Disc Profiles: Everything About High Dominance and Steadiness

by Dr. Barış Tunçbilek
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Dominance and Steadiness…Though profiles with high Dominance and high Steadiness are possible, they are relatively uncommon.

The reason for this is that it is difficult to see how these two components, which reflect such fundamentally different sets of values and drives, could coexist in a single behavioral style.

Dominance, Steadiness,Disc

Due to the rarity of this profile, it is important to note that the descriptions offered here are mostly theoretical in nature and are not necessarily based on practical experience with individual styles of this sort.

How to Get Along with People

Due to the odd mix of characteristics that this style represents, it is difficult to anticipate how this person would conduct in social situations.

Dominance is secretive and guarded, preferring to keep information to oneself, whereas steadiness is more outgoing and indicative of someone who values positive, trusting relationships with others.

This indicates that a person with high Dominance and Steadiness will adjust their social behavior depending on the company they keep, coming across as more affable if they are confident in the reliability of those in their immediate vicinity.

Ability Representation

Sub-trait analysis shows this is a focused and realistic style, indicative of someone who will see a course of action through to its conclusion, applying their full attention and resolve to the task at hand.

While they do their best to stick to reasonable deadlines, they also place a premium on preparing ahead. According to this profile’s convexity, the reserved, reflective half of the conduct will surface in ideal circumstances, while the more urgent, demanding side will emerge under stress.


“Don’t pray for easy lives, pray to become stronger people.”-John Kennedy

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Individuals who score high in both dominance and steadiness on the DISC assessment may have a unique blend of strengths that can be beneficial in various situations and environments.

Some potential strengths of this personality type may include:

  • Confidence: These individuals may have a high level of confidence, which can be helpful in leadership roles and in situations where they need to inspire and motivate others.
  • Persistence: These individuals may be persistent and resilient, and may have the ability to stay focused and motivated even in the face of challenges or setbacks.
  • Strategic thinking: These individuals may have strong strategic thinking skills and may be able to see the big picture and plan for the long term.
  • Strong communication skills: High dominance and steadiness individuals may have excellent communication skills, and may be able to effectively convey ideas and visions to others.
  • Ability to delegate: These individuals may have a natural ability to delegate tasks effectively, and may be able to manage teams and projects efficiently.
  • Respected by peers: These individuals may be respected by their peers and colleagues due to their strong leadership skills and ability to inspire others.
  • Ability to adapt: These individuals may have the ability to adapt to new situations and challenges, and may be able to find creative solutions to problems.
  • Ability to build relationships: These individuals may have strong interpersonal skills and may be able to build strong relationships with others, which can be beneficial in a variety of settings.

Keep in mind that you, like everyone else, have strengths and weaknesses, and that it’s best to concentrate on the former and hone the latter.

Recognizing your abilities and actively seeking out situations where you can put them to use can be quite beneficial.


People who do well on the DISC assessment in the areas of dominance and steadiness may still have room for development, just as people of all other personality types do.

Inadequacies or room for growth in this personality type could include:

  • Inflexibility: These individuals may struggle with inflexibility and may have a hard time adapting to new situations or changes.
  • Struggle with criticism: High dominance and steadiness individuals may struggle with criticism and may have a hard time receiving feedback or constructive criticism.
  • Lack of patience: These individuals may have a tendency towards impatience and may struggle to be patient with others.
  • Difficulty with delegation: These individuals may struggle with delegation, and may have a hard time relinquishing control to others.
  • Rigidity: These individuals may have a tendency towards rigidity and may struggle to be open to new ideas or approaches.
  • Difficulty with risk-taking: These individuals may struggle with taking risks, and may be hesitant to try new things or take on uncertain ventures.
  • Difficulty with change: These individuals may struggle with change and may have a hard time adapting to new situations or environments.
  • Struggle with balance: High dominance and steadiness individuals may struggle with finding a healthy work-life balance, and may have a hard time prioritizing their personal needs and interests.

Every person has their own set of challenges and opportunities for growth; the key is to recognize and address these aspects of yourself.

Being open to criticism and eager to improve are both traits that can help you make the most of input from others.


