“When You Die, Who Will Cry?” Book Summary For Robin Sharma (1999)

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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Robin Sharma book summary


How to develop into someone whose absence is felt. When you die, have you given any thought to what will happen to you?

Do you ever think about who might pay their respects at your funeral?

If you were gone, who would cry? If you were to die, who would be the ones to cry? (1999) encourages you to think about how you affect the world. If you’re dissatisfied with your legacy, the author offers concrete advice for how to change your life and the world for the better.


The People Who Should Read Who Will Cry When You Die

Best review, summary, and quotations from Who Will Cry When You Die? India-born author Robin Sharma has authored a book titled Who Will Cry When You Die. The book WHO WILL CRY WHEN YOU DIE was released to the public for the first time in 1999. One could call it a “self-help” book.

This book is certain to boost your self-esteem if you are one of the many people wandering aimlessly through life.

This book contains explanations of all of the most renowned statements from around the world. If you’re ready to give your life more purpose while also achieving more, as Robin Sharma puts it: if the words “legacy,” “impact,” and “contribution” have deep meaning for you.

This book should serve as a wake-up call for you if that’s the case. when we were born, we wore tears as the world rejoiced; sustain your existence in such a way that the world will crying and that you will jump for joy at your death” is the slogan for the film who will cry when you die.

If you don’t want to live a pointless life and suffer a pointless death, the message of these lines is plain. It is for you that those tears will be shed at your passing.

Brief Synopsis of Who will cry when you die

Who Will Cry When You Die is Robin Sharma’s discussion of the most significant lessons he has learnt during his life, presented in the form of 101 inspirational chapters that, if followed, will aid in improving our quality of life and our interpersonal connections.

There isn’t a doubt that you’ll learn something valuable from each and every chapter in this book. The author, Robin Sharma, penned this book so that readers wouldn’t be sorry they read it on their death beds. They didn’t exactly lead the kind of joyful lives they’d hoped for.

Figure out how to realize your aspirations, make the most of your time, reawaken your energy and strength, increase your enjoyment of life, become a leader in your chosen profession, and add variety to your experiences so that you can look back on your life and feel like you’ve accomplished a lot.

At some time in our lives, we’ve all been exposed to folks who are so down on life that they make everyone else feel bad. The most compassionate thing we can think is, “Do they have any friends? ” but many of us can’t help but wonder.

Is there anyone who enjoys being in their presence? Now, I know this may seem awful, but pretend the roles are reversed. Let’s pretend you’re that horrible person.

These days, it’s highly unlikely to be! You are probably a wonderful human being who is cherished by many people in your life. However, have you ever stopped to consider the difference you make in the world? Ever think about your legacy?

This book will show you how to leave a favorable impression on everyone you meet beyond just being “a nice man” or “a decent neighbor.” In this overview, we’ll look at a few of the most crucial traits to develop if you want to leave a positive legacy and feel satisfied with your life’s work.

Chapter 1 

Work On Your Attıtude

This may be the most overused piece of advice ever, yet it could save your life. That’s because the significance of life’s little pleasures should never be discounted. Lessening your stress levels through finding happiness in the little things can have a huge impact on your life.

Life is full of stress, and if you’re like most people, you know that this stress eventually wears us down and makes us frantic, nervous, and frightened. While it’s unrealistic to expect a life free of stress, it is crucial that we learn to effectively manage the stresses we do face.

As a result, we need many of little sources of joy sprinkled throughout our days. The good news is that the author’s study confirms that brief periods of enjoyment dramatically lower our stress levels.

Greeting a friend with a humorous meme is one example. Or perhaps you have a morning ritual of picking up a pumpkin spice latte on the way to the office.

Or maybe you just enjoy caressing your cat a lot. These little pleasures can be anything, and they will be unique to each person. But it is essential that you make time for the things that make you happy. Because those breaks will let you relax and reset the short fuse you probably developed during the day.

To reduce stress, they can also assist you in keeping your mind on the bright side. Because, let’s be honest, it’s unrealistic to expect someone to adore every facet of their work or life. There will always be something we despise doing, some routine chore that seems pointless and boring.

This can make it hard to focus (i.e., not let our minds wander), maintain motivation, and prevent procrastination. However, our viewpoint can be enhanced if we make an effort to dwell on the bright side of things as often as possible.

