Disc Profiles: Everything About High Compliance, Influence and Steadiness (2023 – ∞)

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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Compliance…This trifecta of high-scoring categories indicates a behavioral style that contains a wide range of unique characteristics.

An underlying characteristic shared by these styles is a lack of Dominance, which means that they rarely engage in openly assertive or direct actions. Instead, they’ll strive to make their point across verbally, either by persuasion or logical argument.


This type of person is not ambitious; rather, they are self-directed and content to focus on the quality of their connections with others and the pursuit of their own interests and hobbies.

They excel in group settings due to their openness to others’ perspectives and willingness to work cooperatively.

Understanding How to Get Along with Others

The profile’s three most prominent characteristics—influence, steadiness, and compliance—give this type a leg up in interpersonal communication.

Collectively, these three characteristics offer persons like this an edge in social situations. The Influence trait is associated with an outgoing, welcoming manner, whereas the Steadiness trait bestows the ability to listen carefully and remain calm under pressure.

Last but not least, Compliance adds a logical layer to this person, allowing them to make more convincing arguments in tense situations.

Sharing Abilities

The preceding discussion highlighted the fact that this style excels primarily in the realms of interpersonal communication and relationship maintenance.

They get along well with others, and their opinions are valued and considered. They are self-assured enough to play an active part, but they are not as outspoken as other personality types.

They have the potential to be extroverted and social, and they are open to and empathetic toward others’ experiences and perspectives.



Here are six issues to consider when discussing the strengths of personality for these individuals:

  • Outgoing and charismatic: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals tend to be outgoing and charismatic, with a strong ability to connect with others and build relationships. They may be skilled at networking and building rapport with a wide range of people.
  • Persuasive: These individuals tend to be persuasive and may have a strong ability to influence others through their words and actions. They may be skilled at negotiating and persuading others to see their point of view.
  • Reliable and stable: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals tend to be reliable and stable, with a strong sense of responsibility and a desire to please others. They may be dependable and consistent in their work and personal relationships.
  • Organized and efficient: These individuals tend to be organized and efficient, with a strong attention to detail and a desire to complete tasks in a timely manner. They may be skilled at managing their time and resources effectively.
  • Adaptable: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals tend to be adaptable and may have a strong ability to adjust to new situations and environments. They may be skilled at adapting to change and finding solutions to problems.
  • Confident: These individuals tend to be confident, with a strong belief in their abilities and a desire to succeed. They may be self-assured and able to handle difficult situations with grace and poise.

PERSONALITY FLAWS (About High Influence, Steadiness And Compliance)

Here are six issues to consider when discussing the personality flaws of these individuals:

  • Inflexibility: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may have a tendency towards inflexibility, as they tend to value stability and may have a strong desire to follow rules and procedures. They may struggle with adapting to change or to seeing things from another perspective.
  • Struggles with delegating: These individuals may struggle with delegating tasks or relinquishing control, as they tend to be confident and may have a strong desire to lead. They may need to work on trusting others to handle tasks and responsibilities effectively.
  • Over-reliance on others: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may have a tendency to over-rely on others, as they tend to value stability and may have a strong desire to please others. They may need to work on developing their own sense of self and independence.
  • Difficulty saying no: These individuals may have difficulty saying no, as they tend to be responsible and may have a strong desire to please others. They may need to work on setting boundaries and prioritizing their own needs.
  • Struggles with conflict: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may struggle with conflict, as they tend to value stability and may have a strong desire to please others. They may need to work on effectively communicating their own needs and desires in conflicts.
  • Struggles with self-promotion: These individuals may struggle with self-promotion, as they tend to be modest and may have a strong desire to please others. They may need to work on advocating for themselves and their own interests.



