The Path Made Clear – 2019 (Book Summary)

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey is a book in Religion & Spirituality; she has made a clear Path..

Path…While many of us around the world are staying at home during these strange times in order to relax from our hectic schedules or attempt to manage a new one, we may be wondering where our lives are headed during this time.


Maybe everything is shifting for us because of our employment, or maybe we want to make the most of this opportunity to spend more time with the people we care about the most by devoting more of our time to having meaningful interactions with them.

It’s possible that we’ve become motivated to go on a profound artistic or spiritual quest, or that we’d like to reimagine the space in which we live.

It’s possible that all we can do is try to make sense of this crazy world while also doing everything in our power to keep our mental health in check.

Currently, there are a lot of folks who are just taking each day as it comes. It is perfectly fine to take no action. Because it enables us to better understand who we are, we would all benefit from devoting more time to doing nothing.

However, we are encouraged to analyze our current situation, so I thought it would be a good time to share a few key themes from the book The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life’s Direction and Purpose by Oprah Winfrey.

This book is about finding the direction and purpose of your life. Because it contains so many potential avenues for education, my book review has developed into an article.

The reader will find that the book is broken up into 10 chapters, each of which contains stunning graphics, and that these chapters act as stepping stones to enable them to live a life that is motivated by knowing who they are and living authentically.

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Each chapter emanates soul nutrition and includes quotes from famous contributors. provided in this collection are Joe Biden, Ellen DeGeneres, Jane Fonda, Elizabeth Gilbert, Goldie Hawn, Jimmy Kimmel, Sue Monk Kidd, Stevie Nicks, and Eckhart Tolle (for those who aren’t familiar with any of these people, there is a helpful description provided at the back of the book).

Each and every chapter is crammed full of ‘Aha!’ moments. It is anticipated that the book will be read numerous times, and each time through, the reader will have access to fresh pieces of information.

I have made an effort to confine each chapter to one or two themes and to provide details in a succinct manner; however, there are many more. If not, we could easily be talking about ten thousand words in this piece!

The most important thing that we should take away from this is that the path and purpose of our lives do not necessarily depend on how we make a living; rather, it is how we live our lives and the things that identify each of us to ourselves that are the most important. What makes us feel secure and at peace should be what we focus our attention on as a primary source of nutrition. Enjoy.

The world around us is always evolving.

When you pay attention to what feeds your energy, you are moving in the direction of the life you were meant to live.

“Believe that the universe has a bigger, wider, and deeper dream in store for you than you could ever imagine for yourself,” says Oprah.

“Your life is not fixed. Every decision, defeat, or achievement is an opportunity to discover the seeds of truth that make you the amazing human being that you are. I’m not only referring to your profession.”

We are continually developing into a new version of ourselves. We are always going through the motions of both recuperation and discovery. Our mission or calling is always shifting and may shift as we do. Our surroundings are always changing as well.

Discover and capitalize on your individuality.

Oprah said, “When you align your personality with your purpose, no one can touch you.” This is something that Gary Zukav taught her in a beautiful way.

Ellen Degeneres once said, “And because of this, I became a comedian.” “Because I noticed the little gaps between the things that everyone else noticed.”

We should make an effort to understand ourselves and allow that knowledge to propel us forward and upward. We should think about any unusual abilities that we have discovered about ourselves, both as children and more recently.

These things do not have to be connected to employment or income, but they can be anything in our lives, such as parenting skills.

Listen carefully, and be honest about what the whispers are attempting to tell you about the situation.

“Life is about change and growth, and when you’re no longer doing either, you’ve heard your first whisper,” says Oprah. “You will soar.” “Life is about change and growth,” says Oprah. “Follow your intuition, do what you love, and you’ll succeed more than you ever imagined.”

“When you are not using your life, time, and energy for the highest and best use, and something in the back of your mind is saying, ‘Ding, ding, ding, ding!’ then you are not using your life, time, and energy for the highest and best use.

” You’ve lost your life, your passion, your energy, and your excitement. “—you’re disregarding it. You’ve lost your life. “I want to shake you, rattle you, and stir you up so that you know every minute is a gift,” Bishop T. D. Jakes says.

“I want to shock you, rattle you, and stir you up so that you realize every moment is a gift.”

It may be that we are stressed, weary all the time, have a short temper, are anxious, or have become overly controlling. These are all signs that something isn’t quite right. Are we being truthful to ourselves? Is there something in our lives that contradicts our genuine selves?

Because change and fear are inescapable, it is important to make an effort to comprehend them and work with them.

Steven Pressfield says that the more important an activity is to the development of your soul, the harder it will be for you to do it.

