“Imitation is natural to man from childhood, one of his advantages over the lower animals being this, that he is the most imitative creature in the world, and learns at first by imitation.” ― Aristotle, Poetics

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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“Imitation is natural to man from childhood, one of his advantages over the lower animals being this, that he is the most imitative creature in the world, and learns at first by imitation.” ― Aristotle, Poetics


This quote by Aristotle highlights the human capacity for imitation and how it is an inherent part of human nature. He argues that from childhood, humans learn through imitation and that it is one of their advantages over other animals. This concept of imitation, or “mimesis” in Greek, is central to Aristotle’s philosophy and is explored in depth in his work “Poetics”.

Aristotle believed that art and literature are also forms of imitation, where artists imitate nature and create works that are similar to reality. He saw imitation as a means of understanding the world and learning from it. In his view, through imitation, we can gain a deeper understanding of the essence of things and their relationships with each other.

Overall, this quote reflects Aristotle’s belief that humans are inherently imitative creatures and that imitation plays a crucial role in our learning and understanding of the world.

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