The Ultimate 6-Step Guide to Living You Life On Purpose

The ultimate pursuit of purpose and the satisfaction that comes from doing work that matters to one's community and one's sense of self-worth are universal human desires.

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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ultimate purpose


Ultimate ...If not financially, then at least by our own standards of success, this is a goal shared by the vast majority of human beings.

The pursuit of purpose and the satisfaction that comes from doing work that matters to one’s community and one’s sense of self-worth are universal human desires. Something that matters to people something that will live on after we do.

Too often, we lose sight of who we already are in favor of becoming who we aspire to be.

We tend to forget to take pleasure in the ultimate goal because we are too busy working toward it, completing tasks, and proving our worth.

In our minds, every task is a race, and we can’t wait to cross the finish line and get the job done. Continue on to the next step; even a baby step in the right direction can change your life.

Sometimes getting closer in terms of accomplishments means getting colder in terms of emotion.

Consider the fitness instructor who, while working out, can’t stop thinking about how he needs more clients.

Or the child-development author who is so preoccupied with getting her book published that she neglects her own children.

Another example would be the talented artist who spends eleven hours a day doing graphic design so he can afford to paint full-time someday.

Effort doesn’t imply sacrificing happiness.

Today, do something you enjoy, not with any particular goal in mind but simply because you want to.

Your purpose doesn’t have to be something you accomplish, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work hard to achieve your goals. It could be something you experience and enjoy at this very moment.

You will experience happiness, contentment, and meaning in life once you discover your unique calling. Do you agree that this is a worthwhile endeavor?

Come with me, and I’ll show you how to discover your life’s meaning and transform your outlook. As we have discussed at length in this blog, having a reason for living is fundamental to feeling content and successful.

But I realized I haven’t written a post explaining a process, if there is one, to discover your purpose.

Does one need to invent their own life’s mission from scratch, or is there a method or structure to follow? Try to accomplish that, shall we?

There is an assumption that must be made.  Aristotle’s views on happiness serve as the basis for this hypothesis.

Ultimately, the goal of human existence is happiness, which is why this state of being is so important.

What Aristotle said about the human life is true, and now we must derive our purpose on the basis of this aphorism, so we can move forward with our lives with a sense of direction.

Let’s first discuss what we mean when we say “purpose,” and then we can move on to exploring how to find that meaning in your life. Is there any meaning to life, and if so, what is it?

To have a sense of purpose in life, you need to be able to articulate the reasoning behind your actions.


What, then, are the few things one can do to infuse one’s life with ultimate meaning, passion, and purpose?

Make an effort to grow in self-awareness.

Living a mindful life is essential if you want to discover your true calling. An aware life is a conscious one. For the most part, people don’t go through life actively aware of who they are.

Life moves from one station to another, and you wouldn’t know why you’re making decisions if you didn’t put in the effort to learn about yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, what lights you up, and what turns you off.

Making life decisions because you want more money is not living a mindful life. All that glitters is not gold, and money is not the meaning of life. Just like technology, it serves a practical purpose.

In order to discover your life’s calling, you must have a keen awareness of your own identity and how it is always shifting.

  • Learn from the stories of those who have found their calling in life.

Life lessons can be learned from the experiences of those who have already found their way.

This is their story, so read it. Consider viewing their videos and listening to their audio recordings. You should go meet them if you get the chance. Getting a sense of what gives their days and lives meaning can shed light on how you can do the same.

  • Get in touch with your innermost being to discover your life’s true calling.

Avoid living a meaningless existence. Try to avoid talking at a superficial level. Incorporate depth into your daily existence. The concept of depth is elusive, but it conveys the intended meaning.

Consider the meaning of life and living to find depth. You’d also actively seek out conversations with people you find intellectually stimulating. People who lack depth are less likely to have a meaningful existence.

  • To discover your life’s greater meaning, consider the big picture of what it means to be human.

Discovering joy is life’s overarching goal. That is the ultimate goal of our species. To put it another way, the goal of everyone’s efforts is to achieve personal fulfillment. Finding your individual life’s meaning requires relating it to the larger human story.

This means that everything you do should contribute to making the world a better and brighter place. Ultimately, you should strive to make everyone in the world a little bit happier.

Generally speaking, that is true. But this is too general an aim; we’d need to narrow it down so that it applies only to you and your circumstances. The only option is to have it made specifically for you. As such, how do we go about designing our own individual goals and aspirations?

  • Spend some time introspectively studying your own life.