“We commit ourselves fully to working toward the creation of the conditions that we feel will make it possible for us to be okay.

And when things begin to alter in a way that does not conform to the model, we become anxious because it seems as though it will not work because it appears as though it will not function.

The emotion of fear is quite real. You can either push it away or let it go. Both of these alternatives are available to you. You can choose to steer clear of it and live in constant fear of it, or you can let it go through unimpeded.

It is natural for your heart to feel fear; it is part of being human… The natural progression of reality is what life is. Michael Singer has stated that the audience is expected to harmonize and work with the material.

It is simple to give up when things do not go according to plan or when the challenge seems insurmountable. Getting through this will give us a chance to learn more about ourselves, become more aware of what we can do, and maybe even get a new perspective.

It strengthens both our zeal and our resolve. Oprah opens up about how challenging it was for her to compose the speech she gave at her Harvard graduation.

She was concerned that she had nothing new to offer to such knowledgeable individuals, and this concern manifested itself in the form of delay, which in turn led to feelings of guilt for her.

Once she realized what was going on, she found the natural resistance that comes with every dream to be really comforting.

Make sure that your route is well thought out and honest. Invest your time and effort into it.

Making more disciplined choices slowly imprints a certain set of behaviors and attitudes into that core piece. On the other hand, when you make fragmented decisions, you erode that core element. “When I look at people who have character, I see consistency over the course of their lives.”

I remember these adults coming up to me and asking, “…What do you want to be when you grow up? Goldie Hawn is quoted as saying, “And I’d say, “Happy,” and they’d look at me strangely.”

According to Iyanla Vanzant, “…A vision that grows within you, a vision that wakes up with you, sleeps with you, moves with you, a vision that you can tap into on your worst days” is the vision that will propel you ahead.

It helps to talk about our goal in a clear and honest way and come up with a plan that will help us take small steps toward (hopefully) reaching our goal.

It is good for pantsers to not know all the stages as long as we envision the end goal and plan each step as we go. Be aware that things may change, which is perfectly fine. Attempt to do the “next right thing,” as Anna sings in Frozen 2.

The use of routines and accountability mechanisms, such as posting daily word counts on Twitter during National Novel Writing Month, can increase productivity.

It is important for us to make every effort to ensure that our actions are consistent with our intentions. Brené Brown drafted a manifesto for her family.

It is wonderful and combines her beliefs about family and what it entails, such as “Above all, I want you to know that you are loved and lovable.” You will learn this by my words and actions… We will share our tales of struggle and strength… We will always have permission to be ourselves with one another, no matter what.

Stay ahead of the game by going with the flow and making the most of the time you have.

If you believe that this is the only moment you have, you will live in the present and go with the flow, because now is the point of arrival, as Deepak Chopra explains, “Right now.” “Everyone is looking forward to the future. They are never in the current moment.”

According to Eckhart Tolle, “The important thing to understand is that what happens to you is far less important than how you respond to what happens.” This is what determines the course you take in life.

We have no choice but to go with the flow of life and our circumstances and make the most of them. Just go with the flow and let life take its course.

We can only hope that we will find the true meaning of what it is to be “in flow”—that is, to be entirely involved in something—where everything appears to be functioning appropriately and flowing easily.

It is possible for it to be applicable to a particular endeavor (such as anything artistic, fitness-related, athletic, or gardening-related), or it may be applicable to our entire lives.

Spending time with others that follow the same route, have the same viewpoint, or adhere to the same philosophy is another important lesson that I picked up from this chapter.

This can be energizing, motivating, and beneficial all at the same time. After a long absence, I decided to start taking dance courses again and quickly realized that I had missed not only the dancing itself but also the dancers themselves, who are often kind, creative, and kind individuals.

Make the most of the possibilities to learn about the disruptions that are present.

“One of my favorite Joel Osteen lessons is, “What follows ‘I am’ is what we’re attracting into our life.” This means that when you say things like, “I am exhausted,” or “I am overwhelmed,” you are drawing that kind of energy into your life.

My climb was converted from a grueling trek to a still challenging but now thrilling adventure the instant I adjusted my attitude from I am struggling to I am honored, and my entire outlook changed.” Oprah.

“I once wrote a letter to my younger self in which I told her that it’s okay to rewrite my story every now and then.” Not only is it acceptable, but it is also essential.

“I once wrote a letter to my younger self in which I told her that it’s okay to rewrite my story every now and then. ” There are moments when you have to stick things out, even if they’re not going to make you happy, but there are other occasions when you have to declare, “That tale is no longer true.” “I’m going to be this other thing…”, Cheryl Strayed said at one point.

Our travels are not going to be enjoyable, and we shouldn’t expect the way to be as smooth as an ice-skating rink. It’s possible that we won’t even be able to move as steadily as we’d like to.