Here are six issues to consider when discussing the difficulties and strong points of these individuals in romantic relationships:

  • Strong points: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may be strong points in romantic relationships due to their outgoing and charismatic personalities, as they tend to be skilled at building and maintaining relationships. They may also be strong points due to their reliability and stability, as they tend to be dependable and consistent partners.
  • Difficulties: These individuals may struggle with being too inflexible or rigid in their relationships, as they tend to value stability and may have a strong desire to follow rules and procedures. They may also struggle with relinquishing control or trust in their relationships.
  • Strong points: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may be strong points in romantic relationships due to their ability to adapt and handle change, as they tend to be adaptable and may have a strong ability to adjust to new situations. They may also be strong points due to their strong communication skills, as they tend to be outgoing and persuasive.
  • Difficulties: These individuals may struggle with effectively managing conflicts in their relationships, as they tend to value stability and may have a strong desire to please others. They may also struggle with setting boundaries and prioritizing their own needs in their relationships.
  • Strong points: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may be strong points in romantic relationships due to their strong sense of responsibility and their ability to commit, as they tend to be reliable and may have a strong work ethic. They may also be strong points due to their ability to be supportive and caring partners.
  • Difficulties: These individuals may struggle with self-promotion in their relationships, as they tend to be modest and may have a strong desire to please others. They may also struggle with communicating their own needs and desires effectively in their lifes.



Here are six issues to consider when discussing areas for personal expansion for these individuals:

  • Adaptability: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may benefit from expanding their adaptability, as they tend to value stability and may have a strong desire to follow rules and procedures. They may need to work on being more open to change and seeing things from different perspectives.
  • Trust and delegation: These individuals may benefit from expanding their trust in others and their ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities, as they tend to be confident and may have a strong desire to lead. They may need to work on relinquishing control and trusting others to handle tasks effectively.
  • Independence: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may benefit from expanding their sense of independence, as they may have a tendency to over-rely on others and may need to work on developing their own sense of self.
  • Boundary-setting: These individuals may benefit from expanding their ability to set boundaries and prioritize their own needs, as they tend to have difficulty saying no and may need to work on effectively communicating their own desires.
  • Conflict resolution: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may benefit from expanding their conflict resolution skills, as they tend to value stability and may have a strong desire to please others. They may need to work on effectively communicating their own needs and desires in conflicts.
  • Self-advocacy: These individuals may benefit from expanding their self-advocacy skills, as they may struggle with self-promotion and may need to work on advocating for themselves and their own interests.


Here are six issues to consider when discussing the people with whom these individuals’ bond well:

  • Are similar in personality: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may bond well with people who are similar in personality and have similar values and goals. They may have an easier time connecting with others who share their outgoing and charismatic nature, as well as their sense of responsibility and desire to please others.
  • Are reliable and dependable: These individuals may bond well with people who are reliable and dependable, as they tend to value stability and may have a strong desire to follow rules and procedures. They may be more comfortable with people who are consistent and can be counted on to follow through with commitments.
  • Are adaptable and open to change: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may bond well with people who are adaptable and open to change, as they tend to be adaptable themselves and may have a strong ability to adjust to new situations. They may appreciate others who are open to trying new things and exploring new ideas.
  • Are supportive and caring: These individuals may bond well with people who are supportive and caring, as they tend to be supportive and caring themselves and may appreciate a partner who is emotionally available and responsive.
  • Are communicative and open: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may bond well with people who are communicative and open, as they tend to value strong communication skills and may appreciate others who are open to sharing their thoughts and feelings.
  • Are responsible and committed: These individuals may bond well with people who are responsible and committed, as they tend to be reliable and may have a strong work ethic. They may appreciate a partner who is equally committed and able to follow through with commitments.