As an illustration, perhaps there is a specific task at work that you despise above all others. Perhaps you’ll never be able to see any good in it and will be doomed to eternal hatred.

However, perhaps that duty is only temporary in nature and a stepping stone to greater things. Perhaps if you can perfect that ability, you will be able to advance to the position you prefer.

Maybe it’s just keeping the lights on, and for that you should be thankful. Changing your viewpoint in even these modest ways may not seem like it would make much of a difference, but it often does.

The slightest shift toward optimism has been linked to significant improvements in both psychological and physiological well-being. So, remember to slow down long enough to enjoy the scenery

. Relate a humorous story to your pal. Take a bite out of a cupcake. And when you go off to sleep each night, take a moment to think about everything you have to be thankful for.

These platitudes may sound silly, but keep in mind that our minds are essentially computers.

It is up to us to decide whether we want our brains to focus on the good or negative, as we have the ability to program them with a wide variety of information. The thoughts we think and the way we approach our days have a significant impact on the way our brains are wired. So, train your brain to always see the positive side of things if you want to live a joyful life.

Chapter 2

Srtucture Your Priorities And Practice Mindfulness

Is it true that you’ve heard the phrase “be where you are” before? Given that it is physically impossible to be in two locations at once, this may have seemed like a non sequitur.

We all know, however, that one can be in one location with one’s body while thinking about somewhere else entirely. Indeed, it is possible to become so preoccupied with your own thoughts that you imagine yourself to be on the other side of the world.

In fact, this is a pretty regular occurrence, especially in the hectic modern world. While it’s great that we can stay in touch at all times thanks to modern technology, there are occasions when doing so can be a bit too convenient.

That’s because our phones can open a door to a different, unpleasant mental realm, where thoughts of family problems and broken relationships might follow us to the office.

As a result, it’s not always easy to be in the here-and-now. In fact, with each ding of a new alert, it can feel like you’re being tugged in a thousand different directions at once.

A medieval torture technique called “stretching” bears a striking resemblance to this mental feeling. The victim would be attached to a contraption known as “the rack” in order to extract information from them.

They would be tied to the rack with their arms split out at one end and their legs stretched out at the other. The torturer might then use a wheel to further extend the rack by twisting it apart.

The victim’s limbs would be dislocated or perhaps ripped from their body as they were stretched to their breaking point. We acknowledge that this is a quite graphic and nasty illustration; yet, it is, unfortunately, also a very apt metaphor.

Because it’s easy to feel like our minds are being torn apart by the demands of work, family, friends, and other commitments when we don’t set aside time to focus on our own mental health.

That’s why it shouldn’t come as a shock that this emotion raises anxiety and lowers joy.

That’s why the author thinks living in the now is so important to fulfillment and fulfillment. Indeed, if you wish to nurture true joy, you must abandon the practice of multitasking.

And being mindful of the present moment is the first step. Of course, it’s easier to say than to actually do! Many people lack the ability to slow down and concentrate on a single job because they have been taught that multitasking is the key to success.

And there is no magic pill or wand that can make it go away. It would be fantastic if we could, but. However, presence is a talent that must be developed, just like physical fitness or proper nutrition.

In the same vein as the aforementioned cases, mastering this ability might be challenging. But in the end, it will pay off handsomely!

Get organized and clear your head before you do anything else. If, for instance, you have a habit of checking Facebook messages or business emails at inappropriate times (such as when you should be spending quality time with your family), you may benefit from utilizing a site blocker.

Additionally, you can permanently disable access to specific users if necessary. Reducing mental clutter and improving your ability to concentrate on a single task at a time can begin with turning off these pop-ups.

And if you can keep it up for at least 21 days (the time it takes to form a habit), you will have made it a regular part of your life. It will become easier and more natural to concentrate on a single task at a time as a result.

If you find that setting deadlines for yourself helps, do so. While certain due dates may be set for some projects, others can continue indefinitely.

And when that happens, putting things off or forgetting about it is simple. Next thing you know, you’re panicking as the deadline approaches, and you have to scramble to get everything done.

Self-motivation can be useful in this case. Tell yourself, “I only have an hour to do this,” and then use that hour efficiently. You might be surprised to learn that you can get more done in less time and take back control of your schedule.

Incorporating these practices into your daily life should help you become more mindful.