We might have to go back and retrace our steps or take a different route to get back on track, but we can convert these setbacks into teachable and strengthening moments by looking at them in the right way.

In her book, First We Make the Beast Beautiful, Sarah Wilson talks about how naming or talking about our feelings, like worry, can be a good way to make them less intense.

It is less powerful and more manageable at the same time. There are some key differences between this and the lecture on energy and perspective taught by Joel Osteen.

If we are continually in a state of striving and negativity, things will appear much more difficult for us than if we confess that we are suffering or fatigued, but then make the decision to do something about it.

Things will appear much more difficult for us if we are constantly in a striving and negative frame of mind. That is the only point worth considering.

Think about your legacy and what your purpose and path in life will mean to the people around you.

Lynne Twist says, “It expands when you pay attention to, nourish, cherish, and share what you already have.” “When you let go of trying to get more of what you don’t really need, you free up oceans of energy that were previously consumed by that pursuit to now turn and pay attention to what you already have.”

It depends on our attention, but even a small gift of awareness can help bring about many excellent benefits. What exactly are we contributing to the world? Is it good to humanity? Will we be remembered as a breath of fresh air to others?

Possibly, you are putting a lot of effort into being caring. A person who is skilled in the art of intentional listening can be helpful to another person who needs to get their feelings out.

Realize that success comes in waves, and try to find fulfillment in doing things that you enjoy.

According to Oprah, it’s sometimes just as vital to know what you don’t want as it is to know what you do want.

“No matter how much wealth you amass, everything passes away and changes with the passage of time,” she said. “What is eternal is who you are and what you are supposed to share with the world. Oprah, that is your genuine treasure.”

“It’s lovely to be recognized for something you’ve done. But it’s just a passing moment… they’ll never define you. Goldie Hawn says,

“I define myself by my ability to give…to understand…by my ethics and by my truth.” “It’s wonderful to be honored for something you’ve done. But it’s just a fleeting moment… they’ll never define you.”

Money shows that a person has the skills they need to do their job, but it doesn’t tell the whole story of what it means to be a person or live an authentic life.

Furthermore, we are discovering more than ever that those with jobs like garbage collectors, grocery workers, and bus drivers are at the core of our society.

Our lives would be significantly different without them. Oprah realized early on that individual were not earning their salary due to a low-paying babysitting job.

Jeff Weiner says that traditional ways of measuring success are fleeting and often out of our control. While it is wonderful to be successful in expressing missions or visions or attaining goals, we shouldn’t let reliance on traditional measurements be the source of our self-esteem.

Money is not an absolute measure of worth. It also depends on what definition of success we hold dear.

We are constantly focused on what we don’t have instead of appreciating and enhancing what we do have. This can include money, time, affection, and vacations.

Consumer culture “seeps into every aspect of life,” according to Lynne Twist. She discusses the “myth of scarcity.” Many of us live as if money has greater power than human life, the natural environment, and our connections with one another.

Appreciating experiences, having the chance to be ourselves, and appreciating what we already have all help us get rewards.

You already own the answers, even if it takes some time to unearth them or if they change as you progress through life.

“Morrie asserted that the reason people were unhappy was due to the fact that they were only going through the motions of their lives.

They were conforming to the expectations of our culture, which dictated how they should spend the rest of their lives. They were preoccupied with trying to live up to someone else’s expectations of who and what they ought to be,” said Mitch Albom.

“I have thought very carefully and deliberately about my life, why certain things happen, and what they mean.” “I discovered that the goal is to be complete. To be comfortable in your own skin.” “Jane Fonda”

Believe that you already have everything you need. You are capable of accomplishing anything, and even if you lack the necessary abilities, you may set a goal to learn them.

Believe that you are capable of taking care of yourself and that you have something unique to offer—if not the world, then at least one other person or even just yourself.

If you can’t offer it to the world, then at least offer it to one other person. You should make an effort to listen in order to figure out what it is that your heart truly craves and where your skills lie. It’s far too easy to have self-doubt, but having the right mentality is key.

Oprah cites The Wizard of Oz as an example of finding footing in our “home.” Dorothy went on a journey to learn who she truly was, and along the way, she encountered three powerless sides of herself.

Oprah utilizes this story to illustrate how we might find stability in our “home.” She believed that she needed assistance from anything other than herself in order to locate these objects and make her way home, but Glinda reassures her that she has always possessed the power to do so thanks to the shoes.

No matter how far you may have wandered off the path, there is always a way to make your way back. And the way to get back is to understand what makes us who we are and to conduct our lives in accordance with that understanding.