  • People who score high on the DISC dimensions of dominance and steadiness may have challenges and strengths in love relationships. This personality type may experience some of the following strengths and weaknesses.
  • Difficulties: These individuals may struggle with being flexible and adaptable in relationships, and may have a hard time compromising or accepting new ideas or approaches. They may also struggle with managing their emotions and may have a hard time expressing their feelings.
  • Strong points: High dominance and steadiness individuals may be strong leaders and may be able to provide stability and guidance in relationships. They may also be good at communication and may be able to effectively express their needs and boundaries.
  • Difficulties: These individuals may struggle with patience and may have a hard time dealing with conflict or setbacks in relationships. They may also struggle with being overly critical or perfectionistic.
  • Strong points: These individuals may be committed and loyal partners, and may be able to provide stability and security in relationships. They may also be good at setting goals and working towards a shared vision.
  • Difficulties: These individuals may struggle with balancing their own needs with the needs of their partner, and may have a hard time finding a healthy work-life balance. They may also struggle with taking risks and may be hesitant to try new things in relationships.
  • Strong points: These individuals may be able to provide support and guidance to their partner, and may be able to help them achieve their goals. They may also be able to build strong, supportive relationships.

Keep in mind that no two partnerships are exactly alike, and that what works for one set of people could backfire on another set.

Open dialogue, a willingness to change course when necessary, and collaborative problem solving are all qualities that can serve a couple well.


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Those who have a high score on the DISC assessment in both the dominance and steadiness categories may still have room for personal development or improvement, just like everyone else.

The following are some potential areas in which a person with this personality type could grow personally:

• Adaptability: These people could benefit from focusing on their flexibility and adaptability, as well as from learning how to be more open to new ideas and methods.

• Emotional intelligence: People who are high in dominance and steadiness may gain something from working on their emotional intelligence by learning how to better regulate their feelings and convey how they are feeling.

• Patience: It may be beneficial for these persons to work on improving their patience and learning how to be more understanding and accepting of others.

• Being willing to venture beyond of one’s comfort zone and take risks: These people may benefit from expanding their comfort zones and taking more risks because it can help them learn new things and grow as individuals.

• Communication: It may be beneficial for these persons to continue working on improving their communication skills and learning how to effectively express their needs and boundaries.

• Striking a balance between work and personal life: These people might profit from learning how to better strike a balance between their professional and personal lives, as well as from developing the ability to prioritize their own requirements and passions.

• Creativity: It may be beneficial for these folks to work on developing their creative abilities and become more receptive to novel concepts and methods.

• Empathy: These people might benefit from cultivating their empathy and learning how to be more sympathetic and understanding toward other people.

It is essential to keep in mind that the process of expanding one’s own horizons and maturing as a person is a continuing one, and that it is necessary to remain open to acquiring new skills and maturing throughout one’s life.

Identifying areas in which you have room for personal growth and actively working to improve those areas might be beneficial.


People who do well on the DISC evaluation and score high in both dominance and steadiness are likely to form strong bonds with others who have values and characteristics that are compatible with their own.

The following are some qualities that might be present in people who get along well with people who have this type of personality:

• Have compatible objectives and principles: People who are compatible with one another in terms of their objectives and principles, as well as their dedication to working toward a common goal, are more likely to form strong bonds.

• Respectful and able to create a safe and supportive environment for growth and development: These folks may form strong bonds with others who are also respectful and able to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to growth and development.

Capable of effective communication and openness: People with these characteristics may form strong bonds with people who are also open and communicative and who are able to clearly articulate their wants, needs, and limits.

• Self-reliant and self-motivated: Individuals with these characteristics may form strong bonds with people who are also self-reliant and self-motivated, as well as those who are able to take the initiative and work toward achieving their own objectives.

• Organized and effective: People who are organized and effective are likely to form strong bonds with others who are also organized and effective and who are able to effectively manage their time and resources.

Adaptable and flexible: Individuals with these characteristics may form strong bonds with people who are also adaptable and flexible, as well as with those who are able to adjust well to novel circumstances and obstacles.

• Self-assured and confident: People with these characteristics are more likely to form strong bonds with others who are also self-assured and confident and who are able to inspire and motivate others.

• Loyal and dependable: People who have these qualities are likely to form strong bonds with others who also have these qualities and who are able to provide stability and security in their romantic relationships.

