or routine.
  • Communication skills: These individuals may benefit from working on their communication skills, particularly in terms of expressing their true feelings and needs, and being more assertive when necessary.
  • Conflict resolution: High influence individuals may benefit from developing their conflict resolution skills, as they may struggle with effectively resolving conflicts and finding compromise or common ground.
  • Follow-through: These individuals may benefit from working on their follow-through skills, as they may have a harder time completing tasks or responsibilities in a timely manner.
  • Commitment: High influence individuals may benefit from working on their commitment skills, as they may struggle with maintaining long-term relationships or commitments.

It’s important to remember that personal expansion and growth are ongoing processes, and it’s always a good idea to work on becoming the best version of ourselves. It can be helpful to seek out opportunities for learning and growth and to be open to feedback and self-reflection.


“If we want to be happy, we must believe that life is in the soul, not in the body.”


People who have a high influence score on the DISC evaluation are more likely to be outgoing and social, and they may form strong bonds with others who have characteristics and behaviors that are similar to their own.

Some examples of persons who might make a suitable match for those with a lot of influence are as follows:

  • Other high influence individuals: These individuals may bond well with others who are also outgoing, sociable, and persuasive, as they may share similar values and goals.
  • People who are open to new ideas: High influence individuals may appreciate partners who are open to new approaches and ideas, as they are often open to change and innovation themselves.
  • People who are comfortable with socializing: These individuals may bond well with others who are comfortable with socializing and who enjoy being around others.
  • People who are adaptable: High influence individuals may bond well with others who are adaptable and able to adjust easily to new situations and environments.
  • People who are empathetic: These individuals may bond well with others who are empathetic and able to understand and connect with the feelings and perspectives of others.

It’s important to remember that everyone is different and that there’s no one way to build relationships that works for everyone. It’s also important to remember that both people in a relationship have to work at it and make some sacrifices.


Individuals with a high influence score on the DISC evaluation may have difficulties in their professional relationships if their outgoing and persuasive attitude is seen as overbearing or superficial.

Some specific circumstances in which these folks may have difficulty include:

  • Working with a team: High influence individuals may struggle to effectively collaborate with others, as they may be more focused on their own goals and ideas rather than considering the needs and perspectives of the team.
  • Leading a team: These individuals may have difficulty effectively leading a team if they are not able to balance their persuasive nature with empathy and sensitivity to the needs and concerns of team members.
  • Dealing with conflict: High influence individuals may struggle with managing conflict in a healthy and productive way, as they may be more inclined to try to persuade others to see their point of view rather than finding a resolution that works for everyone.
  • Managing subordinates: These individuals may have difficulty managing subordinates if they are not able to balance their persuasive nature with sensitivity to the needs and concerns of their team members.
  • Working with clients or customers: High influence individuals may struggle to build strong professional connections with clients or customers if they are perceived as being too pushy or lacking in depth.

Always keep in mind that no two people are the same, and that this holds true even in the business world, where there is no one-size-fits-all method for establishing and maintaining positive working relationships. Those who have a lot of influence can benefit from developing their capacity for empathy by learning to balance their high tendency toward persuasion with a greater focus on the feelings and experiences of those around them.


“If you don’t put your life on the line, you can’t earn your life.”

Friedrich Schiller

Individuals who score high in influence on the DISC assessment may be motivated at work by a variety of factors. Some potential drivers for motivation for these individuals include:

  • Opportunities for socialization: High influence individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to socialize and connect with others at work, as they tend to be outgoing and sociable.
  • Recognition and praise: These individuals may be motivated by recognition for their hard work and achievements, whether through formal or informal means.
  • Personal growth and development: High influence individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to learn and grow, and may be drawn to job roles that offer opportunities for development.
  • Making a difference: These individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to make a positive impact and to contribute to the success of their organization.
  • Opportunities to persuade and influence: High influence individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to persuade and influence others, as they are often skilled at doing so.
  • Variety and change: These individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to take on new challenges and to constantly learn and grow in their roles.

It is critical to remember that each person is unique and that different people are motivated by different things. Managers can benefit by understanding their team members’ motivations and aspirations, as well as providing opportunities for growth and development.


Individuals who score high in influence on the DISC assessment may experience exhaustion at the office when they feel overwhelmed by their workload or when they are not able to effectively manage their time and energy.