When things don’t go according to plan, we are adapting and becoming unique, and we have the courage inside ourselves to work through fear and disruptions in order to respond to our whispers. This will result in the growth of a legacy with which we will be satisfied.

I hope that you find what it is that gives you the peaceful fulfillment that comes from being in flow. I hope that whatever your current path is, it will give you new chances, new ways of looking at things, and the power and freedom to feel and show joy every single day.

The Path Made Clear-


  • You will always be exactly what you perceive yourself to be.
  • No one will be able to sway your judgment once you have successfully merged your character traits with your life’s mission.
  • Pay attention to the things that get your heart racing, help you feel more connected to other people, and get your mind working harder.
  • You can never win against someone who is self-aware because they will always be one step ahead. You have the most power when you are absolutely certain that the purpose behind whatever you do is totally congruent with what you believe and when you are fully convinced of this.
  • The management is currently providing employees with instructions on how to proceed. Being a leader means motivating other people to act in a certain way.
  • A person can inspire others if they have the ability to clearly articulate their goals and objectives, as well as the tenacity to stand firmly by their beliefs, and the communication skills necessary to do it effectively.
  • The way in which you respond to the things that take place around you is of much greater significance than the events themselves.
  • Do not forget to concentrate on living in the here and now. Living in the future means you won’t be able to enjoy the present when it arrives, and if you’re not content where you are now, it’s unlikely that you’ll get there in the future. If you’re not content where you are now, it’s unlikely that you’ll get there in the future.
  • “What am I supposed to learn from this experience?” is one of the most important questions to ask, as well as one of the most fruitful ones.
  • The quality of your life may be evaluated based on the kinds of energy exchanges you have with the outside world, and you have the ability to make that determination for yourself.
  • The purpose of our lives is to become more capable of loving ourselves as well as those around us.
  • Active and compassionate listening takes place when the person being listened to is given the opportunity to relieve some of their own suffering by opening up to the other person.
  • The things that are most dear to you tend to appreciate in value over time.
  • It is more vital to have mental, physical, and spiritual contentment than to earn a lot of money.
  • Being loved is wonderful, but having one’s needs recognized and met is much more significant.
  • Give your attention to the things that boost your sense of self-assurance, connection, and contentment.


This piece of writing was just wonderful. Despite the fact that I ought to have anticipated nothing less from one of the most celebrated teacher-student pairs in the world, I was nonetheless surprised.

Not only does she never stop gaining new knowledge and passing it on to others, but she also surrounds herself with individuals who are just as knowledgeable and perceptive as she is.

She does so by drawing on interviews and conversations she has had with several other well-known thought leaders on the aforementioned subjects.

This book is, in essence, a compilation of the most brilliant and thought-provoking knowledge nuggets that can be discovered in any personal development or self-improvement book. It is possible to find these knowledge nuggets in any book.

Since there were a great number of priceless nuggets, I had to interrupt the listening session quite a few times in order to jot down my thoughts and make notes.

And the length of my principal thoughts is getting close to that of the actual notes, which makes me laugh.

I have a feeling that reading this book will be enjoyable for you overall. It is quite vital, and one can find a way to make it work for virtually anyone by utilizing it.

It also provides you with topics to think about and questions to ask yourself that will make you think deeply, which is especially helpful if you are at a turning point in your life. (Which I feel like most of us do).

On the other hand, reading this book will instill some optimism in you, leading you to believe that you will, in time, discover the path that you should be following.


This book gave me a lot of information that I found to be useful. To tell you the truth, almost any one of my fundamental ideas has the potential to serve as a takeaway for you that completely alters the game.

Having said that, if I had to pick just one piece of advice to put into practice, it would be:

Listening that is both active and compassionate, as well as an awareness that, while it’s wonderful to be loved, it’s far more critical to be comprehended than it is to be loved.

I connected these two concepts because they have a lot in common with one another. The idea of listening in a more thoughtful and in-depth way gave me a lot of food for thought.

This is the frame of mind I want to bring into my future interactions with other people, particularly when another person is suffering and needs to talk to someone about their feelings.

Both being able to understand another person’s pain and being able to comfort them in times of trouble are hard things to do, but they are also very important. In light of what is going on right now, I believe this to be an excellent strategy for dealing with the problem.

In addition, I think that the idea of making other people feel like they are understood is somehow intimately linked to this concept.

We all have a profound desire to be understood, and the more effort we put into it, the more it will cultivate, nourish, and firmly establish our connections, as well as lift up others who are in our immediate environment.

The Path Made Clear

Buy this book @ Amazon: The Path Made Clear The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life’s Direction and Purpose Hardcover – March 26, 2019

Buy this book @ Amazon:“The Way of Zen”

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