To discover your life’s meaning, you must first ask yourself some introspective questions. Check out your life from the outside. Get some advice from a close friend or family member, and listen carefully to what they have to say about you. Think about what motivates you. To what end do you feel compelled to pursue particular activities? How do you feel complete and happy?

Learn to analyze your life and what it has to teach you. There are some fundamental questions you need to answer before you can decide what kind of life you want to build for yourself. The questions you pose to yourself are where you’ll find the solutions. Here are some crucial inquiries to consider:

  • What are the conditions under which I experience the greatest joy?
  • What motivates me?
  • I used to wonder where my motivation came from.
  • Who do I look up to as a role model? Exactly what is it that I find appealing about them?
  • What would I do if I had unlimited resources?
  • Exactly where do my strengths lie?
  • negative skills that I continue to use?
  • If I had to pay to do something that I really enjoy, what would it be?
  • How would I spend my final 100 days on Earth?
  • Does my job fulfill me? Where do I find pleasure, and where do I find displeasure?
  • Is there a list of things I want to study?
  • What should I be aiming for in my education?
  • What is the underlying cause of my behavior, and how can I identify it?

Adding more questions would result in an incomplete list, as you can see. Perhaps the question you need to ask has not been posed yet and requires some creative thinking on your part.

The point of this introspective dialogue is to help you define your life’s mission in light of your most fundamental drives.

  • Incorporate your reasons for wanting to improve the world.

Now that you’ve answered some of those questions, you should realize that being able to positively affect other people’s lives will make you happy, no matter what you do to do so.

Therefore, the original intention of making the world a happier place still stands. So, let’s say you came to the conclusion in the previous point that you enjoy drawing.

You used to make drawings in every available space. You were called out in front of your classmates for constantly doodling during lectures.

You had been scribbling on any available surface, including the classroom walls, your bedroom walls, and the kitchen table. You have a few close friends who recognize your talent, and one in particular told you once that you were a gifted artist, and the compliment has stuck with you ever since. Maybe you once painted a painting that captivated everyone who saw it.

A lack of artistic ability prevents you from moving on. You take pleasure in being creative and seeing your efforts have an effect on the world. It’s a win-win because it brightens the day of those around you and your own, and it helps you feel like you’re making a difference.

  • Define your life purpose by combining who you are with the larger goal of making the world a better place.

We’ll pretend your name is Alice for the sake of this example. The fact that you, Alice, enjoy drawing so much makes everyone around you happier.

Is there any kind of business interest behind that? Fine. Pursuing a goal that has professional significance will benefit your career in the long run.

Given that Alice has been an artist for as long as she can remember, why might Anjali be here? She has to do it because she feels compelled to.

One of Alice’s goals might be to use art to make the world a more motivational and joyful place.

Finding your life’s calling

In the event that she does not wish to extend her drawing to the entirety of the visual arts, it is possible that the focus could be narrowed even further. That goal could be to inspire people to make the world a better place.

  • You must feel an emotional connection to your goal.

Motives stem from internal experiences. It has nothing to do with money right off the bat. You are the focus, not the money that may or may not result. It’s all about how you feel inside. There needs to be some sort of profound emotional connection between you.

So, when crafting your own personal mission statement, speak from the heart. Happiness is a great word. Since then, I’ve been employing it constantly. I started this blog because I believe one of my roles in life is to spread joy through my words.

Make use of the things that inspire you to take action toward your goals.

  • You need to be motivated by your goal in order to take action.

Continuing from the previous point, you would be motivated to take action toward your purpose if it stirred up strong emotions in you. The point is to take steps toward your ultimate goal.

When you have a reason for doing something, that becomes your “why.” You should feel motivated to analyze any challenge that may arise.

Do it all over again if it doesn’t motivate you to take action. The reason for your existence is your raison d’être. In other words, it’s essential to your survival.

The goal of this exercise is to find something that will give your life meaning and give you a sense that you have a place in the world.

Once you’ve discovered your purpose, begin living your life with intention.

Find your reason for being, and shape your life accordingly. Schedule your days so that you can feel like you’re making a difference.

It’s possible that you wouldn’t be able to do it right away because of your current employment obligations.

Since you were never encouraged to do so, you have spent your entire working life doing something that is not in any way connected to your life’s true calling.

But now that you know your purpose, you must put in the effort to make your life reflect that purpose. That’s what you need to give your life purpose and bring you joy:

Having a reason for what you’re doing will help you leave a lasting mark.

Countless new lives enter the world each and every day. There are currently more than 7 billion people in the world. Unfortunately, not everyone has the resources or opportunities to make a positive difference in the world.

