Life is each moment precious to creativity. What you create does not matter, and it may just be an image in the void – but whatever you do must come out of your playfulness and satisfaction. Love is the purpose, and life is the journey.” ― Lenfantvivant

"Embracing Creativity and Love: Finding Meaning in the Journey of Life"

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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“Life is each moment precious to creativity. What you create does not matter, and it may just be an image in the void – but whatever you do must come out of your playfulness and satisfaction. Love is the purpose, and life is the journey.”

― Lenfantvivant


This quote by Lenfantvivant emphasizes the importance of creativity in life. The author suggests that every moment of life is precious and should be spent in creative pursuits.

The quote highlights that the outcome of the creative process is not important, but what matters is the joy and satisfaction that comes from it. The author believes that love is the purpose of life, and the journey of life should be guided by this purpose.

The quote also stresses the importance of playfulness in the creative process and suggests that one should enjoy the process of creation. Overall, this quote encourages people to value creativity and love in their lives and to find joy and satisfaction in the creative process.

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