Here are six issues to consider when discussing the obstacles these individuals may experience in professional connections:

  • Inability to adapt: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may experience obstacles in professional connections when they are unable to adapt to new situations or change. They may struggle with being flexible and may have difficulty adjusting to new ideas or ways of doing things.
  • Lack of self-promotion: These individuals may experience obstacles in professional connections when they struggle with self-promotion and are unable to effectively advocate for themselves and their own ideas. They may have difficulty standing up for themselves and their own interests.
  • Difficulty with conflict resolution: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may experience obstacles in professional connections when they struggle with conflict resolution and are unable to effectively communicate their own needs and desires in conflicts. They may have difficulty standing up for themselves and may try to avoid confrontation.
  • Lack of independence: These individuals may experience obstacles in professional connections when they have a lack of independence and are overly reliant on others. They may struggle with taking initiative and may have difficulty making decisions on their own.
  • Difficulty setting boundaries: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may experience obstacles in professional connections when they struggle with setting boundaries and may have difficulty saying no or prioritizing their own needs.
  • Reluctance to take risks: These individuals may experience obstacles in professional connections when they are reluctant to take risks and may have difficulty stepping outside of their comfort zone. They may struggle with trying new things and may be more comfortable with a predictable routine.


Here are six issues to consider when discussing how these individuals get motivated at work:

  • Having clear goals and objectives: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may be motivated at work when they have clear goals and objectives to work towards. They may be motivated by the opportunity to achieve specific outcomes and may be driven by a desire to succeed.
  • Receiving feedback and recognition: These individuals may be motivated at work when they receive feedback and recognition for their efforts. They may be motivated by the opportunity to learn and grow, and may appreciate the validation of their hard work.
  • Having a sense of purpose: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may be motivated at work when they feel like they are making a difference and have a sense of purpose in their work. They may be motivated by the opportunity to contribute to something meaningful and impactful.
  • Having strong relationships with coworkers: These individuals may be motivated at work when they have strong relationships with their coworkers and feel a sense of camaraderie and support. They may be motivated by the opportunity to work with others who share their values and goals.
  • Having a sense of control and autonomy: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may be motivated at work when they have a sense of control and autonomy over their work. They may be motivated by the opportunity to take ownership of their tasks and make their own decisions.
  • Having a positive work environment: These individuals may be motivated at work when they have a positive work environment that is supportive, collaborative, and inclusive. They may be motivated by the opportunity to work with others who share their positive attitude and outlook.


Here are six issues to consider when discussing how these individuals may experience exhaustion at the office:

  • Too much work: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may experience exhaustion at the office when they have too much work and are unable to keep up with the demands of their job. They may be overwhelmed by the amount of tasks they have to complete and may feel like they are unable to take a break or rest.
  • Lack of support: These individuals may experience exhaustion at the office when they feel like they do not have the support they need to complete their work. They may struggle with feeling like they are working alone or not receiving the help and guidance they need.
  • Inability to delegate: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may experience exhaustion at the office when they struggle with delegating tasks and are unable to effectively share the workload with their coworkers. They may feel like they have to do everything themselves and may struggle with relinquishing control.
  • Lack of work-life balance: These individuals may experience exhaustion at the office when they struggle with finding a balance between their work and personal lives. They may feel like they have to sacrifice their personal time in order to get their work done, which can lead to burnout.
  • Poor time management: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may experience exhaustion at the office when they struggle with time management and are unable to effectively prioritize their tasks and manage their workload. They may feel like they are constantly behind and unable to catch up.
  • Pressure to perform: These individuals may experience exhaustion at the office when they feel like they are under a lot of pressure to perform and meet high expectations. They may struggle with the stress and anxiety of trying to meet these expectations and may feel like they are unable to relax or take a break.


Three of the DISC personality evaluation model’s four aspects are high influence, and the other two are steadiness and compliance.

People that score highly in these characteristics typically have a high level of extroversion, charisma, and persuasion, as well as a strong desire to connect with people and influence the thoughts and actions they exhibit.

They also have a strong sense of duty and a great desire to please others, which contributes to their tendency to be reliable, stable, and constant.

In addition, those who have a high compliance score have a tendency to be conformists and to be willing to follow rules and procedures.

Individuals with high levels of influence, steadiness, and compliance may find that certain employment roles are better suited to their characteristics than others.