You can’t leave a lasting impression with a life that means nothing to you. What will make you and me stand out is the legacy we leave behind.

Do you think you’ll leave a legacy? My ultimate legacy goal is to have helped make the world a better, more joyful place for others. I am concentrating on that right now. My goal is to make everyone in the world more creative and joyful. Exactly what is yours?

  • Your purpose will make your WHY clear.

After you’ve settled on your life’s mission and are fully convinced of it, you’ll begin to live more consciously. You will have the confidence to defend your actions and explain your reasoning to others. You can plan your life so that it revolves purposefully around an activity that really matters to you.

  • Finding one’s life’s purpose is the key to contentment.

Determine your why and pursue it.

We can’t have the kind of lasting joy we discuss here without contributing to something bigger than ourselves. Living with a purpose is the only way to reach your full potential and feel real happiness. Purpose is essential for fulfillment in life.

  • A life without a purpose is similar to a journey without a goal.

A ship needs a final port of call before setting sail. The ship must then be directed along every possible course to reach its destination.

Like a person without a goal or purpose, a person without direction will wander aimlessly from one option to another without ever asking themselves “why?” because the answer simply isn’t there. In other words, we are missing the big why.

  • You will become stuck in a materialistic rut if you do not have a purpose.

A life without meaning can be filled with money and material possessions.

Those who either don’t want to or are unable to find a deeper meaning in life often mistakenly believe that acquiring wealth is the ultimate goal in life.

Can you say that discovering and following your calling is difficult?

Of course, it’s tough, and that’s probably why so few people even try. They trick themselves into thinking that a materialistic lifestyle is meaningful, and that the more wealth they amass, the happier they will be.

The fact that it’s challenging shouldn’t stop us from trying, though. Finding your life’s calling is challenging, but it’s the only way to avoid succumbing to the allure of a superficial existence.

Finding your reason for being is the key to a joyful, satisfying, and significant existence. So:

  • Turn your adversity into a motivator.

The truth is that we all have to fight through difficulties. Facing and overcoming adversity gives us insight into the world and the ability to see things from our own perspectives.

The majority of people who are having difficulty adjusting to a significant change in their lives will eventually reach out for assistance. Some people find their life’s purpose after getting through hard times by helping people who are still having trouble.

Some people want to work one-on-one with others and pursue careers in fields like social work or life coaching.

Some people discover ways to make a difference in the world through the arts, whether through writing, painting, or performing. There are those who go on to inspire others by giving speeches.

It is up to you to find meaning in your suffering.

Now let’s go in a different direction with the subject matter surrounding this quote:

“Staying true to your goals is the key to success.” “Benjamin Disraeli”

In this passage, Benjamin Disraeli talks about how important it is to set and keep a long-term focus on a specific goal. Success comes from hard work and dedication over time, not from a sudden burst of energy.

We can learn several important things from this quotation.

To be successful, it is essential that you have a well-defined purpose. To do this, you must first determine your goals and the significance of those goals to you. Having a goal in mind can act as a compass for your actions and fuel for your efforts.

  • Remain steadfast

After settling on a goal, it is crucial to stick with it over time. To do this, you might need to set and keep track of a set of intermediate goals. It could also mean settling into regular practices, like exercise or meditation, that help you achieve your goals.

Success is rarely attained without encountering difficulties or roadblocks. When things get tough, don’t give up; instead, double down on your dedication to your mission and brainstorm creative solutions.

This could mean reaching out to friends and family for help, learning something new, or just sticking it out when things get rough.

Though it’s crucial to keep your eye on the prize, you should also take time to revel in small victories along the way. Recognizing your progress and the things you’ve done along the way can help you stay motivated and keep going.

According to Benjamin Disraeli, staying true to your goals is the key to achieving them. You can do this by setting a goal, sticking to it no matter what, accepting and even welcoming difficulties, and rewarding yourself at each milestone along the way.

Adhering to these guidelines will help you cultivate the tenacity and commitment essential for realizing your life’s ambitions.

Consensus at the end:

Purpose, in a word, is lovely. It gives meaning to your life. We are born into the world without an explanation. On the other hand, traces of nature can be found in every aspect of our lives and personalities.

We need to unearth these concealed clues in order to proceed. Learning who we are and how we fit into the world is essential if we are to fulfill the ultimate goal of every human being’s existence: to be happy.

For us, life is about using our inherent qualities to leave a tiny imprint on the cosmos. Only with focused effort will we succeed.

Therefore, invest some time in discovering your true calling. Possible life-altering effects include increased joy, satisfaction, and contentment.


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