It is essential to keep in mind that no two people are identical, and it is equally essential to place a strong emphasis on cultivating relationships with those who appreciate and support you. When working to develop healthy and supportive connections, it might be beneficial to do so in an open and conversational manner and to collaborate with one another.


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Individuals who score high in both dominance and steadiness on the DISC assessment may experience obstacles in professional connections when they are faced with situations that challenge their values and beliefs.

Some potential obstacles that this personality type may experience in professional connections may include:

  • Lack of clear direction or structure: These individuals may struggle when they are faced with a lack of clear direction or structure, and may have a hard time adapting to new or unfamiliar situations.
  • Conflict with others: These individuals may experience obstacles when they are faced with conflict or disagreement with others, and may struggle with managing their emotions and finding a resolution.
  • Resistance to change: These individuals may experience obstacles when they are faced with change or uncertainty, and may struggle with adapting to new approaches or ideas.
  • Lack of support or resources: These individuals may experience obstacles when they are not provided with the support or resources they need to succeed, and may struggle with managing their workload and meeting deadlines.
  • Inefficient processes: These individuals may experience obstacles when they are faced with inefficient processes or systems, and may struggle with finding ways to streamline their work and increase productivity.
  • Lack of recognition or reward: These individuals may experience obstacles when they do not feel that their contributions are recognized or rewarded, and may struggle with motivation and engagement.
  • Inability to delegate: These individuals may experience obstacles when they are unable to delegate tasks or responsibilities, and may struggle with finding a healthy work-life balance.
  • Unclear expectations: These individuals may experience obstacles when they are not provided with clear expectations or guidelines, and may struggle with meeting the expectations of their employer or colleagues.

It is essential to keep in mind that each and every professional connection is one of a kind, and that it is critical to maintain an open line of communication in order to identify and overcome any challenges that may present themselves. It can be beneficial to identify and address any potential difficulties early on, and to work together to discover solutions to the problems that have been identified.


People who have a high score on the DISC evaluation for both dominance and steadiness may be driven at work if they are given clear goals and expectations, and if they have the impression that their contributions are recognized and respected. Other possible elements that could serve to motivate someone with this personality type at work could include the following:

• A feeling of purpose: These individuals might be motivated when they believe that the work that they do has a sense of purpose or meaning, and when they are able to make a good influence in their line of work.

• The opportunity for growth and development: These people might be motivated when they are given the chance for growth and development, when they are given the chance to learn new skills, and when they are given the chance to take on new tasks.

• Clearly defined goals and expectations: These people might be motivated if they were given clearly defined goals and expectations, and if they had a good understanding of what was expected of them.

• A sense of recognition and reward: These people might be driven when they get the sense that their contributions are being recognized and rewarded, as well as when they are given opportunities to go up in the organization.

• A supportive working environment: These individuals may experience an increase in their level of motivation when they are a part of a supportive working environment and when they are able to work with others who share similar beliefs and goals.

• A sense of accomplishment: These people may experience motivation when they are able to feel a sense of accomplishment and progress in their job, as well as when they are able to see the benefits of their efforts.

• Autonomy and independence: These folks may be motivated when they are given autonomy and independence in their work, as well as when they are able to make their own decisions and take the initiative in their work.

• The provision of opportunities for collaboration and teamwork: These folks may be motivated when they are given opportunities for collaboration and teamwork and when they are able to work with others to accomplish goals that are mutually agreed upon.

It is essential to keep in mind that no two people are exactly same and that the things that excite one person could not motivate another. Regularly evaluating your own motivation and figuring out what elements, if any, might be having an effect on it can be a useful practice.


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People who have a high score on the DISC evaluation for both dominance and steadiness may experience tiredness at work when they are confronted with excessive expectations or workloads, or when they are not given the support and resources they require to be successful.

The following are some more potential reasons that may lead to weariness for individuals with this personality type when they are at work:

• A lack of clear direction or structure: When confronted with a lack of clear direction or structure, these persons may experience tiredness and may have difficulty managing their workload and meeting deadlines. Additionally, they may struggle to meet their deadlines.

• Excessive expectations or workload: When confronted with excessive demands or workload, these persons may experience tiredness and may have difficulty striking a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives.

Expectations or goals that are not made clear: If these people are not given clear expectations or goals, they may become exhausted because they have a difficult time comprehending what is expected of them. This may cause them to experience weariness.