Chapter 3

Promote Your Creativity

Write in a diary every day? Quite a few serious adults don’t because they view it as immature or juvenile. However, many famous people, including Che Guevarra, Andy Warhol, and Virginia Woolf, have acknowledged the merits of journaling.

Why? The option to act as your own sounding board is only one of the many creative benefits of keeping a notebook. A sounding board is someone or some people who you may run your ideas by and who will give you constructive criticism in return.

Having someone to bounce ideas off of might help you refine them and learn where you might be going wrong.

Therefore, journaling is a terrific approach to become your own sounding board if you don’t have access to a group of individuals who can give this for you or if you simply want to develop your self-awareness.

To get started, keep a diary in which you can record your ideas and reflections on a daily basis. Make a note of it if you have a promising concept that you want to develop further at a later time.

A journal can serve as a sounding board if you don’t merely jot down random thoughts and never refer back to them. It’s important to keep coming back to your diary if you want to give your thoughts the attention they deserve in the future.

Something seemingly unimportant at first glance may reveal a flash of brilliance upon more reflection and consideration. The excellent concept that you were prepared to invest your life savings in yesterday may look completely unfeasible today.

The author suggests setting a regular time to write and finding a pleasant environment to write in, as doing so may help you get more from journaling

. You may help normalize the activity for yourself by providing yourself with a little structure and a place where your ideas can flow freely. And if you write even a small amount every day for a week, you’ll soon build a habit that provides you structure and consistency!

Chapter 4  

Reconnect With Nature And Yourself

There’s no mystery as to why you’re constantly miserable if your job demands you to spend lengthy hours in front of a computer. If you want to know the single greatest risk to your health, it’s not anything else but a lack of exercise.

In addition to the physical benefits, exercise has been shown to improve mental health as well. That’s because working out releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which have a similar effect on the body as a steady supply of morphine.

To top it all off, it has been shown to stimulate serotonin and dopamine production in the brain, which in turn helps to maintain a positive, healthy, and stress-free state of mind.

However, many people incorrectly assume that exercise must be a chore because it is typically uncomfortable to begin if you are not used to it. However, the opposite is in fact true

. The ideal sort of exercise is something you’ll actually do, so there’s no need to follow a specific workout regimen. Whatever your preference, there’s bound to be an activity that fits the bill, be it swimming, running, Zumba classes, kayaking, etc.

Simply take advantage of the outdoors and discover a new pastime that speaks to your interests. However, in your effort to become more physically active, it is essential that you remember to check in with yourself on a regular basis.

Meditation and other forms of introspective self-care are just as crucial to physical health as they are to emotional well-being.

Spending time alone in nature is a great way to relieve stress and rediscover your sense of purpose in life.

Exposure to natural light and active exploration of one’s environment has been shown to reduce anxiety and mental tiredness while simultaneously increasing inventiveness, confidence, and focus.

So go for a hike in the woods or a stroll in a flower field and take the time to appreciate the little things in life by stopping to smell the roses. In fact, what we’ve written off as useless may be essential to your emotional well-being.

It’s crucial to take a moment to breathe as you work to reconnect with your true self, the one who can’t escape the competing demands of your daily life. One of the simplest ways to improve one’s awareness of oneself and one’s ability to relax is to practice deep breathing, paying attention to each inhale and exhale.

Chapter 5

The Concluding Remarks 

It’s simple to lose sight of the big picture amidst the minutiae of daily life. When we do this, we risk losing sight of two things that are vital to our well-being: who we are and how we relate to others.

The traits that feed our souls and make us enjoyable to be around are the ones we should focus on if we want to live lives that others will remember.

According to the author’s findings, the attributes most likely to bring us happiness are those in which we are able to fully engage in the present now; embrace our creative selves; spend time in nature; and discover joy in the smallest of everyday occurrences.

Therefore, if you work on developing these traits, you and those around you will enjoy life more. Furthermore, when your time on Earth is done, people will remember you for the good you did for them.

Personal Inserts (Analysis Of The Analysis)

What follows is a short summary of some of the passages of Who will cry when you die that I found particularly moving.

1. Maintain a diary.

To keep a journal is to give yourself the gift of private conversation. A journal is different from a diary. You write down your thoughts and feelings about things in a journal, while a diary is where you record what happened.

2) Allow the light to shine into your life.

Worrying about the responsibilities you’d rather not have prevents the things you want from entering your life.