Some specific situations where these individuals may struggle include:

  • Taking on too much: High influence individuals may be prone to taking on too much, as they may be driven to achieve and succeed. This can lead to feelings of overload and exhaustion.
  • Lack of control: These individuals may struggle with feelings of exhaustion if they do not feel in control of their workload or if they are not able to effectively prioritize their tasks.
  • Conflicting demands: High influence individuals may experience exhaustion if they are trying to balance conflicting demands from different areas of their lives, such as work, family, and personal commitments.
  • Poor work-life balance: These individuals may struggle with maintaining a healthy work-life balance, which can lead to feelings of exhaustion.
  • Lack of support: High influence individuals may experience exhaustion if they do not have a strong support system in place to help them manage their workload and responsibilities.

It’s important to remember that it’s normal to experience feelings of exhaustion at times, and it’s important to prioritize self-care and find ways to manage stress and workload effectively.

It can be helpful for high influence individuals to work on finding a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives and to seek support when needed.


It’s important to note that every individual is unique and that different people will thrive in different job roles. However, individuals who score high in influence on the DISC assessment may be well-suited for job roles that involve:

  • Sales and marketing: These individuals may excel in sales and marketing roles, as they are often confident and able to effectively influence and persuade others.
  • Customer service: High influence individuals may thrive in customer service roles, as they are often friendly, likable, and able to effectively connect with others.
  • Public speaking: These individuals may excel in job roles that involve public speaking, as they are often confident and able to effectively communicate and persuade others.
  • Teaching or training: High influence individuals may be well-suited for teaching or training roles, as they are often able to effectively communicate and connect with others.
  • Social work: These individuals may excel in social work roles, as they are often empathetic and able to understand and connect with the feelings and perspectives of others.

These jobs may be a good fit for those with a lot of influence, but it’s crucial to take into account other variables like your interests, talents, and values when making a decision about your future.


Individuals who score high in influence on the DISC assessment may experience stress in a variety of situations. Some potential behaviors or coping mechanisms that these individuals may exhibit when under stress include:

  • Socializing: High influence individuals may seek out socialization and connection with others as a way of coping with stress, as they tend to be outgoing and sociable.
  • Persuading and influencing others: These individuals may try to persuade and influence others in an effort to manage their stress, as they are often skilled at doing so.
  • Seeking recognition and praise: High influence individuals may seek recognition and praise as a way of coping with stress, as they often value these things highly.
  • Seeking support: These individuals may seek out support from friends, family, or colleagues when under stress, as they often have a strong network of connections.
  • Seeking new experiences: High influence individuals may seek out new experiences or opportunities as a way of managing stress, as they often value variety and change.

Although these are high methods for people with a lot of influence to deal with stress, it’s crucial to realize that there are better options out there. Some examples of this might be finding ways to unwind and recharge, establishing limits, and reaching out for help when you need it.


Highly influential people get their energy from the connections they make with others. In particular, they have a low tolerance for social rejection and a negative response to any indication that they are not liked.

They are profoundly moved by other people’s expressions of admiration and approbation, and they will often go to extraordinary lengths to earn them.

To someone like this, hearing the thoughts and feelings of their closest friends is crucial. High-I individuals have what is known as a “Influence Group” comprised of the people with whom they share the closest bonds.

Their behaviors will frequently be geared toward fostering closer ties within this circle, at the expense of others outside of it. Due to this, influential people might sometimes come out as erratic.

Individuals who score high in influence on the DISC assessment may be motivated by a variety of factors. Some potential drivers for motivation for these individuals include:

  • Recognition and praise: High influence individuals may be motivated by recognition for their hard work and achievements, whether through formal or informal means.
  • Opportunities for socialization: These individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to socialize and connect with others at work, as they tend to be outgoing and sociable.
  • Personal growth and development: High influence individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to learn and grow, and may be drawn to job roles that offer opportunities for development.
  • Making a difference: These individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to make a positive impact and to contribute to the success of their organization.
  • Opportunities to persuade and influence: High influence individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to persuade and influence others, as they are often skilled at doing so.
  • Variety and change: These individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to take on new challenges and to constantly learn and grow in their roles.

It’s important to remember that every individual is unique and that different people are motivated by different things. It can be helpful for managers to understand the motivations and goals of their team members and to provide opportunities for growth and development.


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