When evaluating the optimal work responsibilities for these persons, the following are six additional factors to take into consideration:

  • Leadership roles: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may excel in leadership roles due to their outgoing, charismatic, and persuasive nature. They may be effective at managing and motivating teams and may be able to inspire and guide others to achieve their goals.
  • Sales and marketing roles: These individuals may be well-suited for sales and marketing roles due to their ability to influence and persuade others. They may be able to effectively communicate the benefits of a product or service and may be able to close deals and drive revenue.
  • Customer service roles: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may excel in customer service roles due to their ability to connect with others and their desire to please and help others. They may be able to effectively resolve customer issues and may be able to create a positive experience for customers.
  • Project management roles: These individuals may be well-suited for project management roles due to their ability to stay organized and manage their workload effectively. They may be able to effectively coordinate and delegate tasks and may be able to meet deadlines and achieve project goals.
  • Administrative roles: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may excel in administrative roles due to their attention to detail and ability to follow rules and procedures. They may be able to effectively manage paperwork and data and may be able to efficiently handle a variety of tasks.
  • Teaching and training roles: These individuals may be well-suited for teaching and training roles due to their ability to connect with others and their desire to help others learn and grow. They may be able to effectively communicate information and may be able to inspire and guide others to achieve their goals.


Here are seven additional issues to consider when discussing how high influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may handle stress:

  • May become overwhelmed: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may become overwhelmed when faced with high levels of stress. They may struggle to handle multiple tasks or demands and may feel overwhelmed by the pressure to meet deadlines or expectations.
  • May become overly perfectionistic: These individuals may become overly perfectionistic when under stress, as they may have a strong desire to please others and may feel pressure to meet high standards. They may struggle to delegate tasks or may struggle to prioritize their workload.
  • May become overly compliant: Individuals who score high in compliance may become overly compliant when under stress, as they may feel a strong desire to conform to rules and procedures. They may struggle to express their own opinions or may struggle to make decisions.
  • May become less assertive: High influence individuals may become less assertive when under stress, as they may feel overwhelmed or may struggle to express their own needs and desires. They may struggle to advocate for themselves or others.
  • May become less sociable: These individuals may become less sociable when under stress, as they may feel overwhelmed or may struggle to connect with others. They may become more introverted or may struggle to maintain their relationships.
  • May become more reactive: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may become more reactive when under stress, as they may struggle to control their emotions. They may become more reactive to criticism or may struggle to respond to conflict in a constructive manner.
  • May become less resilient: These individuals may become less resilient when under stress, as they may struggle to adapt to change or may struggle to bounce back from setbacks. They may become more prone to negative thinking or may struggle to find solutions to problems.


This character trait typically manifests itself in the absence of any clearly defined life goals or objectives on the part of the individual.

The formation of pleasant, warm relationships with other people, the ability to adjust to changes in circumstance, and a feeling of sureness in one’s place, particularly (but not primarily) in social terms, all contribute to this person’s sense of motivation.

Here are seven issues to consider when discussing what motivates high influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals:

  • Recognition: These individuals may be motivated by recognition, as they have a strong desire to be seen and valued by others. They may be motivated by praise, accolades, or other forms of recognition for their achievements.
  • Relationships: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may be motivated by their relationships with others, as they value connection and want to be liked and respected by their peers. They may be motivated by the opportunity to work with others or to build strong relationships with their colleagues.
  • Responsibility: These individuals may be motivated by a sense of responsibility, as they have a strong sense of duty and a desire to be reliable and dependable. They may be motivated by the opportunity to take on leadership roles or to be entrusted with important tasks.
  • Security: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may be motivated by security, as they value stability and consistency. They may be motivated by the opportunity to work for a reputable company or to have a secure job with a stable income.
  • Status: These individuals may be motivated by status, as they value being respected and admired by others. They may be motivated by the opportunity to advance in their careers or to be seen as successful and accomplished.
  • Structure: High influence, steadiness, and compliance individuals may be motivated by structure, as they value consistency and predictability. They may be motivated by the opportunity to work in a structured and organized environment.
  • Support: These individuals may be motivated by support, as they value being part of a team and having others to rely on. They may be motivated by the opportunity to work with supportive colleagues or to have access to resources and assistance when needed.


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