3) Don’t dwell on the past

You spend your entire day changing your thoughts. If you don’t want to go through the same experiences twice, worrying over your past mistakes and misunderstandings is pointless.

4) prioritize the caliber of your sleep over the quantity.

The importance of sleep quality over quantity cannot be overstated. Robin provides helpful advice on how to get a better night’s rest. They are:

  • Don’t eat after 8 o’clock at night.
  • Don’t force yourself to sleep by replaying the events of the day in your head.
  • Don’t read or watch the news right before bed (some sad news can make you feel distressed).
  • No reading in bed!

5)  Suffering is instructive, and setbacks are the path to triumph.

During the worst hours of our lives, we find the inner resources we never knew we had.

6. Hone your skills

In his essay “The Tragedy of Life,” Norman Cousins wrote, “The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die within of us while we breathe.” There are far too many people who would rather dwell on their flaws than work to improve their strengths. Setting goals helps you focus on your life’s purpose rather than acting depending on your emotions in any given moment.

When I give talks, I frequently reference the following story from ancient Indian mythology to convey the message that each of us possesses vast latent potential and talent, if only we give it a chance to shine.

There was a time when it was thought that every human being on Earth was a god. Unfortunately, humanity tampered with its boundless possibilities. Because of this, the Supreme Being veiled the Godhead, the wellspring of all possibilities, from mortal eyes. The question then became how such an item might be kept safe.

The first advisor suggested burying it very deep underground, but the supreme deity scoffed and said, “No, eventually someone will dig deep enough and locate it.”

Another advisor then said, “What if we store the godhead at the foot of the deepest ocean?” To which the supreme god replied, “No, eventually someone will dive deep enough and locate it.”

Well, why don’t we put it on top of the highest mountain?” the third advisor bellowed. And the Ultimate Being said, “Neither; I’m convinced that eventually someone will climb that highest of heights and find it.”

The All-Powerful God contemplated the situation for a while and came to the following conclusion: “I will place this source of all human strength, potential, and purpose inside the hearts of every man, woman, and kid on the globe, for they will never think to look there.”

Whether you realize it or not, you may be squandering your potential if you don’t tap into your strengths. If you fail to do so, you will be doing a disservice to yourself and others. Here’s how Ruskin phrased it:

Even the weakest among us has a talent that is unique to him and that, if he puts it to good use, will benefit his entire species.

7) Luck does not favor the cowardly:

There is nothing infinite about life; it is merely a competition of numbers. To the extent that you are willing to take risks, your payoffs will increase proportionally. Stop wasting time worrying about being safe and start actively seeking out new experiences.

No good comes from trying to be a jack of all trades. Knowing what may be left undone is the true key to getting things done.

8)  Youth is a mentality:

L.F. Phelan says –

“Youth is not an epoch; it’s a frame of mind.” Only by giving up on aspirations and maturing past the childlike state of mind can bodies age. Getting older might make you look wrinkled, but losing your passion can make you look old inside as well. The degree to which you worry, have doubts, and feel hopeless determines your chronological age. Keeping your faith in God fresh is how you can stay young at heart.

One does not arrive at happiness so much as create it.

9) Get in the back of the viewer’s head

Maintain a low profile and attentive listening. You can’t learn anything if you’re not paying attention.

Advice on conserving resources from Robin Sharma

It’s best to give up if the individual in front of you doesn’t respond to your statement within 60 seconds.

Rather than talking, focus on what the other person is saying.

· Wait until the other person is finished talking before you respond.

Don’t be so quick to hold onto your judgment.

10) Let off steam at work before heading home for the night.

We are respectful to our peers and superiors. However, we don’t behave the same manner with our own family. They are the one we look up to and have the most faith in. Take ten minutes to yourself in Solitude right after work, before heading home, to figure out what they like and how you can make them happy. Reach your house with a smile on your face.

Last Words

I appreciate that Robin Sharma wrote in simple terms that make Who will grieve when you die accessible to readers of all ages. It’s clear that the author put a lot of thought into each and every lesson in this book, and that there is no unnecessary filler or rehashing of material.

In Who will cry when you die? Robin Sharma primarily discusses being alone. The solution to your issues lies in solitude. However, being alone can become incredibly addicting. Being completely alone reduces your concern about other people. You’ll get totally preoccupied with your own thoughts

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