• Ineffective procedures or systems: People who are confronted with ineffective procedures or systems may feel exhausted, and they may have trouble figuring out how to increase their productivity and streamline their work. This may cause them to struggle with finding ways to increase their efficiency.

• A lack of help or resources: If these individuals are not given the support or resources they need to succeed, they may struggle to manage their workload and may have trouble meeting deadlines, which can cause them to get exhausted.

• Conflict with other people: When confronted with conflict or disagreement with other people, these persons may experience weariness, and they may have difficulty successfully managing their emotions and finding a solution to the problem.

• They do not feel that their contributions are recognized or rewarded: People who do not feel that their contributions are recognized or rewarded are more likely to experience weariness and have difficulty remaining motivated and engaged in their work.

• Unhealthy work environment: People who are subjected to an unhealthy work environment may find themselves overworked to the point of exhaustion, and they may have trouble identifying appropriate strategies to deal with stress and maintain their well-being.

In order to keep a healthy work-life balance, it is necessary to remember that it is acceptable to feel fatigued at times and that it is important to prioritize self-care and well-being. It is also important to remember that it is natural to feel exhausted at times.

Finding any variables that may be contributing to your weariness and working with your employer or colleagues to find ways to manage and minimize stress might be beneficial in reducing fatigue.


It is essential to keep in mind that the ideal employment role for any given person will be contingent on the individual’s specific set of abilities, interests, and objectives, and that a position that is a good fit for one person may not be the ideal position for another person.

Having said that, individuals who score high on the DISC evaluation in both the dominant and steady categories may be well-suited for employment jobs that require the following qualities:

• Leadership: These individuals may flourish in leadership roles, where they can use their commanding personalities to take charge and make decisions, and their steady personalities to be dependable and consistent. They can do this by combining their dominant personalities with their steady personalities.

• Organizational skills: These persons may be well-suited for job responsibilities that demand strong organizational skills, as they may be able to efficiently manage their workload and prioritize projects. In addition, they may be well-suited for employment roles that require strong organizational abilities.

• Paying close attention to the particulars: Because these people are likely to be detail-oriented and able to pay close attention to the particulars of their work, they are well-suited for employment tasks that need correctness and thoroughness.

• Strong communication skills: These individuals may have strong communication skills and be able to effectively convey ideas and information to others, making them well-suited for job roles that involve collaboration and teamwork because they are able to effectively convey ideas and information to others.

• Capability to solve difficulties:These people may have the ability to think critically and come up with answers to problems, which makes them well-suited for work tasks that include the ability to solve problems and make decisions.

• Adaptability: These persons may be flexible and able to handle change well, making them well-suited for work responsibilities that demand flexibility and the ability to adjust to new conditions. Additionally, they may be able to handle change effectively.

• Planning and strategy: These persons may have the ability to think ahead and plan for the future, which makes them well-suited for work tasks that entail formulating and implementing plans. Consequently, these folks are a good fit for jobs that need planning.

• Customer service: Because these people may have the ability to effectively communicate with and support consumers, they are a good fit for work jobs in customer service or sales.

When analyzing employment roles, it can be good to take into consideration your own abilities, interests, and ambitions. Additionally, it can be helpful to look for possibilities that correspond with your strengths and values.


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People who have high scores on the DISC evaluation for both dominance and steadiness are more likely to suffer stress in a wide variety of settings.

The following are examples of potential stressors that may have an effect on this personality type:

• Excessive demands or workload: When confronted with excessive demands or workload, these persons may experience stress and find it difficult to strike a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives.

A lack of clear direction or structure: When confronted with a lack of clear direction or organization, these persons may experience stress, and they may also have difficulty managing their workload and completing deadlines.

• Unclear expectations or goals: When these people are not supplied with clear expectations or goals, they may experience stress because they have a difficult time comprehending what is expected of them.

• Ineffective procedures or systems: When confronted with ineffective procedures or systems, these people may experience stress, and they may find it difficult to identify ways to streamline their job and boost their productivity.

• Conflict with other people: When these persons are confronted with a conflict or disagreement with other people, they may experience stress. Additionally, they may have difficulty controlling their emotions and locating a solution to the problem.

• A lack of assistance or resources: If these individuals are not given the support or resources they require to be successful, they may struggle to manage their workload and may miss deadlines, both of which can lead to stress.

• A lack of recognition or reward: These individuals may struggle with motivation and engagement, and they may experience stress if they do not feel that their contributions are recognized or rewarded. Additionally, they may not feel that they are receiving recognition for their contributions.

• Unhealthy work environment: When these individuals are a part of an unhealthy work environment, they may experience stress, and they may have difficulty finding ways to cope with stress and maintain their well-being.

It is essential to keep in mind that stress is a natural and inevitable component of life, and that in order to keep a healthy work-life balance, it is essential to discover healthy ways to handle and cope with the stress that one experiences. The following is a list of tactics that could be helpful for people with this personality type:

• Establishing crystal clear boundaries and limitations: In order to safeguard their time and energy, the individuals in question might gain something from establishing crystal clear boundaries and limits in both their personal and professional life.

• Seeking support and resources: When confronted with stress, these individuals may benefit from seeking support and resources, such as having a conversation with a dependable friend or family member, seeking the assistance of a trained professional, or discovering ways to relax and de-stress themselves.

• Placing an emphasis on self-care: These people may gain from placing an emphasis on self-care and discovering ways to take care of their bodily, emotional, and mental well-being, such as by engaging in physical activity, maintaining a good diet, and practicing various forms of relaxation.

• Finding ways to manage their time and workload in a more efficient manner: These persons might benefit from finding ways to manage their time and workload in a more efficient manner, such as by creating priorities, delegating chores, and finding ways to streamline their work.

• Being able to communicate successfully: In order to effectively handle disagreements and find solutions to problems in a way that is both healthy and productive, these people should benefit from developing ways to communicate well with other people.

• Keeping an eye out for opportunities for personal growth and professional advancement: In order to maintain their motivation and interest in their work, the aforementioned individuals could stand to profit by keeping an eye out for opportunities for personal growth and professional advancement.

Strive to achieve a good work-life balance: In order to avoid burnout and preserve their health, the persons described above could benefit from achieving a healthy work-life balance.


Dominance is driven by control and power, whereas steadiness is more strongly tied to the demand for certainty and the avoidance of change.

Control and power are the driving forces behind dominance. Insofar as these two factors are compatible with one another, they reflect a desire for a scenario in which the individual in question makes use of whatever authority they may have in order to keep things as they are and avoid making significant changes.

People who have a high score on the DISC assessment for both dominance and steadiness may be driven to succeed in both their professional and personal lives by a variety of different motivations. These factors may include both internal and external factors.

The following are some examples of places where persons who possess this personality type could find inspiration:as

Praise, promotions, and bonuses: These individuals may be motivated by praise, promotions, and bonuses, and they may thrive in environments where their contributions are recognized and valued. Recognition and reward: These individuals may be motivated by recognition and reward, such as through praise, promotions, and bonuses.

• Opportunities for personal growth and development: These individuals may be inspired to learn new skills and take on new challenges in order to enhance their jobs. They may also be motivated by the possibility that they will benefit from opportunities for personal growth and development.

• Impact and influence: These people may be motivated by the opportunity to have an impact and influence on other people. Additionally, they may flourish in circumstances where they can make a difference and contribute to the success of their team or company.

• Personal values and goals: These people may be inspired to pursue chances that are in accordance with their own personal vision and purpose, and they may be motivated by the fact that those opportunities are in alignment with their own personal values and goals.

• Individuals who are driven by the success of their team may thrive in circumstances in which they are able to work cooperatively and contribute to the overall success of the group. These individuals may be motivated by the success of their team.

• Support and resources: These people may be motivated by the availability of support and resources, and they may flourish in circumstances where they have access to the tools and resources, they need to be successful. Support and resources are available to these people.

• Clearly defined goals and expectations: These people may be driven by clearly defined goals and objectives, and they may flourish in settings in which they have a clear sense of what is expected of them and how to gauge their success.

• Flexibility and adaptability: These individuals may be motivated by the opportunity to be flexible and adaptable, and they may thrive in environments where they have the ability to be creative and take on new challenges. Additionally, these individuals may be motivated by the possibility that they will be able to be flexible and adaptable.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the things that motivate one person may not necessarily motivate another, and that in order to remain engaged and motivated in your work, it is important to identify and concentrate on the things that motivate you on an individual basis.


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